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wundayatta's avatar

Have you fixed a computer merely by standing next to it?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) September 13th, 2010

How do you account for this?

The more creative an answer I get, the more respect you get from me.

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27 Answers

Ben_Dover's avatar

Mind over matter!

TheMadShatter's avatar

There is nothing a swift bang with a closed fist doesn’t fix these days.

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, and anything else that is a few feet from me. I am… Super Fix-it Man!!! Dun-da-da-duuunnn!!!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

All the time. Someone will ask me to fix their computer, and as soon as I wander over it starts working again, without me touching a thing! I can’t account for it, except to say the probability of fixing a simple problem increases with time, so as I move close the probability the problem will go away increases.

dc10's avatar

errrm…no..but!?!...the exact oppossite…I blew it up! lmao

Frenchfry's avatar

It was my magnetic energy that did the trick.

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CMaz's avatar

It happens to me all the time. Usually after I run my tongue across the screen.

Cruiser's avatar

Not quite…I whisper sweet nothings into the web cam as I hurl it out the upstairs office window.

Trillian's avatar

No, but there was a copier at work that I used to threaten, and sometimes dirty talk would work as well.

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erichw1504's avatar

@Trillian “PC Load Letter, what the fuck does that mean?!”

Cruiser's avatar

@dc10 But it is so satisfying to do it! And I recently found out notebooks with the “blue screens of death” do fly farther!

dc10's avatar

lol well im sure it is if you can just afford to up and buy a new one like!

nebule's avatar

No but I do have an usual affect on electrical things…it started with my TV’s frequently turn on randomly and now my lights are doing the same and my computer wakes it’s up every now and then too… I am beginning to seriously contemplate the possibility that someone is trying to communicate with me….

dc10's avatar

you and me both lynne i actually know a lot more freaky shit than that man, would make your hairi stand right up im telling you… do you mind if i add you though?

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m just naturally telekinetic when it comes to bonding with and repairing complex mechanical systems that I know nothing about. It’s a gift.

dc10's avatar

well I think we all have gifts and things that just cannot be explained there neccessarily. The thing is people want a explantion for everything and the trouble is some thing just have nor hold no explantion they just are and thats it

nebule's avatar

@dc10 what man? and of course I don’t mind you adding me

Pandora's avatar

You accidently stood on the extension cord and pulled it at an angle for it to work right. In which case you may need a new extension. :D

Jeruba's avatar

Standing next to, no. But by laying on of hands—glory be, yes, amen!

dc10's avatar

lol well i could understand that if it just stopped working for a logical explanation , however it blowing the hell up with no weapnoary anywhere near me i find a tad weird dont you!?

Arp's avatar

My parent’s usually seem to think I can do this, since now that I know I am a “tech kid”, they ask me for help with anything with electricity :P

jerv's avatar

Occasionally. The most notable time was when I set a two-pound rubber mallet on the desk beside the computer and rebooted it. I didn’t have to say a word or do anything special; the implication of impending violence was enough to repair the machine.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@jerv I once accidentally let the metal tip of a USB cable touch my computer’s exposed motherboard, and it immediately hibernated. I’d love to know what made that happen.

yankeetooter's avatar

I’ve fixed our school’s copier/printer by standing next to it…

Sometimes it keeps jamming for everyone else. I’ll come up, unjam it (as they’ve already done countless times), and stand there and make it print/copy by sheer force of will…

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