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iamthemob's avatar

What's your best one-line movie review?

Asked by iamthemob (17216points) September 12th, 2010

SPOILER ALERTS! Ruin the movie – it’s fun sometimes. But if you don’t think that’s fun, you probably shouldn’t read further…

My friend and I found one that we think is fantastic – “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” – a strange, child-like man searches for his bicycle.


And after watching “The Godfather, Part III” I had this to say: “Well, at least they shot Sofia Coppola in the end.”

Has anyone encountered far-too-precious one-line movie reviews or summaries? I kind of love them…

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6 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I enjoy the Four-Word Film Review site: FWFR.

filmfann's avatar

I love Dorothy Parker.
Her review of the movie “I am a Camera”

“No Lika”

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

ZZZ—my review of The DaVinci Code

Austinlad's avatar

My fave is still Mort Sahl’s four word-review of BEN HUR: “Loved him, hated Hur.”
One of the best of film critics was the late Pauline Kael, who was famous for both her praise and her bite.

Austinlad's avatar

Of DANCING WITH WOLVES Pauline Kael wrote; “Kevin Costner has feathers in his hair and feathers in his head. The Indians should have called him ‘Plays with Camera.’ ”

iamthemob's avatar


I wish I could drink like Dorothy Parker,
But I can take one or two at the most.
Three and I’m under the table –
Four and I’m under her ghost.

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