Social Question

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

What does it mean when you see something like a sparkle in a girls eyes when she looks at you?

Asked by Vincent_Lloyd (3007points) August 7th, 2010

okay just wondering since lately I’ve been thinking about something that I see when I look at Amber….Sometimes or most of the time when I look at her or she looks at me she gets this little sparkle…I don’t know if that’s a good thing though…But is it? I haven’t really noticed it in anyone else honestly just her.

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19 Answers

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

It could be the light reflecting off of her eye. Lol, or she could have a thing for you.

lillycoyote's avatar

If a girl’s eyes sparkle when she looks at you, yes, it is a very good thing. Sparkle is always good.

zophu's avatar

Maybe she’s allergic to your cologne and it makes her eyes water. You’re supposed to use conversation to confirm the meaning behind body signals. Not the internet.


It means that she is interested in you, but like most girls, cannot come out and tell you how she really feels. So the fire ends up getting stoked and more powerful, and finally lights up in one of the most sensuous parts of a girl——her eyes. Oooooooooo…....... (wink!)

Zaku's avatar

Are you seeing actual light, or are you getting the emotional impression of a sparkle based on her expression and your perception of it?

BoBo1946's avatar

@zophu LOLL…

My answer, who knows! Time will give you that answer @Vincent_Lloyd ! i wasn’t much help, was i…!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

somebody has a little crush ;)))

Cruiser's avatar

She could be really stoned…offer her a Twinkie and if she dives at it that means she really likes you!

Coloma's avatar

Well…process of elimination.

The very first thing to take into consideration is…she is ALIVE!

Dead eyes don’t sparkle. hahaha

wundayatta's avatar

Too much glitter in her eye shadow, I think.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@wundayatta :she doesn’t wear glitter or make up honestly.

Coloma's avatar

A really good sign ( for both men & women ) is when you catch the other person looking at you on the sly. lol

Sideways glances are a big sign of attraction.

Austinlad's avatar

It’s either love or a glass eye. I hope the former.

john65pennington's avatar

Thats Cupid sending you a message. he is shining his bow and arrow and about to aim it at your heart. love those Amber eyes.

filmfann's avatar

It’s probably just gas.

sml's avatar

Either any weird thing. Or shes hoping you come and talk to her

BarnacleBill's avatar

I would say the sparkle means that she’s really happy to see you.

wundayatta's avatar

No glitter? Damn! I was positive that was it.

[rolls eyes]

ucme's avatar

Hmmm, Amber’s giving you the green light. Traffic light jokes, gotta love em!!

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