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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Why the hatred towards Two and a Half Men?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) November 23rd, 2010
66 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I know that many, many people hate with a rabid passion the show Two and a Half Men. However, I’ve never really seen an explanation as to why except something along the lines of “because it sucks” and the like. Care to clear this up for me?

NOTE: Just so we’re all on the same page, I’m talking about the show as a whole, not any kind of shark-jumping hatred.

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Blackberry's avatar

I didn’t know people actually hated it like that. I assume because one of the guys is a ‘pig’ and influences the child maybe. But I usually disregard people that say they hate something for no reason. If I ask them why they hate it, and they still can’t form a thought, that shows they have no idea what they are talking about.

Summum's avatar

I love the show but maybe it is Charlies actions which are not the best especially for children to learn.

jonsblond's avatar

I watched it once. I wasn’t impressed.

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gasman's avatar

While I’m not a big fan of the show, I’ve seen it enough to find it well-written (a lot of good one-liners) and well-acted (except for the kid). So it’s got raunchy plot lines—so what? It’s not as edgy as some others & it’s got good ratings would suggest that viewers in general don’t seem to be offended.

trailsillustrated's avatar

it’s pretty funny based on the two times i’ve seen it. I met charlie sheen in the early 80-s, he was really nice, a super hard partier, his dad too

CyanoticWasp's avatar

It just seems pretty juvenile to me. Puerile. (I’ve always wanted to use that word.)

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc But doesn’t that describe most comedies on the air – not really funny and the stars are douches? What makes 2½ Men special? Or is it just the one show that everyone seems to focus on for no particular reason, even though it’s not doing anything everyone else isn’t also doing?

marinelife's avatar

Well, the lead character is a narcissistic womanizer who cares nothing for the women he beds.

His brother is a no-backbone loafer.

Their mother is a voracious, man- and child-eating gorgon.

What’s to like?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Without delving into the offscreen personalities of the stars (because I so seldom follow them, or care, even when I do), that I just look at the show itself.

For example Two-and-a-Half is pretty un-relevant, whereas The Office, as silly as it usually is, has a certain amount of relevance.

Likewise, 30 Rock, which is pretty irrelevant to my situation or anyone I know (do you know anyone trying to run a television network and put out a weekly show?), it at least deals with ‘adult’ situations: work, career, ego, marriage and relationship, and dealing with psychos.

Isn’t 2–½ pretty much just about the main character getting laid, and more or less trying to hide that from the kid, wink wink nudge nudge?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@CyanoticWasp @marinelife I think there’s a certain view that it’s a parody, and a cathartic release for those who know those types of people in real life. But I digress.

Seelix's avatar

I have to agree with @CyanoticWasp – it’s puerile.

I’ve never found it funny. The kid is just annoying, and so is Jon Cryer… after Duckie, he never did anything worth watching.
I have no problem with the premise; I think it could be done well. It just isn’t.

That being said, I’m not a big fan of many sitcoms that are on these days. Aside from The Office, that is. I think it’s clever. Maybe that’s it – Two and a Half Men is not clever by any means. It seems to be geared to the unintelligent. Sorry, but that’s just how I feel.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Seelix No, it’s fine. I guess all the criticisms of it seem to fit most comedies (imho, at least), so I don’t get the criticism of it but not tons of other shows. But maybe I’m just overthinking it.

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iamthemob's avatar

For me, part of it may be related to the fact that shows like it are a throwback to the “TGIF” ABC situational comedies – the kind where the focus is “Look at this weird family structure…hijinks are sure to ensue!” and the studio audience is prompted to laugh and “awww” at precise moments. It’s a canned laughter vehicle.

We have moved beyond these, I hope, as we see more inventive and surprising forms of prime-time comedy come into play – shows already mentioned are great examples. It seems, however, that networks are still intent on giving us idiotic “filler” that may be funny at times, but require no investment. “Melissa and Joey” is the newest example.

After “Seinfeld” (which I never thought was funny, but totally appreciate as a great show from an intellectual standpoint) the U.S. viewing audience seemed to be in a position to demand something better. When we get the “Two-and-a-Half Men” stuff instead, it’s kind of like the network saying to us (in my opinion) “Hey, we still think there are a lot of you out there that like stupid!” Sure there are. But hey, that’s why we have reality television.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

“Hey, we still think there are a lot of you out there that like stupid!”

I thought that was why we had television news and political ‘debates’, @iamthemob.

iamthemob's avatar

Hey, are you saying that news and politics aren’t skewed by interests other than providing the best information and services to the public?

Madness. ;-)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Its horribly unfunny

Summum's avatar

I think the show is really funny though the theme is not so good. Again I would not want the morals of the show to be taught my children.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Summum But a lot of the complaints are from people who aren’t parents. Plus, there are a lot of shows you shouldn’t let your kid watch, but most don’t have a rabid opposition, parents simply don’t let their kids watch it…

Summum's avatar

My children are grown and out of the nest so I don’t have that problem but I would agree to not allow them to watch it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@papayalily well, when I watch it, I dont laugh. pretty simple. None of their “jokes” are humorous to me in the slightest.

lillycoyote's avatar

I think it’s hilarious, at least the older ones, but apparently I’m the only here who does. I’m not really a sitcom person either but I like the show though I only watch it and any of the other sitcoms I’ve watched in syndication. But there are also shows that other people have really liked that I didn’t think were funny at all, like Frazier. I thought the humor on that show was pretty standard and predictable.I almost never watch sitcoms when they’re broadcast originally, except for The Office and 30 Rock and I don’t watch those consistently. I just like my TV in hour long chunks.

Adjo's avatar

I always found the fact that Charlie only thinks about sex 24/7 to be really repulsive. I don’t ant to sit and waste 30 minutes of my day watching Charlie drool over a girl and try to get her in bed. It’s really stupid and gross.

Kardamom's avatar

The writing is hilarious. I know people are probably pissed off with Charlie Sheen right now. Here’s this dude getting paid millions of dollars, and by his success, supporting a whole cast and crew of hardworking people, then sqandering it and possibly causing the demise of the show. Charlie Sheen sucks, but the show is extremely funny and since it’s not topical, you can drop in on any episode over the years (even if you’ve seen it multiple times) and it’s still LOL funny.

I think Jon Cryer and Conchata Ferrel are two of the funniest actors on TV. My dad tapes (yes tapes—no DVR) the show every day and then watches it when he’s not watching Pawn Stars or American Pickers. Maybe they could have Chumley from Pawn Stars takeover for Charlie Sheen if he ends up in jail.

Supacase's avatar

I will admit I like it. Like, @lillycoyote, I like the earlier episodes more. There was a time when the show wasn’t all about sex. My mom used to watch it, but quit once she noticed the change.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Kardamom and @Supacase Thanks. I was beginning to feel very alone on this thread. And yes, Charlie Sheen is a dick and he’s not really my favorite part of the show but he kind of has to be there for the rest of it to work. And the show probably should have been cancelled a couple of years ago.

Mikewlf337's avatar

I didn’t mind it but then again I never watched it regularly except for only a few episodes.

Iquitoz's avatar

Some women I know like the show and but most think it degrades women and does not present proper family values in the raising of the son/nephew character.

Blueroses's avatar

A show featuring a child absolutely requires a better child actor than this show provides. I just can’t watch children being told offscreen how to “react” instead of being taught a craft.

Chuck Lorre (creator of the show) hits about 50% in my book. His shows do feature some very clever writing at times – I’ll go out on a limb admitting to having loved Dharma & Greg’s dialog, portions of Grace Under Fire and Cybill – but I just have an undefinable hatred for Two ½ Men and Big Bang Theory. Both shows make me want to hurl bricks.
Flying to TX last year, both shows were forced upon me in the aircraft. What kind of Satan’s bargain has United made with CBS?

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YARNLADY's avatar

I love that show. I’ve been watching it for years. I think the jokes are hilarious.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I don’t hate the show, but it’s not one of my favorites. It’s sometimes funny, but a pretty substantial portion of the jokes and one-liners are more stupid than anything else. What kills it for me is that they overlay an obnoxious laugh track over every joke, no matter how funny it is. Different jokes that would normally warrant different types of laughter (chuckling, snickering, etc) all receive pretty much the same type of laugh track. It just makes the comedy feel forced.

Most sitcoms are stupid. This one’s not the worst sitcom out there, but it’s not the best. It’s really based on one’s personal sense of humor.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc Actually, yes, a LOT of them do. Constantly.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Again, I’m trying to understand what takes this show from “not for me” or “I don’t get it” or even “I can’t stand it, but really just ignore it” to the level of hatred in which one is constantly talking about how much it sucks, and watches it regularly just to then bitch about how much it sucks. I hate tons of shows, but I have exactly zero blogs dedicated to my hatred of those shows. 2½ Men, otoh, actually has lots of those. What makes this show special for the haters?

rooeytoo's avatar

I’m with @marinelife – plus I always wonder why any woman, especially a good looking young one would be in the least bit attracted to someone like the man portrayed???

LostInParadise's avatar

Part of the reason for strong opinions about the show either way is that the show is very popular, which makes it the focus of opinions one way or the other. I personally think the show is good for unwinding. It surely is not meant to be taken seriously.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@rooeytoo I’m pretty sure it’s the money.

rooeytoo's avatar

@papayalily – I never watched it enough to know the background. What does he do to have so much money? All I ever see him do is sit around and drink beer. If that is the case he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would allow a woman to get her hands on it anyhow.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@rooeytoo He starts out as a jingle writer and then becomes a kids pop star – you know, like The Wiggles, where parents buy tickets to concerts for their toddlers and then they all go and sing nursery rhymes with the star? He has a Malibu beach house, a Mercedes, a Ferrari, a Jagger, and several unlimited credit cards. He has absolutely no problem spending it on anything (in fact, he has huge problems saving) except for his brother – but gambling, strippers, hookers, and gifts to keep women interested are all regular purchases.

There are many jokes about how he’s a drunk who pretty much fell into a pile of money, and life isn’t fair.

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc No, not Tina Fey. But Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan, everyone on Gossip Girl, Rob Lowe, the Kardashians, and a whole slew of others (that I won’t write because it’s OT and I’m gonna flag it, and I’m tired). Sheen is just the flavor of the week, ain’t nothin’ new.

Cut the attitude and play nice.

Seelix's avatar

I think the reason why I’ve come to “hate” the show rather than just dislike or ignore it has to do with the fact that it’s so popular, like @LostInParadise said. It just bothers me that so many people think it’s so great, when I can’t find a single redeeming quality in it (aside from the theme song, which I think is genius). A lot of people I know like the show, and I guess it just bothers me because I don’t understand how they can possibly like it!
I just think it’s so stupid that it bugs me when intelligent people like it. Does that make sense? I guess I don’t really have that good a reason.
Apologies to anyone here who likes the show. I don’t mean to insult you. Honest.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Seelix I like the show, but I don’t think it’s the smartest thing around – I just think it’s really amazing for Monday nights when all I want is some mindless laughs to relax with. I couldn’t do the smarter comedies on Monday, and definitely not the Losts of the tv world.

mattbrowne's avatar

I think it’s better than Seinfeld. But not as good as When I met your mother.

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augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Let’s stick to answering the actual question, please. Thanks!

str8upevl's avatar

I have recently started watching it because my cousin and wife are getting divorced and he moved in to my house. He thinks it is great and I just don’t get the appeal. I usually play on the computer while he watches it. The jokes are so telegraphed most of the time you know the punchline way before it gets there and not laugh out loud funny when they do hit the mark. I have gotten him hooked on Community though and that is a show that deserves much more praise as a comedy then 2 And A Half does.

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noname50's avatar

I actually really like the show. I like comedy anyway. With all the crap going on in the world a good chuckle is always welcomed. Some episodes are better than others, but overall a good show. As for morals and all that, I’m not looking at tv, a comedy no less, for any moral compass. I would not use tv as a moral teacher for my children. I even like Jake, aka the kid. He had better lines when he was a kid, but he’s still funny now that he’s older and in the know to what’s going on….as most kids his age do.

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noname50's avatar

I agree with the comments regarding so much time being spent on shows/topics that people don’t like. I didn’t start out watching 2.5 men. I somewhat recently, 1.5 – 2 years ago, caught a few episodes and now DVR it all the time. Same with Big Bang. I like them both. Heck, it’s a comedy, not drama or Shakespheare. I’m actually sitting here smiling as I type thinking of some of the things from the show. The actors in both shows portray their characters quite well….just think if you actually knew someone like Alan or the guys in Big Bang. Heck, I’m a very loving mother, but may well be on my way to being like Evelyn, the mom. My child is grown and I’m still young and have a life. Who of us wouldn’t tolerate the rants of an older or even younger sibling, (Charlie), if it meant free room and board in a Malibu beach house and some of the other perks Alan gets. And even Jake. Who’s nephew/son isn’t he? Sometimes, smart mouthed, sometimes goofy, sometimes just teenage spacy. If we were o so lucky to actually have a housekeeper, we probably would not want one such as Berta but it’s hilarious to see the interactions with them all. Heck, the house is always clean. lolol Judith is surely someone’s EX. and the fact that Alan and the new husband can commiserate is priceless!! Some of the “crazy”, rauncy or tasteless things are actually realities in people’s lives. They are not that far fetched. For those whose lives are perfect and don’t mirror any of these happenings, good for you. Comedy is not meant to be realistic or make a point, simple and simply entertainment for those who like it. For the record, I never got into The Office or 30 Rock, but heck, I’m not going to spend hours talking about how much I don’t like them. I’m gonna spend that time, watching my dvr’s of 2.5 men and Big Bang.

sinstr's avatar

Every show is given loads of criticism. If you’re seeing a higher rate of criticism with Two and a Half Men, then you are definitely overlooking it by a bit.

A show that has gone so many seasons HAS to have hold some sort of entertainment, so I don’t blame you for watching it and defending it…

but the plain and simple truth is that I watched the show more than once and was simply unamused. None of the characters are original, unique, or thought-provoking in any way. The small bouts of humor you find turn out tired and overdone. It really is just another American sitcom.

If anything, Two and a Half Men is a show that I will watch on a lonely sunday night, when all life has died and nothing else is on. I would. I would watch it, but I can be entertained by anything.

What I’m trying to say is that there are loads of other shows, games, things, etc. that you can do with your life.

I highly suggest you watch these UK shows. The UK focuses more on making an entirely entertaining show in all aspects of entertainment (humor, camera-work, drama, unique characters), as compared to the US, where shows are mostly thrown together to see how much money they can make off a set template of thoughtless characters anyone could sit down and just watch.

Do you know what I’m saying? Here, I strongly believe you will find more to love about the following shows:

Skins (Drama, Teenagers, Partying, Life, Extremely unique and lovable characters)
Misfits (Comedy, Superpowers, Drama, Extremely unique and lovable characters)

These shows come across more as art, made by people who are in this to make the best quality show they can. The vibe that the producers give me are that they couldn’t give a damn about the money, that’s a bonus. They just want to make the most memorable, best quality, entertaining show they can, because they can.

PS: don’t worry about it. these shows get a fair amount of unwarranted and warranted criticism as well, but I ain’t gonna lie, way more people would fall in love than not.

PPS: just a warning: the uk doesn’t give much fucks about sex, drugs, violence, profanity. It’s nothing like US shows who make a big deal out of all those things. UK is really just trying to make the best show possible. if you can get past those moral humps, not only will you enjoy the show more, the more you realize it’s better that way.

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