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ucme's avatar

What would be something you achieved this past year (2010) that filled you with satisfaction/pride?

Asked by ucme (50047points) December 30th, 2010
47 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Yeah something that for you personally meant a great deal. Whether academically or through your professional guise. Or any achievement or goal reached in your personal life that brought tremendous satisfaction to you. Anything goes really, nothing considered too small or trivial.

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Seaofclouds's avatar

I finished my BSN this year. I started it while living in Delaware, continued taking courses when we moved to Texas, and then finished it here in Kansas. I was lucky that my school offered an online program since I already had completed my ADN and had my RN license. I feel great knowing that I did it and that I was able to complete it, even with everything else going on for us during the time.

janbb's avatar

Achieved greater self-knowledge and growth a hard, hard way.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I climbed the Empire State building and got the autograph of a really big monkey….
I also got an opportunity for a second chance by getting an appointment for surgery to help with my MS.I will be sprinting down the path again in no time!Believe that! :))))

diavolobella's avatar

Workwise I got a promotion, raise and a private office. Personally, I saw my oldest child graduate from high school, my relationship with my SO has never been better and I was able to successfully see my Mom through her hip replacement surgery and recovery and to care for her when she needed me. Trust me, I owe her. :)

Trillian's avatar

I changed jobs and finished another year of classes without having a meltdown or blowing a gasket.
I also finally scraped the last of the dirt off of my shoe that had been my “relationship”.

Coloma's avatar

I am proud that all my personal growth work has paid off and I am operating from a place of presence and clarity unsurpassed in my adult life.

The gift that just keeps on giving.

I KNOW myself, I LOVE myself and I implicitly TRUST myself to make good decisions.

This year has been a reaping of such, my relationship with my 23 yr. old daughter just keeps getting better & better, I had the courage to stand up to and let go of a toxic friendship, I traveled out of the country on my own, I have enjoyed the deepening of another intimate friendship, and, think I am close to the top of my game.

A good year indeed, if only I can stay away from sugar. lol

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@timeCopper Umm okay. You had to create an anonymous account to post that chip on your shoulder? Congrats on that achievement.

ucme's avatar

Well that’s a nice positive inspiring start, good on y’all…...why am I talkin like i’m from the south!?! XD

Seelix's avatar

I applied and was accepted to 3 grad schools. One program only accepts 8 students per year, and the other two are pretty prestigious programs at American universities. Booya.

partyparty's avatar

I actually went in the water without feeling scared…. but I still can’t swim… ah well perhaps next year

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I grew up a lot this year and made the decision to quit smoking. This should have been day 3 for me, but we just had a death in the family last night and it was a bit too much for me to handle. My hubby and I will start over again on Saturday, after the funeral.

Seelix's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate – Sorry to hear about your loss.

diavolobella's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’m also sorry to hear that.

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wundayatta's avatar

Normally, I do not allow myself to feel pride or that I have achieved anything. However, I am a teeny bit proud of a conference I organized last year, and even more proud that I even had a little pride. I hope that makes sense.

Oh. There’s something else. I am actually truly proud of the work I have done to heal myself, and of the results of that work. It would be easy for me to say, but this or but that—in fact, those are the thoughts happening as I write this, but I am able to not let them bother me so much. That’s an accomplishment!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@diavolobella @Seelix Thanks ladies. This is the second time that my husband has lost a grandfather at Christmas. I really don’t know what to say other than “it sucks”.

Coloma's avatar


My condolences.

Hang in there, and, I had great success with hypnotherapy to get the smoking monkey off my back once and for all. Good luck! :-)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I stuck to last year’s resolution of giving up all soda, including diet. Not that I didn’t have a single soda all year, but I definitely broke the habit. Maybe minor, but, I am really proud. I could have easily finished off a 6 pack of Diet Coke in a single day before that.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I solidified my decision to go to graduate school, studied for the GRE, and applied to 2 of the 4 grad schools I want to attend. The last 2 I’ll apply to in the new year. ;)

mammal's avatar


ChocolateReigns's avatar

I started high school. Kind of exciting! I actually did something based on what I believe – I helped campaign for some people over in WI, and they all won! I definitely like this area of work and might think about doing it after high school.
But the biggest thing was last night. I came to terms with the fact that this guy I know, who likes me, isn’t the one for me. It was really hard, and I didn’t want to admit it at first, but I did. I’m alright with it now. I’m very glad it didn’t take me long to realize this, and I’m glad nobody was caught in an awkward situation. It might not seem like a big deal, but I’m kind of proud that I was able to let go of him. I needed to.

Cruiser's avatar

I took the stage with my 14 yr old and 11 yr old sons at an open mic night and rocked the house with them. A dream come true!

Summum's avatar

Finally having my wife healthier she has been sick for some time now. She is in the hospital now but this should be the last visit from now. Also found some fasinating information of life and spiritual knowledge that has opened a whole new prospect for me. I also finished the Landmark Forum which is an amazing education. If any of you need to find who you are for real look into the Landmark Forum it is an eye opener.

downtide's avatar

I finally, after more than a decade, found the courage to start on the process of sex reassignment. For me, 2010 has been the best year of my life and I can see 2011 being even better.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I took on a high risk, high reward project and the darn thing worked successfully! Right on schedule. Now I have the opportunity to go after more.

DominicX's avatar

I was pretty proud of composing a 5 and a half minute long concert waltz for various instruments (using my electric keyboard and GarageBand). It made me feel like a real composer. :)

Also, I was able to get all A’s this fall quarter at Stanford. That’s pretty awesome to me… :)

Facade's avatar

I moved out of my parents’ house in January. I was able to get a full-time job, even though it’s temp work. I’m still in college. I’m still alive.

CaptainHarley's avatar

My wife and I got our home sufficiently rebuilt that we could move into it, and did almost all the work ourselves. : ))

mammal's avatar

@Facade looking at your picture was one of my highlights.

Facade's avatar

=) What a charmer

mammal's avatar

@Facade humblingly beautiful :(

Jeruba's avatar

I edited two full-length novels for private clients, accomplishing a transition from nonfiction to fiction. (I had edited many nonfiction books and a lot of short fiction before, but these were my first book-length fiction manuscripts.) Now my range is complete.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Outstanding! : ))

filmfann's avatar

I read the Bible. I really wasn’t sure if I could do it, since some of it is beyond boring. I did enjoy it.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Did you learn anything? : )

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I came through for my family even after we lost our house, our cars broke, our wallets were broke and we were all depressed.

filmfann's avatar

@CaptainHarley I read stories I don’t remember hearing when I grew up in the Church.

CaptainHarley's avatar


LMAO! It’s a big book! : D

stardust's avatar

It’s been an interesting year for me. I’ve overcome things that felt insurmountable at the time. I’ve challenged myself personally and academically. I’ve walked away from a toxic friendship. All in all, I’m feeling pretty good about ithe year. Glad it’s nearly over :-)

Coloma's avatar


Always hard to let go of people that no longer serve you, or the greater good. Cheers to your courage!

faye's avatar

I can’t say I enjoyed 2010 much. I had beautiful flowers this summer, researched my way into a nerve block which worked for a fabulous week, so hope for an ablation, and had my last cigarette on Dec. 15.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Not enough. I hope, by this time next year, I will be far more proud of myself than I am right now.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, how could I forget!

I lost my beloved old kitty ‘Gadwicke’ in May and adopted 2 new teenage kittens in July and Sept.

faye's avatar

I also forgot!! I have a lovely kitty than I got in the summer. She was in heat- made for an interesting weekend!

Rhodentette's avatar

I was the sole script supervisor on a film where I had to co-ordinate 12 cameras across three units and did it without having a nervous breakdown or compromising the film. I don’t think anyone could’ve done it better. Did I mention that it was my first film as the key script supervisor? So, yeah, I’m very proud of that.

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