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rebbel's avatar

What newly purchased item have you destroyed within the first hour/day that you used it?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) August 17th, 2010

Just came up in the chatroom, this question.
Whenever i buy something new, say, a pair of jeans, i manage to fall from my bicycle for the first time in years and torn my trousers kaput.
I found out that i am not the only one in the world to whom these things happen.
Have you the same luck, with brand new stuff?
If yes, care to share?

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31 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yes. I was cutting the tag off of a new item, $8.00 panties if you must know, and I cut into the cloth. I totally could kick myself.

Austinlad's avatar

I love putting on and wearing a brand new shirt—you know that feeling, before it’s gone to the cleaner or through the washing machine—and I never fail to spill something on it before the day goes by, no matter how careful I am. For me, spilling something on a new shirt is like getting the first scratch on a new car. Ugh!

Austinlad's avatar

The other thing that makes me crazy is dropping a teasured electronic device the first time. Last year I dropped a brand new, uncased iPhone on the concrete floor of my garage… which is is I always use a case now.

rebbel's avatar

I am sorry for your panties, @chyna and your shirt and iPhone, @Austinlad, but it really comforts me that i am not the only unlucky person around :-)

partyparty's avatar

I bought a really lovely flower vase, and in my excitement getting the bubble wrap off, I dropped the vase and it shattered into a thousand pieces :(

ucme's avatar

Nah, can’t say that’s ever happened….....oh there was that one time I bought the wife some edible undies. Those baby’s were toast that very same evening. Yummy yummy!!!

rebbel's avatar

That is the definition of a lucky guy.
That’s a waste.
I hope it wasn’t one from the Ming Dynasty..

partyparty's avatar

@rebbel If only I had the cash LOLL :-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ripped a pair of designer jeans the day I bought them by inadvertently yanking the bag against a sharp point sticking out from a seat on the bus that I didn’t see. :(

There went $120.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

* An expensive blouse that was ruined while attempting to iron it before I ever had the chance to wear it. Note to self: read the care instructions first.
* An unopened bottle of Sambuca I dropped in the garage before getting it into the house. The place reeked of black licorice even after cleaning it up.

rebbel's avatar

It’s yummy he, (black) Sambuca?!
I am one of the few in my company who likes the stuff.
Pity it broke.

rebbel's avatar

What, you wanted to cut the seal off of it with some scissors?

MeinTeil's avatar

Catastrophic failure during normal use.

free_fallin's avatar

Phones. I’m always dropping my phone.

rebbel's avatar

It only counts if you just bought the phone :-)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Last year I bent the tempered steel shaft of my new lawn mower by hitting a railroad tie hidden by the tall grass. Irreparable.

I am much better removing labels from panties, however.

rebbel's avatar

I am pretty good at removing panties too, by the way.
Ah, the labels.

MeinTeil's avatar

Yay pervs!

Brenna_o's avatar

Not always bad luck… But once i got a cpat from wal mart and it ripped and hour later when i zipped it up!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I put my new (cheap) sunglasses on top of my head when I went to use a porta-potty at a festival. I bent over a bit and they plopped right into the disgusting blue ooze. Gone!

chyna's avatar

@worriedguy Wins. Best disgusting story.

rebbel's avatar

I expected a disgusting brown ooze.
Disgusting nonetheless.

filmfann's avatar

(obviously this happened years ago)
I bought a brand new WalkMan (think IPod), put it on my belt, climbed down a ladder into a manhole, and it caught on the manhole lip, detached, fell 20 feet, and landed right in the water sump. I got to use it maybe 15 seconds.

rebbel's avatar

You are one, if you allow me, funny Walkman (think IPod) yet clumsy Jelly.
Your two legs in one trouser leg and a police officer story comes to mind too.

filmfann's avatar

@rebbel All the grace of Godzilla.

vagg's avatar

once bought a new pair of grey trousers , i ruined it by accidentally spilling chlorine on it.
I was so angry and i cryed!
After that i decided to dye it black with textile paint.
Then i wanted to iron it, and when i did, i burned it.
I only wore it once.

rebbel's avatar

Now that is a double unlucky story.
It is kind of ringing a bell to me though :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

I had a bottle of Crown Royal fall through the bag when I was unloading the car at home. I took the broken bag and broken bottle back to the store and they gave me a new bottle.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@rebbel Of course, the blue was accentuated with all the brown, beige, and yellow colors of fall but proper decorum dictated I should ignore the details.

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