General Question

simone54's avatar

What NFL team do people from Staten Island generally root for?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) August 16th, 2010

It seems each part of NY roots for different sports teams. Who does the people of Staten Island like, Jets or Giants?

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7 Answers

Zag_grad2010's avatar

Well the general rule of the thumb that my dad told me (he lived in NYC for most of his life) is that Yankee fans root for the Giants, and that Met fans root for the Jets. The Giants are vastly more popular by fans and the media. In terms of that particular borough, I’m not sure. I hope that helps.

christos99's avatar

buuuuuullllshiiiiitttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! Retards, and Crazies like the Jets, followers (and old timers) like the Yankees, and REAL SPORTS FANS BELIEVE IN THE GIANTS AND METS…. lol

born and raised in NYC

simone54's avatar

They all suck anyway. I was just wondering…

christos99's avatar

if it aint ny it aint real :)

Brian1946's avatar

Fuckin’ A, Joisey rules all you fools!

Afos22's avatar

The Giants and the Jets are both from NJ. And they should get out. Especially the giants. I hate the giants. But I say, it wouldn’t matter what team those from Staten Island root for, they are rooting for an inferior football team. haa

CMaz's avatar

“Retards, and Crazies”

I’m one of those! Go JETS Go YANKEES!

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