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Baddreamer27's avatar

Are you becoming worried the closer we are getting to 2012?

Asked by Baddreamer27 (710points) January 11th, 2011
48 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

With all of the propaganda surrounding December 21, 2012 are you becoming a little curious or uneased?

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Nah, I’m excited! Bring it on.

Baddreamer27's avatar

Me Too! To think that we may be a part of the last generations to walk the earth…How do you think it will happen (if it happens)? I think it will be cosmic…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Baddreamer27 Oh, nothing will happen in 2012 that’s being talked about – sorry, I didn’t mean to imply I believed any of it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

What happens on dec 22 2012 when it turns out your still alive? You’ll have to live with the shame of every one laughing at you and telling you how wrong you were! It’ll be awful!

Baddreamer27's avatar

its ok. Im not saying I believe it whole heartedly…but there is alot of coincidental “evidence” that it could happen. The I Ching, Nostradamas, Mayan, Hopi Indians, Cosmic alignment…I believe that channels like History and Discovery added to alot of the hype with thier Nostradamus 2012, and doomsday propaganda….I just like the wierd little conspiracies…did you know some people think that President Obama is the Anti-christ and trying to make a one-world government?

ragingloli's avatar

My hopes will be devastated just like on Dec 31st 1999.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ll probably miss it because of holiday hysteria. Damn. Every time the world ends, I miss it. And Armageddon sick of it!

Blackberry's avatar

No, why would I?

ucme's avatar

You’re telling me! I’m going out at eight thirty & I haven’t washed my hair yet. What am I going to wear!!?!! :¬(

downtide's avatar

Not at all. I’m looking forward to hearing all the excuses on Dec 22nd. That should be funny.

Dog's avatar

I was totally freaking out because my wall calendar ran out on Dec 31st. But nothing happened and we are still here.~

I do not think Mayans have any more magic than Hallmark in their calendars.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Baddreamer27's avatar

Im buying a missile silo and preparing for the zombie apocolypse….If you bring lots of food, water and big guns, I’ll think about teaming up! ha ha ha…

Jude's avatar

I’m more excited about 4/20.

Austinlad's avatar

Yes!—but only because of the tsunami of silly doomsday rhetoric that’s looming.

zenvelo's avatar

I am worried about November 6, 2012. That’s election day, and if the Republicans sweep, this country will be stepping back to the 1860s.

crisw's avatar


Yes, that is far more fearsome than any of the Mayan nonsense!

Other than that, I am looking forward to 2012 because I’ll be in the Pacific Northwest!

takaboom's avatar

Are you becoming worried the closer we are getting to 2012?
bunch of malarkey.

Baddreamer27's avatar


ZEPHYRA's avatar

Au contraire, I love the idea and hope they Mayans are right!

mowens's avatar

My only answer is laughter.

TexasDude's avatar

Nothing is going to fucking happen no matter how much the History Channel hammers on the idea.

I’ll be fine.

Baddreamer27's avatar

@Fiddle Playing Creole Bastard You must have a great under-ground hide out….

TexasDude's avatar

@Baddreamer27, OPSEC.

But seriously. Nothing is going to happen. Well, a bunch of idiots might kill themselves in a ritual suicide and a few people might suffocate when they seal their house with duct tape and plastic wrap, but other than that, the world isn’t going to start dissolving or whatever like in that stupid movie.

And Quetzahecalotylicaltyalydactlyotomous isn’t coming back because he isn’t real.

Aster's avatar

I’m excited because all year it’ll be on tv , in the scandal sheets and as it approaches people all over the world will be congregating together on mountaintops. It will be one wild year. And the commotion should start at the end of this year!!

Baddreamer27's avatar

I wonder if it will have any effect on the Presidential Election that year…

Aster's avatar

Watch and decide if the Mayans weren’t able to predict anything more than the average Joe: You can thank me later. lol

TexasDude's avatar

People actually believe this “prophecy?”

Baddreamer27's avatar

@Aster I was just thinking to myself…What about all of those youtube videos??

Aster's avatar

They predicted that ‘white-skinned bearded gods’ would arrive from across the ocean on March 5, 1519, coincidentally the same day that Cortez and the conquistadors showed up.
Can this be proven? Not the prediction but their arrival.

Baddreamer27's avatar

I used to sit and watch the History Channel all the time…I love the shows…

Dog's avatar

Since 30 AD there have been, at minimum, 45 predicted dates (prophecies) when the world would end. 44 of those dates have now passed without coming true. The statistics are not in favor of the Mayans.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Baddreamer27's avatar

NASA.Gov has dedicated an “Ask the Astronomer” (i think thats what it was called) forum dedicated to answering questions regarding the end of the world and 2012…He denies all claims, theories, conspiracies…but he never uses science to support why its not true. I firmly believe that people dont know everything they think they know about the Universe. How long did we go believing for a fact the earth was flat? Do you think that they know for a fact everything they say even about our own solar system? Pluto is now not even considered a planet-Correct?

Baddreamer27's avatar

I have a book from my great-grandmother titled “Let Thy God Be True”. It was copywritten in 1946. It states specifically that from 1914–1918 began the downward spiral to the end of the world and the apocalypse and that the world would end in our generation. But, think of what was going on in that time frame….

Aster's avatar

@Dog yes, there have been many false prophecies. Does it follow the Mayans, the I Ching and McKenna are all wrong?
I do not necessarily believe it’ll be the end of the world. But I am nervous that something huge will happen. It seems to me that the weather is changing suddenly. Not in the past thousand years but in the last ten years. Who heard of Tsunami’s decades ago? Global warming? This is the coldest winter in Europe for 1,000 years. I find these facts significant.

Baddreamer27's avatar

I have definately noticed change where I am from. Growing up I remember huge snow storms and cold winters. Now it doesnt even really get cold until after december and the snow is in small amounts. It is still cold, but its a milder wetter cold.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Weather patterns go through cycles, and industrialism has put particulates in the atmosphere that affect the weather. Tsunamis have been arouns as long as there have been earthquakes centered in undersea tectonic faults. Ice ages were not predicted by Mayans or anyone, but they happen with some regularity.

Aster's avatar

@JilltheTooth certainly these have been around for eons. What concerns me are the drastic changes within the last ten years. They could make some concerned that 2012 is getting close.

Dog's avatar

Changes in weather are not new. You said it yourself- 1000 years ago there was a winter like this one. 130 years ago Ireland had a weather of the same intensity as this one. Weather is cyclic.

Tsunamis have always been present- a product of earthquakes which have also always been present. If one were to study weather records I am certain similar patterns will emerge.

I believe that big things happen. I just to not believe that primitive humans have the magical ability to predict event of such magnitude as the end of earth.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Baddreamer27's avatar

Well Maybe it wasn’t primitive human beings…where did they get this knowledge from and the tools and abilities to build these temples exactly aligned to the heavens? Perhaps aliens? Ever heard of the Ancient Alien theory?

Aster's avatar

@Dog, do you believe the Mayans had the “magical ability” to predict when the Spanish conquerers would arrive hundreds of years into the future—with the exact year, month and day being accurate?

Aster's avatar

@Baddreamer27 and the strength to haul thousands of 50 ton boulders uphill. And make a pyramid shaped structure instead of a “mere” square one?

Aster's avatar

The Mayan calendar made an amazing prediction in the 8th century A.D., it was about “white skinned, bearded gods” coming from across the sea and landing on March 5, 1519. It was on that exact date that the Spanish explorer Cortez and his conquistadors arrived in the New World at the shore of Tabasco.

The most startling calendar prediction, is the Mayan 2012 end of world prophecy. The Mayan calendar says that when the winter solstice occurs on December 21, 2012 the sun will rise in the dark rift of the Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers explain that this means the earth will be in exact alignment with the sun and the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This is an event that happens only once every 25,800 years. It is now nearly time for it to happen again. The Mayans predicted this cosmic alignment with their calendar many, many centuries ago.

DeanV's avatar

I’m thinking there’s going to be a lot of babies born in september 2013 to conspiracy theorist parents.

Seelix's avatar

I haven’t read the answers, but I’m gonna chime in just to say that no, I’m not worried. All that propaganda is just that. No one can predict the future.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m becoming more irritated the closer we get to 2012 because there is an ever increasing amount of message traffic regarding the ridiculous notion that the world is going to end.

mattbrowne's avatar

I am becoming worried that millions of people actually think the baseless Maya predictions are a greater threat than the real impact of global warming.

Faze44's avatar

Totally excited looking forward to it, notice how time seems to be speeding up? its positive and out there.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, we have to get through May 21st first, then I’ll decide if I want to clean my house before 2012. Probably not.

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