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wundayatta's avatar

Why do so many people feel such pride when their sports team wins?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) October 10th, 2010
19 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

They don’t play the game. They just happen to live in the town where the team plays. Maybe they attend a game and cheer. Maybe they have season tickets or watch religiously, but still, it’s nothing they did. Sitting on a couch.

What’s going on?

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Seek's avatar

It’s fun and entertaining. Party pooper.

tedibear's avatar

I’ve been proud of a team for doing well, but have never felt that pride for myself because they did well. I don’t feel like I had anything to do with their win, however.

ucme's avatar

Well I can only speak for myself, so I will. Passion, passion for a life long interest. I’ve celebrated the highs & suffered the lows so many times that I’ve forgotten most of them. I mean, I’m well aware it’s just a sport, in my case primarily football. Of course, when the match is over I switch off football fan mode & re-enter normal life mode. Having said all that however, I have had moments when my team is successful when I’ve thought, what the hell am I happy for. I personally haven’t achieved anything nor really gained in any real way. I guess once bitten by the bug, there’s no getting away from it. Come hell or high water. Marching on Together! <<<< My team’s song.

HungryGuy's avatar

I haven’t a clue what that dynamic is all about. I’m not a sports nut at all.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

They picked a winner before it was a winner.

Did the Phillies win today?

Fred931's avatar

I think a percentage of it might be the fantasy-leaguer’s who pay untold quantities of money for… I don’t know what. Gambling, you could say, in a sense, for prizes. And a leaderboard rank. They chose a winning team and get a payout or something in return, so those who participate actually can be proud of something.

Seek's avatar

I’d just like to take this moment to say:

“Suck it, Texas! See you on Tuesday!”

bob_'s avatar

Sense of belonging.

Austinlad's avatar

Probably for the same reason anyone who belongs to any kind of group (political, academic, etc.) feels proud when the group wins: he/she derives individual member victory out of group victory.

Personally, I think this is often misguided pride.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I don’t feel pride when my teams win, just happiness because they won. I have liked the same football and baseball team for about 18 years now. I’ve cheered for them during some pretty bad seasons, so when they are having a good season, I’m happy they are pulling it together.

Ivan's avatar

We needn’t go any further than @Seek_Kolinahr‘s answer. It’s fun.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s all in the entertainment value. You could just as well choose a contestant on a TB competition/game show, and cheer for them, then feel pride when they win. Probably a better choice of words would be delight , satisfaction or joy at having played or backed a winner.

john65pennington's avatar

Everyone must have a hero. someone or something to look up to and forward to in life. some people play the sports and that is self-explanatory. other people, for whatever reason, are only capable of being a sports fan. it gives them something to do in life, other than work or watch television.

I am not a big sports enthusiast, but i do support Vanderbilt, University of Tennessee and The Tennessee Titans. why? i live here and they are my home teams. they represent my state and where i live. one day, you will understand this.

YellowsubmarineOnfluther's avatar

When a fan gives up money for the team, like buying tickets or ordering a game, that fan is given a right to that feeling of ownership. Someone putting time and energy into the outcome. Who wouldn’t be happy if “their” team won. it’s a sense of pride.

Trillian's avatar

I love my Steelers but when they win, that’s how I say it, I never say “we”. Apparently, the merchandising companies know that I am in the minority and are not counting on my dollars to stay afloat.

YellowsubmarineOnfluther's avatar

I ment you not as a singular or the minority but “you” as the consumer, that involves everyone that spends money on team nick nac’s, tickets, tv and beer. Those NFL comercials are on for a reason. And just to drop some philosophy on ya, minority is a state of mind. We, and I mean human beings, are all minority’s to someone else. Go Dolphins, even when they lose on the reg.

wundayatta's avatar

Wow! I guess Philadelphia really is different!

iLove's avatar

As a huge fan of the NFL, I must say that it gives me a chance to escape from my own reality and depend on a TEAM of people to do the winning. :)

And besides that, my father was a die-hard fan of the opposite team I root for so it made it so much more fun growing up to have a rivalry going on in the house.

Honestly, when I am having a bad week at work (a lot lately), I look forward to Sundays and Mondays so much because I can step out of my world for a little while and get caught up in the moment of the intensity of the game.

However, my team is losing this year so it’s been a bit frustrating but I feel I can relieve some personal stress by yelling at my team.

this is quite funny to me, I am sure other fans will get it also

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