General Question

andrew's avatar

Anyone have a good acupuncture rec in San Francisco?

Asked by andrew (16553points) July 28th, 2010

Someone whom you trust. I’m not keen on acupuncturists who use the electrical hookups—I’d prefer something more traditional. Less ooey-gooey is better, but not required. If they do cranial-sacral work as well, that’d be totally ideal.

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4 Answers

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Jeruba's avatar

Can you please explain ooey-gooey? I’m considering acupuncture too, in the South Bay, and I don’t know what to watch out for.

andrew's avatar

Oh, you know, super concerned with aura or other new-agey things.

St.George's avatar

If you still want a recommendation, PM me and I’ll hook you up with a genius acupuncturist.

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