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troubleinharlem's avatar

(nsfw) Can women actually rape men?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) October 18th, 2010
51 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

How would this be possible? I was reading in a serial killers / weird crimes book that I own (don’t ask, its a weird fascination) and I noticed that there were not many female rapists… but can women really rape men?

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Drewseph's avatar

Yes, but most men are either strong enough to fight off the female rapists, or too embarassed to report it. And if they do, the media usually doesn’t talk about it because they are sexist/biased.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Drewseph : Yes, but how?

roundsquare's avatar

It depends what you mean….

In most (maybe all) parts of the US, rape is (legally) defined in such a way that a woman cannot rape a man.

Drewseph's avatar

@troubleinharlem How what?

EDIT: Oh, I get what you mean… Well, they could use a dildo, LOL… Or they could just force them to let them give them a handjob… You’re right, it is hard… ;D

roundsquare's avatar

@Drewseph I think “how” means “physically, how would a woman rape a man?”

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Drewseph : How is it possible?

troubleinharlem's avatar

@roundsquare : Well, why haven’t people made it into a law so that its both genders, or even transgendered people?

Drewseph's avatar

Look at my edit in my previous post…

roundsquare's avatar

@troubleinharlem History. Rape law is an evolving thing, but for now it hasn’t gotten that far. Its different with statutory rape though. I think about half the states punish the older person no matter which gender.

Example of evolution: it used to be that a woman would have to forcibly resists. Now, in many states, as long as she indicates a lack of consent it is considered rape (though proving it might be tough).

FutureMemory's avatar

I’m a big dude (6’4”), but an old girlfriend of mine had the brute strength to pin me during playful wrestling matches. There are plenty of strong women out there. Not all men are powerful, and not all women are weak.

That being said, I think it happens very infrequently, but it does happen.

josie's avatar

If you mean can a woman force a man to have penetrating sexual intercourse against his will, I doubt it. But, If you are willing to spend a lot of effort equivocating on the word rape, I am sure you will find someone to say yes.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@josie : Yikes, I haven’t even had sex yet, I don’t want to rape anybody. xD

roundsquare's avatar

Actually, thinking about it, there is one form of rape where it makes a lot of sense. If you fool someone into thinking you are married to them and have sex with them on that pretense, its considered rape. (How do you fool someone? You go through a wedding after you get married to someone else). Edit: But not sure if his applies to a woman fooling a man. Edit[2]: Just checked. It looks like no matter what, only a woman can raped as defined by law.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@roundsquare : Well… the only fictional illustration of the whole faking a marriage that I’ve seen was on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, where he pretended to marry some girl in order to sleep with her. don’t worry, he felt guilty and decided not to in the end, though.

Is that really rape? She’s sort of consenting..

roundsquare's avatar

Well, rape is a state law… but there is something called the “model penal code” which a lot of states have accepted. In that (which I have in front of me now) it is rape.

But what counts as rape has been redefined a lot. In one state (can’t remember which) any sort of mental or psychological force leading to sex is rape.

faye's avatar

Men can get an erection from touching their genitals even if they’re under anesthetic! So if you tied them up, you could certainly rape them, though I am unsure why women would go to that much (usually) needless effort.

Berserker's avatar

Physically I believe it’s possible, although as said above, men are generally physically stronger than woman, and may be able to defend themselves.
I mean, she could restrain him and mount him I guess. Restrain his arms and start bouncing around, and hope he doesn’t knee you in the back or something. Even if a man is unwilling for the act, I believe that the penis will still erect if you do the right thing to it, unless they are completely freaked out or dead scared. Mus be hard to do, but possible I guess.
That said, such a form of rape is probably very rare, but that doesn’t mean women can’t be as nasty as men in that area, using mind games, social expectations, psychological and emotional fuckery to get a victim to yield.
Unfortunately, this is not seen as a crime in most cases unless a lawyer gets smart about a divorce case.
A woman will however, get charged and arrested for sexual abuse or harassment on a minor, whatever form that takes. At least there’s that.

Pandora's avatar

The same way a man can rape another man or another thing is that fear can act as excitement and a man may still have an erection.
I think in many cases with men I think they call it sexual assualt because it can be broader.
Rape usually indicates penetration.
Unless a weapon is involved most men won’t report it because people expect that a man can defend himself from a female and so there may have been some consent.
Especially if a lot of alchol is involved the victim is often thought to be consenting. That is the same thought with a female that is too drunk to say know. Especially if there was a prior history of a relationship.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Pandora, @Symbeline, @faye, @roundsquare, @FutureMemory, @Drewseph, etc. : So… if she used a strap-on and his, ah, anal cavity, then that would be penetration, and thus, rape, right?

Drewseph's avatar

Yep… ;D

Berserker's avatar

Yes indeed.

faye's avatar

That would be an angry woman! Again she’d have to tie him up.

DominicX's avatar

Yes, it is possible. It might be rarer and it might be difficult to do, but it can happen. A man can have an erection unwillingly and a woman can force herself on him. Not all men are stronger than women; that’s definitely a generalization. And if the woman has a weapon, it would make it easier.

troubleinharlem's avatar

Gross. I don’t even get the whole anal thing, but I guess then that the strap on is the exception.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. In NY State if the male is under 17 and the female is 21 or over, it is Rape 3rd. It does not matter if the male was smiling or not. Class E Felony. End of Story.

jrpowell's avatar

Well… This is going to get awkward.

I have been in both sides of this situation.

I had a girlfriend that wanted me to try and rape her. I’m a skinny guy and I found it impossible without punching her in the face. I obviously didn’t do that.

But we had planned for her to rape me. Just under different circumstances. I was 18 and nighttime boners were the norm. She was able to get me to ejaculate without waking me up.

Berserker's avatar

@troubleinharlem Lots of sensitive nerves inside there.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@johnpowell : You must be a heavy sleeper. And its not awkward because its the truth and you’re being honest. No shame in that. (:

FutureMemory's avatar

So… if she used a strap-on and his, ah, anal cavity

Oh the visuals…make it stop…:(

janbb's avatar

@johnpowell That doesn’t sound like rape to me; that sounds like consensual surprise sex, unless I’m missing something.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Aside from sodomy, a woman can drug a man with Viagra and/or use a cockring (perhaps makeshift) to force an erection and rape him via penile/vaginal intercourse. She can also simply hold a gun to his head and tell him that if he doesn’t do ::blank:: she’ll kill him.

roundsquare's avatar

@troubleinharlem Depends. Again, in some states, it needs to be vaginal intercourse.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@janbb : Haha, surprise buttsex!
ignore that.

Berserker's avatar

Mock rape isn’t anything like real rape, because if you consent to any kind of sexual action without peer pressure, fear, shame or threats or anything else like that, you’re willing and are merely role playing or emulating.
Both are extremely different.

Jude's avatar

Ass raping. Yes.

Winters's avatar

One word: roofies

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Winters: What/who are roofies?

Winters's avatar

@troubleinharlem it’s a date rape drug

palerider's avatar

sure, with sedatives or restraints. but probably in most cases the male would derive some form of pleasure from it anyway, and if not, he would be too ashamed to ever come forward, i would think even much moreso than a woman in similar circumstances.

jrpowell's avatar

@janbb :: It was consensual in the sense that I agreed two months earlier for her to do it. But I did not consent to that instance. Consider it a proof of concept.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yes a woman can actually rape a man – to assume otherwise is to fall into a trap and think that women don’t have strength or that men always want sex – both of these are falsehoods. Read this to be more informed.

gondwanalon's avatar

A couple of women could put a large dose of Viagra into a man’s drink or food and then tie him up and have their way with him.

roundsquare's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I think you are reading the question wrong.

As I read it, the question is a bit about what rape is.
1) Does it require penetration?
2) Does it require vaginal penetration?
3) Does it require that the aggressor be the one penetrating?
4) Does it require that the aggressor be the one to penetrate the victims vagina?

I’ve been answering these questions from a legal point of view because thats what I know the most about (though I’m no expert).

It also makes sense to look at these questions because it helps you consider why you care about rape. Do we care about unwanted pregnancy? Do we care about emotional trauma? Do we care about the physical harm that comes as a result of rape? To some degree we care about all of these but for different people it will work out in different ways.

The definition of rape that is used in your link is something like “one person forcing another person into any sort of sexual action against their will.” This is a fine definition but again, legally thats not the definition (maybe the law should change, there’s some good arguments for this) and some people don’t think the trauma is as damaging to a man if a woman forces him into sexual action. In fact, you’d probably want evidence to support either point of view (though without evidence, I’d probably err on the side of saying being forced into anything causes trauma).

Anyway, my point is that depending on how you read the question, it probably isn’t asking “are women strong enough to rape men” but “given what rape means, is it even possible?”

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@roundsquare Well I disagree with what rape means, legally and how, historically, these legal ‘standards’ have been informed by the sexist nature of the surrounding culture. Rape, to me, doesn’t require penetration – it is any sexual act, including penetration, done to a person (of any gender by any gender) that did not consent to the act in question, period. So, my answer still stands. Regardless of legalese bs, rape by a woman of a man is possible because the legal system has ‘what rape means’ wrong.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I have had it out with a lot of people over this issue. Rape is unwanted sexual contact and does not necessarily have to be forced. Men have been conditioned that they cannot hurt women no matter what, even if a woman is hurting them first. Just because a man has an erection doesn’t mean he wants to have sex. At times, women get wet but it doesn’t mean they want to have sex either.

You want to know how a woman can rape a man who is conscious, stronger than she is, and unrestrained? She can climb on top of him and tell him it’s going to be all right and that he’ll like it. He’ll be too afraid of hurting her to shove her off and he’s been programmed to want sex whenever he has access to it. Stopping her goes against everything he’s been taught about how to treat women and his own sexuality.

A woman can also rape a man with some kind of penetration or if she is armed. However, do not think that an unarmed woman cannot rape a man, She still can but it will generally require much less force.

Let’s not forget that a woman can still sexually assault a man, even if it is not rape. A man who rubs his genitals against someone male or female can be charged with sexual assault. The same should apply to women.

FutureMemory's avatar

@KatawaGrey You want to know how a woman can rape a man who is conscious, stronger than she is, and unrestrained? She can climb on top of him and tell him it’s going to be all right and that he’ll like it.

Excellent post.

I’ve found myself in this situation.

gondwanalon's avatar

One time a long time ago I was a lab tech working late in a hospital and a cute nurse confronted me with huggs and kisses in a dark room. I was OK with it at the time and would have been happy to help her with any other needs that she may have had. Shortly after the encounter I felt cheap like I had been used. I guy could not likely get away with such a stunt.

Paradox's avatar

Unless there is a drastic size difference (like a 6’5 250lb women & 5’5 125lb guy) I would say this would be almost impossible through sheer force alone. I’ve read about cases where women have raped men through blackmail, drugging them and/or restraining them while unconscious but outside of the situations I’ve mentioned I would say this is more of a fantasy than reality.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Paradox Men fantasizing that a woman will rape them, or women fantasizing about raping a man?


Not at all. And if it happened to most men, including myself, we’d be thrilled. ;)

DominicX's avatar


No offense, but that’s pretty incorrect. Not to mention the whole point of “rape” is that it’s forcing sex on someone who is unwilling, thus it would not be the least enjoyable. It makes no sense to say you would want to be raped, since rape is by definition against someone’s will. Just because something is less common doesn’t mean it doesn’t ever happen.

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