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susanc's avatar

What upholstered furniture can withstand guaranteed cat pee?

Asked by susanc (16144points) August 30th, 2010

If it were me, I’d dump the cats. But my dear friend’s couch is lunched, she needs a new one, and the cats stay. What do you think? Naugahyde?

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15 Answers

Ltryptophan's avatar

Vinyl leather maybe.

YARNLADY's avatar

Any type of fake leather would do, Naugahyde being one. There is also the possibility of using some sort of vinyl backed flannel, like bed protectors. I have read claims that Scotch Guard fabric protector on micro fiber works, but I haven’t seen proof.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m going to have to suggest some sort of plastic covering for the furniture… I know that real leather (and I suspect even faux leather) will absorb the odors.

lilikoi's avatar

I would definitely get a dark colored material. But, I use this and it really removes the smell and the stain if you get to it immediately. It is worth a try.

Also, cats peeing all over the place may be a sign of a health problem like kidney disorder or something. So it might be worth considering a vet visit also.

Or, if that’s not it, maybe a cat expert could help solve the problem. Maybe it could be a ‘marking territory’ thing.

Ideally, the cats would learn to stop peeing everywhere so you wouldn’t have to narrow your furniture choices.

Vinyl or any synthetic non absorptive material would make cleaning easier, but the pee might then run off the furniture on to the floor or get into crevices that are hard to reach.

Scotch Guard and similar might help but if the liquid pools, I would think it would start to soak in if left long enough.

tinyfaery's avatar

Fake leather, which I have, (Well, actually it’s about 10% leather and other stuff) and if you can get to the pee real quick it will not stain or smell. But, if the pee sits for a bit the couch will smell and sometimes become discolored. And @lilikoi makes good points.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Fake leather with microfiber covers. Micofiber is pretty cool for beading up liquid and washes really well. I agree with those who say most fake leathers breathe or absorb at some point. Cat pee is a horrible smell to try and get out. My little dog is a bad pee pee boy and we used couch covers when he was a strictly indoor pet, saved my sanity.

Akua's avatar

Anything covered in plastic.

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JessicaisinLove's avatar

There is a vinyl used most commonly in Hospitals. Not sure about Cat pee but it
withstands human urine quite nicely.
Check with an Upholsterer. I’ve been out of the fabric loop for a while. There may be
something even better now.

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YARNLADY's avatar

With vinyl and Naughyde if you use wax regularly and wipe up any spills immediately, it should be ok.

jazmina88's avatar

plastic covered…...

JessicaisinLove's avatar

@YARNLADY OOOOOOOOOOOo that is an excellent idea.

YARNLADY's avatar

@talljasperman hahahaha, good one

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