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troubleinharlem's avatar

(NSFW) What is the interest in anal sex?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) October 6th, 2010

Is it that big of a taboo? Why would anyone want to do it? I feel like it would 1) hurt immensely, 2) would be gross, and 3) why would anyone want to stick something up there anyway?

I’m not understanding why anyone would like it…

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36 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

If you feel any of the above, then you don’t have to have it. I enjoy it because it feels good and guys enjoy it because it gives them a different sensation…of tightness, if you will, and because the idea of having anal sex is ‘naughty’ to some and is therefore arousing.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir : Well, I haven’t had any sort of sex, so I wouldn’t know the difference anyway! xD But I guess I understand why its naughty.

ucme's avatar

It’s not for some but I have a feeling you may get to the bottom of it here :¬)

MissAnthrope's avatar

I think the answer to this question can be boiled down to one sentence:

A lot of people find it intensely pleasureable.

iamthemob's avatar

I would add only to @MissAnthrope‘s comment that those who do know how to clean themselves up right in general. :-)

troubleinharlem's avatar

@ucme: Oh gosh, I see what you did there.

MissAnthrope's avatar

P.S. It shouldn’t hurt if it’s done right.

ragingloli's avatar

Because it feels great. Especially if you happen to be in possession of a prostate to stimulate.
Also, it only hurts if you J-J-J-J-JAM IT INT!

iamthemob's avatar

Folks, let’s be honest – if it’s the first couple times you’re doing it, there’s really no way to do it right – it’s going to hurt. but that passes quickly…

MissAnthrope's avatar

@iamthemob – Again, not if you’re doing it right…

wundayatta's avatar

There could be many reasons for the interest. Maybe people think it’s different or new. Maybe it gives them a power trip or feels like domination. Maybe it’s just plain fun. Maybe it’s forbidden. Who knows? There will be as many reasons as there are people who do it or people who want to do it but don’t, for whatever reason.

Blackberry's avatar

It does feel good and it is naughty….but after reading about some of the gross things you can get, I haven’t been the biggest fan, but that’s what condoms are for.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Blackberry: Is it true that if you do it too much that your intestines will fall out?
don’t ask where I heard that…

alovehangoverr's avatar

I get the interest.. but.. it holds no interest for me.

Sorry, but even watching porn with anal in it is a turn off for me.

I read the comments saying “it shouldn’t hurt if you’re doing it right,”—but really? REALLY? Isn’t there prep that needs to go into that to decrease the amount of potential pain? I just honestly find it extremely hard to believe that first time out (hell, maybe even more than the first time out) is going to be rainbows & sunshine feelings hah.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir : Heh, you nipped that in the bud real fast!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@alovehangoverr Actually, the first time I had anal sex (when I was 17), the sex before that was so incredible and I was so high off endorphins, that it didn’t hurt at all. Subsequent times, when I feel it hurts more than necessary, we don’t do it. Simple as that. Besides, if you haven’t done it, how do you know how your body will respond?

troubleinharlem's avatar

Gosh, I’m almost 19 and I haven’t even had normal sex!

alovehangoverr's avatar

I have done it haha. Which is why I can state fully that it’s not something I’m interested in. And yes, it was more that once.. so it’s not like I gave it one shot & was like “no thanks”—I’ve just never been comfortable with it, so ultimately trying it wasn’t comfortable for me.

But again, I just find it hard to believe that even if you were into it so intensely that there honestly wouldn’t be some pain the first time regardless.

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downtide's avatar

People who are fortunate enough to have a prostate would get an extra-special pleasure from it.

CMaz's avatar

I like it because it puts my bitches in their place.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Like others say, if you’ve got a prostate then it feels great. As a female not yet in the know of the divine naughty pleasure of it all, I can say trying hurts like fark no matter what/how and some orifices mustn’t be made the same as others. Thank goodness the ole cooter was built for fun.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@alovehangoverr – You have to be relaxed, turned on, and take it really slowly. Simone and I know what we are talking about and I’m betting both of us have plenty of experience in this regard. If you’re nervous, or you rush it, or you have a partner who really has no idea about the anatomy going on there, yes, it will probably hurt.

I really like anal play in general, doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘anal sex’. Because I like it, I’ve introduced some women to it in the past. One girl in particular had had very limited sexual experience (she was a virgin until age 26) and during a hot session of making out and exploring each other, it fit the mood, so I went there. Usually, I will ask permission if it’s a new partner and I’m not sure if they’re into it, but this time, I never had to ask. I did it right, and it was obvious she was really enjoying it, so I simply proceeded. I did not hurt her and in fact, she ended up reeeeally enjoying it and becoming a total convert.. we dated for over 2 years and this became a regular feature in our sex life.

It’s not for everyone, but I swear to god, it shouldn’t hurt if you’re doing it right.

flutherother's avatar

Why? when the alternative is so much sexier.

DominicX's avatar

Well, if you’re a gay male, you have limited options…

Disc2021's avatar

Is it that big of a taboo? As big of one as interracial relationships or body modifications. Back in the day, yes. Nowadays (depending on where you live), who the hell cares?

Why would anyone want to do it? Why else would anyone want to do anything they find to be pleasurable? Because those who do it find it pleasurable…

It would…
1) Hurt immensely. To some, yes, indeed, there is some amount of pain involved. Some try it and don’t like the pain associated with it. Therefore, they never try it again. Others work past it and find the light at the end of the long, dark tunnel…

2) Would be gross. Subjectively speaking, what else is and is not gross? I think eating seafood/shellfish is gross. Others dont. Therefore, I dont have to eat their seafood – more seafood for them, then. Same rule applies.

3) Why would anyone want to stick something up there anyway? Why would anyone want to go bungee jumping, scuba diving, sky diving, circuit racing, hang-gliding, motorcycling or do anything else that most people would agree you have to take a serious risk with your life to attempt? Maybe I’m comparing apples to oranges here, but the point is that people have their preferences as far as thrills, hobbies and leisure activities go. For some, it’s bungee jumping. For others, it’s anal sex. Not everyone is going to agree that the same activity is fun for everyone, across the board. For instance, riding a roller coaster probably isn’t going to be a fun activity for my 80-something year old grandfather, but a more than exhilarating time for my 15 year old cousin.

You run the obvious risks (as you do with performing any kind of sexual acts with anyone) and as long as the people participating are pretty hygienic about it, you wont end up with any “gross” stories to tell.

I’m not understanding why anyone would like it… Probably because you’re under the impression that if you dont enjoy something, other people should or would not. I beg to differ, it’s actually quite the contrary.

Jude's avatar

Don’t knock it until you try it. It’s very intimate (which is why I like it).

Personally, I like giving (strap-on/fingers. Being dominate and the thrusting can bring you to orgasm). For the partner on the receiving end, it’s wonderful.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

I haven’t had sex in the slightest way. Maybe mutual masturbation when I was younger but that’s not close to anal sex. But yes I can agree it would look like it would hurt. But I’m positive it passes quickly since the pain sinks in and it becomes this burst of ecstasy you know…if you do it right. (remember this is only in what I think so all in my own opinion) plus it’s different from vaginal sex, tighter like everyone else is saying. It may seem gross to some but to others it’s freaking sexy. I know a girl that always does anal and prefers that over vaginal (doesn’t really like oral) and just like what @Disc2021. I agree with him on his answer. But after all it seems/sounds like an amazing sex round for people out there.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Simple: There are pleasure-inducing nerves up there. For some people, putting something in there stimulates that pleasure. In fact, both men and women have nerve clusters that connect genitals to their anus.

CMaz's avatar

Is it that big of a taboo?
Why would anyone want to do it?
It would…
1) Hurt immensely.
2) Would be gross.
3) Why would anyone want to stick something up there anyway?

I’m not understanding why anyone would like it…

Those questions being legitimate, honest and true.
If that is how someone feels, having good logic behind it, don’t need to fix what is not broken.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Sweet holy moly for the guy or maybe just me it comes down to trust the girl has to REALLY trust a guy before she allows him up the poopchute. Because if you don’t use a lot of lube (gradually larger toys to slowly stretch it in steps) lots of playing, and lots of patience it could hurt a lot, then you will never get there again for a long, long, long time if ever.

CMaz's avatar

lol, he said poopchute

Crashsequence2012's avatar

Nerve endings.


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