Meta Question

iamthemob's avatar

Did I flag someone right out of fluther?

Asked by iamthemob (17216points) September 12th, 2010

I posted a question that got some extremely offensive answers from what appeared to be a new fluther community member. After the first post, I responded on the thread that the answer was pretty off-topic (and arguably offensive, but I wanted to keep that to myself in order for the person to respond). The next post was even “worse” and was edited twice in order to include more outlandish examples (read: more offensive ones). I decided to flag both, and started writing a message to the individual stating why I was flagging them and suggested a new thread if the member thought it was something worth talking about.

I hit send, and the member had disappeared.

Was that me? If so, I’m interested what the standards are for a mod to determine that a member has crossed the line…and has this happened to anyone else?

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10 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

No, your flagging didn’t directly ban a member, and it never will. It will always be a choice made by the gods Mods. But your flags do alert us to the problem.
Blatant racism and blatant spamming are one-way tickets to banville. Other offenses require some warning PMs, and require other mods’ approval.

iamthemob's avatar

@Sarcasm yeah, these were pretty effin’ racist – I was just hoping there was a point to it besides that – some people…

jerv's avatar

@iamthemob Effin’? It’s okay to say “fucking” here :D

If it were that easy then I probably would’ve been bounced out of here a few times by now for pissing at least one person off. Fortunately, it takes more than some random user having a hissy-fit to eject somebody.

augustlan's avatar

What @Sarcasm said. Flagging never results in anything automatic happening. Every flag is seen and reviewed by a friendly human mod. :)

CMaz's avatar

“Every flag is seen and reviewed by a friendly human mod. :)”

Humanoid Mod, from planet Mod. They are grown special just for that purpose.

wundayatta's avatar

@ChazMaz What? In vats?

Just kidding, mods. I just couldn’t resist ;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@wundayatta : In pods. Mod Pods. ;-)

Kayak8's avatar

@JilltheTooth Here’s a nod to your mod pod!

chyna's avatar

The mods with the bods.

iamthemob's avatar

God, mods? ;-)

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