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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

(NSFW) Question about rape/pedophilia?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) September 22nd, 2010

When I read about Earl Bradley, they mentioned how he molested a 3 month old. How do you rape a 3 month old? Are their vaginas’ even big enough for that to be possible – and then have it not be obvious to the parents?

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19 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

It would be instantly obvious, there would be blood, and quite possibly death.

I have never heard of this guy before, but he should be dragged outside and have his head smashed in with a brick asap.

Plucky's avatar

The person doesn’t have to use a penis for rape. They can use a finger or any other object that will fit inside the vagina.
Good question though ..alot of people don’t understand fully what “rape” is.

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JLeslie's avatar

I once saw a report of a doctor in an African country where there is a tremendous amount of rape and violence, he repairs damage done by these horrific rapes. Some young children are basically split open internally by what is done to them, many die,

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@PluckyDog I know they can be raped with something other than a penis. It just made me wonder.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@JLeslie That’s what I thought would happen. I was just so confused since no one noticed.

DominicX's avatar

That whole story is just weird to me; I really don’t see how he could get away with it for so long. When I was that young, my parents always came into the exam room with me (they went in with me all the way up until I was 11 and started to feel embarrassment because of it). I don’t see how parents could let their 2-year-olds go in alone like that…

MissAnthrope's avatar

You would be surprised what can happen even if there is a parent in the room. One of my exes was abused by her pediatrician for years with her mom in the room. I had a hard time wrapping my head around how it could happen, but he got away with inappropriate touching and her mom was completely oblivious to the creepy, predatory vibe. My ex and I looked into the pediatrician and we found that he had been disciplined before and made to take a couple of courses, Ethics and something else. I would bet money that she wasn’t the only kid he touched and I’m surprised he got away with it for so long.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@MissAnthrope Exactly what did he put where?

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Cupcake's avatar

I heard of a case in the Emergency Department where I work where a ~3 month old infant was sodomized by the mom’s boyfriend. There was trauma and bleeding from the rectum.

JLeslie's avatar

Here is an article about some of the rapes in Africa if you are interested.

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