General Question

andrew's avatar

Are there any really good classical podcasts?

Asked by andrew (16553points) March 24th, 2008

I like to listen to classical music while I work (mozart, rachmaninoff, debussy, chopin, prokofiev). I had a Mozart podcast that was pretty good, but it’s all the same recordings over and over. Double-extra bonus points if they ever play any Van Cliburn. Any suggestions?

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5 Answers

Besafe's avatar

I have found a limited number of classical related podcasts on iTunes U. You could try searching the Itunes U for Van Cliburn etc.

paulc's avatar

CBC Radio 2 is excellent for classical for most of the day and has some very interesting stuff on in the evenings as well. The real downside is that its streaming audio, not a podcast, and it uses windows media player. If you can bring yourself to install that then its worth checking out – all the programs on it are great. They play a lot of Shostakovitch it seems.

scamp's avatar

I probably didn’t find what you had in mind, but I want to thank you for bringing this up becasue I am really enjoying the playlist on my second link!

rss's avatar

I like the podcast from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum which is mainly chamber music. It’s reliable for good pieces by well-known composers – unfortunately, it’s only updated every two weeks.

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