I don’t care weather they “want to get involved.” My taxes pay them to get involved. Isin’t vandalism technically a crime though weather the cop is too lazy to write a report or not.
Your righteous indignation on your own thread here, about this wrong that has been done to you, regarding damages to your property or property that you will be held responsible rings a little hollow, considering that, only a short while ago, on this thread, you had this advice for the OP, to help her avoid being held responsible for the damage she causes the next time she his someone else’s car, where you said:
That’s why it’s always best to at least get out of the car and PRETEND you’re writing a note so that no one will rat out your tag
See this however you want, do whatever you want, but don’t get so goddam self-righteous about damages to your property, about whether not something it crime, after just telling someone how to best get away with their next misdemeanor and how to get away with not being held responsible for damaging someone else’s property.
As to answer to your question; I’m with @CyanoticWasp. This might just be one of those life lesson sort of things. Screen your roommates better, get everything in writing next and take care of business, require a security deposit, this is exactly the kind of situation that a security deposit is for; so landlords don’t have to go to court every time somebody punches a hole in the wall.