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josrific's avatar

What kind of diet is better?

Asked by josrific (2575points) February 9th, 2011
10 responses
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I’m taking strong medications that have over the years packed on the pounds. With one med I gained over 30lbs in a year.

I talked to my psychiatrist today and he offered yet another medication to help with my weight. I declined and he gave me nutritional options. He said exercise and lower calories which is a given. But he did say that higher protein diets see a lot of success. But that got me wondering, if something is high protein it’s high calorie isn’t it?

If you were to go on a “diet” what would it be? Smaller meals that include a balance of everything or high protein meals that seem to take away the joy of fruit and grains and some dairy products? Where’s the fiber that is needed and the nutrients?


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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would start with the high protein if you want to drop the weight quickly.

everephebe's avatar

Don’t “go on a diet.” You gain back all the weight when you stop. Eat healthy real food, and eat less of it. Increase the amount of meals you take, and decrease the portions. Variety is good, a way of making sure you have variety is making sure you have different colors on your plate. Drink plenty of fluids.

philosopher's avatar

The best method to lose and maintain weight is to eat whole foods. Read Ultra Metabolism by Dr. Mark Hyman.

WestRiverrat's avatar

The one you can stick to without feeling deprived. @everephebe has some great advice.

Bellatrix's avatar

The research I have read suggests a high protein, reduced carb diet is the most successful for moving weight. I would suggest make sure you eat some protein with every meal (protein doesn’t necessary have more calories), just keep your portion sizes reasonable. The usual guide is if you eat meat, make the portion size no bigger than the palm of your hand. Eat from a range of protein sources but include fish and don’t overdo the red meat.

With the carbs, you can’t and shouldn’t try to eliminate carbs from your diet. They are an essential part of a healthy eating plan. Just avoid things like bread, pasta, pastry and the like and minimise your consumption of rice and starchy vegetables like potato, yams. Eat lots of leafy greens and vegetables that grow above ground. I love eggplant for instance. My rule is if it grows underground, eat it sparingly. I am not advocating removing anything from your diet completely though. If you feel like some potato, have it. Just have a small portion and don’t eat it every day.

Drink lots of water. Water is an essential for your body. Avoid juices. Eat a piece of fruit rather than drink a glass of juice. Have some dairy, just don’t go overboard again. I little cheese with your salad is fine. Balance is the key.

Exercise more than you do. Park further away from work. Take the stairs and if you want to do some formal exercise, include some work with weights. You want to build up your muscles.

Don’t obsess about the scales. They lie and can really derail your efforts.

Aim to eat healthy rather than get thin.

That’s my two dollars worth .. I can never stick to two cents!

sanmo01's avatar

I agree with philosopher. And no diet—make a lifestyle change and eat live foods as much as possible. If you have food cravings, go with a raw food eating plan. Google “raw foods” or “love foods” I have lost weight, reversed my diabetes (no meds now after taking 2 different meds at the same time) and arthritis is gone. All kinds of good things. Best wishes and health!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Lifestyle change. Eat less; exercise more. Keep track of your progress.
Turn off the TV. Get rid of snacks around the house. Only eat food that is on your plate.
(But you knew this already.)

Anemone's avatar

Personally, I’d try to eat a little less, and focus on low-fat forms of protein + whole grains and lots of veggies. Fiber is filling, but protein can increase your sense of fullness for a longer time. For the record, protein has the same amount of calories per gram as carbohydrates (4 cal/g).

I would definitely avoid refined carbs, like white flour, white rice, and sugar. Carbs aren’t bad, but you only get great nutritional benefits from them if they are whole-grain. Whole grains are filling, provide vitamins and minerals, and provide energy from carbs that is digested and incorporated relatively slowly into your system. That means you can eat carbs without having a sugar-high-like spike in energy that can lead to a “crash” and/or fat accumulation.

Pair that with more exercise and you’re good to go!

BTW, I’m vegan, so take this with a grain of salt if you like… although I learned this info and believed this sort of thing way before becoming vegan. For the record, I lost weight when I went vegan, and I think it was partly because I ate better foods in general (including more fiber) and partly because you end up not snacking mindlessly if you’re really determined to avoid consuming certain products. For instance, I’d pass up the brownies and candy that coworkers brought in, whereas before I’d just chow down. :p The point is. every little bit adds up! ...Or adds down!

kheredia's avatar

First of all, don’t think of it as a DIET, think of it as a life style change. The high fiber food appears to have more calories but when you eat food that is high in fiber, you stay fuller for longer periods of time. I would replace bad carbs for good carbs. (Avocado is a great choice for healthy carbs). Also, be sure you snack regularly on fruits and veggies. Try to get all your greens in and a lot of liquid. Replace your whole milk with fat free milk or low fat milk if you haven’t already and try to squeeze in a multivitamin. If you eat meat, eat only lean meats and limit your intake of red meats. Do this with your regular exercise and you should do great!

Don’t ever allow yourself to get really hungry cause that’s always when we tend to overeat. Good luck! :-)

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