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Begeara's avatar

My friend spends every waking moment with his girl friend... is this normal?

Asked by Begeara (376points) October 26th, 2010
23 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

My best friend that I have known since I was seven years old has recently come into his first serious relationship. It happens to be with one of my ex girl friends that I had pretty brutal break up with. I’m a little ashamed to say but I resent her a little (stuff she did during the break up) But I’ve just dealt with that because she’s dating my best friend. Since he’s started dating her he spends every moment he has with her if he’s not texting her, or on the phone with her. She’s always the main topic of our conversations and there have been multiple times where he’s ditched out on plans we had, so he can hang out with her, or even just stay on the phone with her. Its had a massive effect on how often I get to see him. I’m just wondering if its normal for a boy in the middle of his teen years to act like this?

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Austinlad's avatar

Lucky him! You probably need to learn to deal with their relationship or risk losing a long-standing friendship.

JustmeAman's avatar

Yes it is normal when he finds that first love.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, it is ‘normal’..but, being in a relationship does not exclude quality one on one time with friends.

Those that neglect their friendships while in relationship may regret it one day if the relationship fails and they no longer have any friends.

The first few months of a new relatonship is very fun and exciting and you need to make allowances, but, much after that if your friend values your companionship they will make quality time for the two of you on a regular basis.

Relationships come and go but a good friend can be forever.

wundayatta's avatar

I think that this behavior might be more common in women, but it happens with many men, too. It’s part of the obsession that comes over you when you start falling in love.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s normal. Not just for a boy n his teens.
It is part of the “Guy Code” and it works both ways. A guy has the right to cancel an appointment with another guy if he has the opportunity to hop into the sack with a female. Of course, if a meeting is canceled you must call your friend ahead so he is not left waiting but he will not argue with you. It is “The Code”. You feel free to do the same when it is your turn – and your turn will certainly come.
You could plan an event for months but if there is a chance of swapping fluids with a XX holder, you must jump. Guys are pigs. I am an adult and find that rule still holds true with some of my friends. Sadly some traits are never outgrown.

I should mention that “The Code” includes the fact that you still remain friends with the guy even if he is hanging out with the female. Girls come and go. But true friends are precious. Just wait. You’ll see.

Begeara's avatar

Thanks everyone you guys have all helped :)

marinelife's avatar

Totally normal. He is in the midst of the chemical rush of first infatuation.

Stay his friend. He will return to you. Just take up the slack with some other friends for right now.

Aster's avatar

I agree with @marinelife .

Coloma's avatar

Yep, hard to compete with the dopamine and endorphins of ‘love.’ lol

But, one must fight it, fight, fight, fight…...hahahahahaha

Cruiser's avatar

Yep very normal and you for should know what he is in for with her down the road. Be patient.

Coloma's avatar


and you for should…


Lost in translation. hehe

Begeara's avatar

I’ll just continue with what I’ve been doing then, which has been just hanging out more with other friends. Thanks again everyone you have been a big help on resolving an issue that’s been biting away at my brain for quite a while

Cruiser's avatar

@Coloma This guy dated this girlfriend and they had a bad break up it sounds….I am assuming there may be a pattern with this girl he might be familiar with that might be coming down the pike! ;)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m glad the different perspectives helped.

Ahhh!! Young Grasshopper. Some day you, too, shall forsake all for the whiff of unknown nether regions.

AmWiser's avatar

Ain’t young love beautiful. Be concerned if he were 40 something and acting like a pup dog in heat :~)

Begeara's avatar

Yeah they really did. lol it can also get quite ugly unfortunately haha

Pandora's avatar

@Cruiser Just because they didn’t work out doesn’t guarantee that his pal and her won’t work out. Sometimes people learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat it in their next relationship. Especially if the feelings are different.
@Begeara, As already stated. Puppy love behavior is perfectly normal. He will eventually come up for air after a few months. No relationship can handle that much smoothering. Eventually one of them will want some space and either they adjust and survive the change or they don’t adjust and one of them takes it really hard. But I’ve never seen this kind of intensity last indefinetly. Eventually someone hits the pause button.

Smashley's avatar

This is pretty common, especially for a teenager in their first relationships. They’ve got these happy brain chemicals consuming them. Give it a few months and they’ll either find some space, or break up (usually the latter), and things should start to normalize a bit. In the meantime, look for something else to do.

Trillian's avatar

Give hin a few months, he’ll snap outof it.

CaptainHarley's avatar

“Normal” is a vastly overrated concept. : )

skfinkel's avatar

Sounds “normal” to me!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sounds normal to me, especially if they actually like each other’s company aside from the fireworks part.

YARNLADY's avatar

Absolutely. It sounds wonderful. Why is this any of your business?

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