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wundayatta's avatar

After you park the car, how long is it before you get out?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) February 4th, 2011
21 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

If you don’t get out immediately, what do you do while you are sitting there?

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SavoirFaire's avatar

If I don’t get out immediately, it’s because I’m waiting for a song to end. And I’m probably singing along to it as well.

Cruiser's avatar

Most of the time it is spent either putting the coffee and oatmeal cups in the cupholder or taking them out. Twice a day M-F. Otherwise I am out of the car faster than Luke Duke jumping out of General Lee.

Loried2008's avatar

I’m either smoking, talking on the phone, talking to my husband, waiting on a song to end, drinking, trying to get the baby to stop her blood curdling screaming (on occasion), get my money out of my wallet, adjusting my clothes, and/or making a mental note of all the crap I’ve gotta have to get out of the car. Oh and also making sure lights are off, car’s in park (etc)...

OpryLeigh's avatar

Usually straight away although, sometimes I will be talking to someone on my hands free and so, rather than transfer them to my handset, I will wait until the convesation has ended to get out of the car.

filmfann's avatar

Like @SavoirFaire , I am listening to music, waiting for the song to end.

misstrikcy's avatar

Fart around looking for stuff… finish my fag, get my stuff together etc etc

I’m really bad when I get in the car too… 10–15 minutes before I pull away. I see people (mainly blokes) who get into the car, turn it on and just go…. it amazes me because I’ve never been able to do it. There’s always something to do before I pull away…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’m quick about it and rarely even bother with the doors.
I’ll just go out the top.
It would be alot easier if I had a sunroof. ;)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Only as long as it takes me to pick up my stuff. Usually it is pretty quick. <10 sec
But sometimes… Darn it!.. Where did that framistat go? It must have fallen on the floor an rolled under the passenger seat. Oops! Now the stuff in my shirt pocket fell out…. And where the heck did my phone slide to?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Depends. If there’s a hottie out there like lucille I’ll watch her for as long as it takes her to climb out.

SamIAm's avatar

I always feel like I have stuff to get together to get (to get to get to get, ha) out of the car but rarely do because all of my shit is always in my bag (just have to grab my ipod and phone). But I sit there frazzled looking for things that aren’t there/I don’t need. It’s not really worth it to be organized when it doesn’t save you time or sanity :/

Loried2008's avatar

(Oh and I don’t smoke with the baby in the car in case you were worried) :)

stardust's avatar

Pretty much the same as @SamIAm Always throwing buts and bobs into my bag.

john65pennington's avatar

Police officers live out of their police vehicles. its our “office on wheels” and we are parked for quite a few hours or our shift. during this time, its either observing traffice violators or writing police reports from previous calls.

In my personal vehicle, i spend a lot of time, waiting for my wife to come out of junk stores. during this time, i usually catch up my checkbook or talk to friends on my cell.

sonataking05's avatar

Sometimes I pull into the garage and shut the door and the smell is so nice I fall asleep in there….most of the time I wake up. Oh yeah and also I sometimes wait for a good songs to be over.

Scooby's avatar

If it’s a lay-by it could be some time or not at all, depends who I’m with & how secluded the lay-by is :-/
Just doing routine stuff & not looking for somewhere to park up, I’m out as soon as the handbrake is on.

wilma's avatar

It depends on if there is a good song on the radio.
It also depends on how long I have been driving or how stressful the driving was. The longer/more stressful the drive, the longer it takes for me to get out. I have to unwind my white knuckles from the steering wheel and decompress for a minute.

VS's avatar

It depends on if I have a destination or if I’m just getting out to amble. Most of the time, I have very little stuff (for a woman) to take with me, so if I’m heading to an appointment, I park and get out. Occasionally there will be some really super song on the radio and I’ll wait it out. When I get home, same thing. My husband and son have stood at the glass door and just watched me wailing, rocking out to something or other and had a great laugh at mom rockin’ it!

Fred931's avatar

I judge how well I parked. If I don’t get my car in the garage just right, then there won’t be enough room for me to open my door. I have to move the garbage can to get in/out because the mirrors won’t fold shut.

Bellatrix's avatar

Sorting out the things I need to take with me.
Talking on the phone to my kids, husband or someone who has phoned while I was on route,
Or listening to something on the radio. We had two radio personalities here up until the end of last year (Hamish and Andy) and I would often sit in the car after I got home and listen to the end of what they were talking about and laughing.
Or listening to the end of a great song and singing along sometimes too.

YARNLADY's avatar

I often get right out, but then I have to get back in because I forgot to lower the windows and lock the doors, and I forgot to get the coupons and my coffee cup.

Sunny2's avatar

Usually, I’m out immediately. Stopping to get groceries, I might check my list first. If there is someone waiting for my parking slot, I try to hurry a bit. Going home, I might listen to the end of a radio program before getting out.

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