Social Question

MissAnthrope's avatar

Would you be interested in participating in a seasonal, themed CD mix exchange (Part 2)

Asked by MissAnthrope (21511points) March 3rd, 2011

Spring is on its way, which means it’s time for a new Burn It! (Back story and Part 1 here)

The deadline to get your addresses to me is March 15th. The final deadline (to complete mixes and to mail them out) is March 31st.

The Theme:
Spring, to me, is about busting out of the winter doldrums. I love how it feels when the first warm spring days arrive. Soaking up the warm rays of the sun, maybe throwing your windows open for the first time in the new year, to enjoy the sweet, warm(er) breeze. Spring is also the time for cleaning and airing things out after winter. So, for this theme, music that makes you feel good; uplifting, upbeat, energetic, and/or music you could imagine yourself cleaning to on a beautiful spring day should be what you’re shooting for. It could be the lyrics or just the way that the song sounds.

Here’s how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups. You will then receive a PM from me telling you the addresses of the people in your group. You burn several identical CDs. Keep one for yourself, send the others to the other people in your group, and send one to me.

The rules:
– If you’re not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don’t bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group.
– If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada/Mexico. If you live in Canada/Mexico, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that’s going to break the bank.
– CD format must be standard CD audio, that can be played in normal CD players, not MP3/data discs.
– Consider putting your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere, if you’d like to be contacted regarding the awesome mix you made.

Guidlines on creating your CDs:
– Include a track listing. If someone likes an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
– Fill up the CD as much as you can. There’s 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don’t half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
– You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
– I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
– Don’t be afraid to put on “cheesy” music. If you like it, others probably will, too.
– Don’t be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before, either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that’s what counts.

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178 Answers

Jude's avatar

Yes. :)

Put Nikki and I down.

RareDenver's avatar

You mention US Canada and Mexico, is this open to the UK too?

zenvelo's avatar

I’m in! I like making mix CDs.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Couldn’t we just put an mp3 mix each up on the cloud?

It would certainly be cheaper, and we could spread the love more easily!


This is partially motivated by the fact that I’m in Japan. I’m not about to send any CDs to any part of NAMPAC, and I dont expect anyone to want to put “JAPAN” on their postage either. I do, though, have some rather nifty deep house vinyls that I’m sure others would appreciate hearing in a (bad) mix.

RareDenver's avatar

@the100thmonkey I’m interested in them deep house vinyls

MissAnthrope's avatar

@RareDenver – I’d like it to be, I guess it just depends on everyone else and whether enough people are willing to pay trans-Atlantic postage. :)

@the100thmonkey – I toyed with the virtual mix idea, but I know that some people consider their mixes to be an art form, and so having it be virtual might take away from that. Not to mention, I think it’s kind of nice to have an actual physical copy, but I suppose people could burn mixes themselves if they wanted a copy for the car or whatever.

Everyone else, thoughts on this?

Also, I have no idea what NAMPAC is, nor do I fully understand your objection, but that’s okay.

Jude's avatar

I prefer your sturdy, old compact disc. :)

RareDenver's avatar

The cloud idea does make things easier but getting something in the post is always nice too, I’m easy either way, I guess what @the100thmonkey was getting at was the extra cost

the100thmonkey's avatar

There’s nothing that detracts from an mp3 being an art form. Burn the tracks yourself in the order given by the .m3u file, and accompany it by printing the cover art as designed by the producer.

My point is that it would be prohibitively expensive for me to mail >10 discs to anybody, given the location that I’m in, and that exactly the same outcome you envisage can be achieved through simple cloud services like Ubuntu One, Divshare, or a million other companies offering free hosting.

@RareDenver is right – it saves me a lot of money, is “postman proof” and helps save the environment – the mileage is far lower.

mammal's avatar

can we include cheesiness?

RareDenver's avatar

Come to think of it for me to send 10 CD’s to the US would be approx £50 ($80)

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m in. Whoever gets me gets a bonus cd. My wife wants to make one too.

Prosb's avatar

Although I really like the idea of getting CDs in the mail made by others on Fluther, I’d be leaning much more towards the online sharing. There would be no mail mix-ups, no postage, and it’d be instant. Any one who could burn CDs before, could simply make CDs of their favorite fellow Fluthering friend’s songs. =D

Allie's avatar

I’m in if it’s digital (like @the100thmonkey suggested). Plus, then you can just upload it and whoever wants it can take it. No need for groups, addresses, supplies, packaging, postage… on and on. Also, I’m all for helping the environment. :)

zenvelo's avatar

I’d prefer the CD in the mail.

tinyfaery's avatar

#1 We will all be sectioned into groups, so each person would only send out like 5 CDs.

#2 This is all in the tradition of the mix tape. If you want to share your music, go for it. What we are doing here is a CD exchange.

RareDenver's avatar

What’s the average number per group in your experience? i.e. how many CD’s are we likely to send out, I do want to do this, just got some nice vinyl look CD’s too that I can use.

infact I might get started planning it now

MissAnthrope's avatar

Generally, each group is like 5 people max. It all depends on how many people join up in total, and then I do some group-fu to even things out, to maximize safety/anonymity, etc.

RareDenver's avatar

Cool I’m in

jgrissett's avatar

I’m in! Sounds like a good way to play around with music! Do I just send you a private message with my address in it?

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MissAnthrope's avatar

@jgrissett – Yep!

And a thanks and a yippee to everyone else who’s on board so far. :D

El_Cadejo's avatar

I think itd be better to upload the music or grooveshark the playlists. It would give everyone a chance to sample everyone elses playlists without having to burn a kajillion cd’s/ship them out.

I mean id love to share my music with you guys and see what you all have in return but im too lazy to go burnin cd’s and runnin to the post office. Plus my burner doesnt even work :(

the100thmonkey's avatar

I’m in, with a couple of provisos that might exclude me:

1. I can find my vinyls – I just moved back to Japan, and they’re supposed to be here. My in-laws assure me they are here… somewhere…

2. I can come across a cheap enough hardware mixer – the pots on my current one are knackered.

3. No one minds my atrocious mixing: it’s been five years since I mixed anything and I sucked then

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MissAnthrope's avatar

It seems like the majority would prefer the snail mail process?

I totally get the pros of the virtual mix. I’ve even sent them before, with .m3u playlist and folder artwork, and the ease of sharing is worth considering. However, there is something to be said about getting something fun, frivolous, and not a bill in your mailbox. It’s kind of like how fun and magical the mail was when you were a kid.

It may just be me, but there’s something kind of romantic about sending and receiving things via post, especially from quasi-strangers/quasi-friends (essentially, people you’ve never met). Admittedly, I’m pretty weird, but in the last exchange, I did have moments of holding someone’s mix in my hands and pondering how they and I touched the same object, in completely different parts of the world. Yeah, I think about random, weird things.

I don’t want to be dismissive or exclusive.. can anyone think of a way to accommodate those in the virtual mix camp? Maybe I can have one group that’s all virtual?

MissAnthrope's avatar

It’s been suggested that everyone be in the same group pool and however an individual wants to share (virtually or hard copy) is up to them. What do you all think? The pros here are that as a whole, we form a big collective that should produce some interesting groups. No one is segregated and we’re all interacting with each other. The only cons I see are a disparity of effort (particularly regarding packaging and shipping) and potential disappointment if a ‘physical copy’ person finds themselves in a group with several ‘digital copy’ people.

It seems like we should have enough ‘virtual’ people to have a virtual-sharing subgroup, which leaves us with roughly 6 or 7 people in the ‘physical copy’ group. I think we had 7 or 8 people total last time and it worked out pretty well. So, I think this is doable.

What do you guys think?

zenvelo's avatar

@MissAnthrope Sounds great to me! I will send you my address by private message.

tinyfaery's avatar

Huh? What? Yeah, whatever you said. I want CDs.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I have a cold and I feel like my brain is stuffed with lead, so maybe that was confusing.

Your choices are:

1) Everyone participates together. You may get a digital mix or three, or you may get an actual CD or three in the mail. It’s a random crapshoot.

2) We have two separate subgroups. One for the people that like the idea of exchanging virtual mixes, one for the people who like playing with snail mail. Virtual mixers get each other, snail mailers get each other. No fraternization between the two groups.

tinyfaery's avatar

Only if the digital mixes are idiot proof. Really. I’m so bad with computer stuff. I still can’t figure out how to fix my wifi.

RareDenver's avatar

I’m happy to go old school and post discs but I will also upload said disc for anyone else that wants them. I’ve been working on a mic and it all starts lovey dovey spring time then gets a wee bit darker but still upbeat

Prosb's avatar

I’d go with #2. I’m sure many digital mixers would like discs, but it seems only fair to have those willing/able to make and mail discs to get tangible copies from other jellies. Not to say people in the digital camp are worse off, they just won’t get that feeling of anticipation every time they check their mail. >.<

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Prosb ohhh i will, it will just be my E mail :P

deni's avatar

I fucking love snail mail! Sign me up!!!!!!!

Jude's avatar

How many so far, Miss A?

MissAnthrope's avatar

I have 7 people’s addresses so far.

Jude's avatar

I’m opting out, jellies.

tinyfaery's avatar

WTF? Why?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yeah, what she said!

Jude's avatar

Back in it!

Jude's avatar

Working on my sheedee right now. Ten songs, thus far.

jgrissett's avatar

So, are we getting our groupings soon?

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MissAnthrope's avatar


So, I meant to post this a couple of days ago, but I’ve been rather preoccupied. Sorry! In any case, consider this your final warning to get your address to me if you haven’t already. I’ll be working on the groups soon and getting them out, so the over-achievers can get their CDs in the mail whenever they finish.

@noelleptc – Sorry to hear that. :(

RareDenver's avatar

I’m all set to go, hope whoever gets mine likes them. And if they are late don’t blame me, blame the transatlantic postman. Seriously though, CD done, artwork done, just need to burn, print and post!

jgrissett's avatar

does any one object to explicative lyrics in the music i put on the mix?

MissAnthrope's avatar

I have the groups made up and will hopefully get them sent out today. <3

Jude's avatar

My girl and I will be working on ours this weekend. They should be out by Monday.

RareDenver's avatar

@Jude have you got addresses? I need addresses.

Jude's avatar

@RareDenver I do have them.

RareDenver's avatar

@Jude Oh? I wonder if I have been left out as I am in the UK? and I just burnt 7 copies tonight

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t have any addresses either, unless they are the same as last time.

deni's avatar

Nope. I didn’t do it last time and no one sent me none dem yet either.

jgrissett's avatar

@RareDenver i think you’re in my group cause I have an address for Leeds, England. Is that you?

RareDenver's avatar

@jgrissett that sounds like it is more than likely me!

MissAnthrope's avatar

<slinks in sheepishly>

Most of you had your groups in a somewhat timely manner. Three of you, I am very sorry. There were some circumstances beyond my control, including a debilitating migraine. In any case, I finally got them all sent out—I think!

If you are participating and have not received a list of groups, please PM me and I will rectify this situation.

RareDenver's avatar

Woo hoooooooooo

Got them posted, I hope you lucky fluthers like em. it was cheaper than I expected too at just under £10 ($16) for the postage

MissAnthrope's avatar

I have had a request to make up a group for the folks who expressed interest in exchanging mixes digitally. If you want in to this virtual CD swap, please say Aye.

You can throw in a ‘Captain’, if you feel so moved.

@RareDenver – Yippee! Thanks for participating. :)

RareDenver's avatar

Aye Captain! Can we be in both groups?

Jude's avatar

The “Aye, Captain”, is kinda hot. ;-)

MissAnthrope's avatar

@RareDenver – Sure! I don’t see why not. I’ll put you down. :)

@Jude – ;)

deni's avatar

My deepest apologies, my CDs will be hitting the mail a few days late. I’ve already departed for a week long road trip, but I’ll get them out as soon as I get back! Yippeeeee!

tinyfaery's avatar

Spring is hard. My CD will probably go out Monday.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@tinyfaery – Glad to hear I’m not the only one struggling. I don’t know what it is.. it’s just not falling into place at all. :\

Jude's avatar

I’ll be burning my tonight. They should go out Monday.

jgrissett's avatar

It’s gonna be a few more days for mine as well…I’ve got a lot of artists that I wanna put on, just gotta find the right song and put it in a good order :-/

Jude's avatar

Cds have been burned and will be going out today. I have put both my real name and my Fluther name (Jude) on the front of the shee-dee.


El_Cadejo's avatar

Almost finished my list. Then imma upload it all to megaupload and post it here for all to enjoy….. hopefully :P

El_Cadejo's avatar

Is anyone offended by the occasional “fuck” or “shit” in a song? None have anything to serious as far as language goes but there are like I said the occasional cursing.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Alrighty folks, here it is. Hope you all enjoy. I tried to include a really wide variety of genres but it is still rather electronically minded. I didnt include a track list because all the files should have their meta data with them so your comp should just recognize all the tracks. If not, let me know and Ill post it as well.

Let me know what ya guys think :)

Dont know if everyone is familiar with how to get this to play so I shall explain. Just download the file and unrar it. Then open up the folder and click on the “springmix.m3u” file. It will start autoplaying in order in your default music player.

Jude's avatar

The cds are being shipped to my girlfriend’s who lives in Michigan. Both her and I made cds and we shipped out ours as a package deal :). She told me just now that one cd came in for us from RareDenver. I’ll get to listen to it in the next couple of days. :)

RareDenver's avatar

@Jude how exciting, hope you guys like it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

they will. its fuckin awesome :)

Jude's avatar

@uber, I’m waiting on yours now. :)

RareDenver's avatar

I’ll be doing the same as soon as I get home

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude its posted above. Download it and give it a listen :P

Jude's avatar

—@uberbatman I’m downloading it now. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude cool beans, let me know what ya think :)

Jude's avatar

@uberbatman So far I like it, dude.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude :) one of those rare examples of intelligent rap

RareDenver's avatar

Dan and Scroobius woooo, you should check out Thou Shalt Always Kill Jude

Jude's avatar

@RareDenver Ah, I like.

@uberbatman Both my girlfriend and I approve. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude well, if you gals enjoy the cd, you should check out my radio show. Link is on my profile page. Every Tuesday 10pm-12am est. Tonight’s show though will essentially be just this playlist. But check it out in the future for more random ass music :)

RareDenver's avatar

@uberbatman I’m really enjoying this mix so far :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RareDenver sweet, if ya come across anything ya really like let me know and I’ll upload the cd for ya.

jgrissett's avatar

I just got @RareDenver‘s in the mail today! Super excited about it! I’ll get mine in the mail before the end of the week! Sorry I’m taking forever to get this done!

tinyfaery's avatar

Mine will go out tomorrow. I promise. @Jude I am sending yours to your better half.

Jude's avatar

My better half, huh?

<—- Chopped liver.

Jude's avatar

Kids, how do you do the megaload thing (that uber did)? I would like to share my music that way, as well.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m an idiot. I sealed all the envelopes without the track names. Send me a pm with your email and I will get it to you. If you want it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude its really simple. Use winamp or something to make your playlist. Save the file to a folder. It will save as a m3u file. Then go ahead and throw all the files on said playlist into the folder as well. Then rar or zip the folder up. Then go to megaupload and hit browse , pick the rar or zip file you made and hit upload. Once it uploads it will give you a link. Post the link here.

id love to hear your music as well jude. If you have any problems getting up loaded let me know and ill try and be more clear.

tinyfaery's avatar

Anybody get my CD’s yet?

RareDenver's avatar

I haven’t received any CD’s yet :-( but I’m a long way away

tinyfaery's avatar

@RareDenver I don’t think you were on my list.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’ve received both of yours.

@tinyfaery – I’ll be PMing you for that track list shortly. :P

Jude's avatar

Let me know when you all get ours. :)

Jude's avatar

Who has Jude’s name besides Denver?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Denver, jgrissett, and deni have you, @Jude.

Jude's avatar

Thank-you, sexy ass pirate. ;)

MissAnthrope's avatar

plink plink

jgrissett's avatar

@Jude Hey man, putting the mix together took longer than I expected and then I tried to burn them all today, but my cd burner was acting up, but I fixed the problem and they should all go out tomorrow (Wednesday). I am really sorry for taking so long!

jgrissett's avatar

@Jude Also, I read in an earlier post that the CD’s were going to your girlfriend in Michigan, but I wasn’t given a Michigan address to ship anything to. Miss A says you’re in my group and I just wanna make sure your mix cd gets to you, so let me know where to send it.

@MissAnthrope You gave me four addresses, one for Jude, deni, and RareDenver. Is the fourth address your? Also, you didn’t tell me which fluther name went with each address, only the name they gave you, so I don’t really know which address belongs to who…

RareDenver's avatar

I think it’s fairly obvious which is mine, both by name and location :) btw must have my real name on it and not RareDenver as it is my office address.

Jude's avatar

@jgrissett pm Miss A. She’ll take care of it.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Dur. I’m a scatterbrain (if you didn’t know this already). So, let me revise what I said, @Jude. It’s Denver, tinyfaery, and deni that have you. Sorry for the confusion.

tinyfaery's avatar

I didn’t have @Jude I had her better half and out of the sheer goodness of my heart I sent one to @Jude, too.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I take my role here seriously, in terms of guarding everyone’s safety, privacy, and anonymity (if they so choose). I have made a point not to connect people’s real names with their usernames. This way, I’m the only one that can stalk the girls I have crushes on. See how that works?

Anyway, kidding, obviously, if you would like to divulge that information here, you’re welcome to it, but I just wanted you all to know that I don’t feel comfortable doing it myself.

Jude's avatar

@MissAnthrope Thanks for clearing that up. So far, we (partner and I) have tinyfaery’s and Denver’s.

I also appreciate you not giving out info on who we really are. :)

@tinyfaery I thought that your wife was in on the cd exchange? :)

tinyfaery's avatar

She wussed out. Too busy.

Jude's avatar

And, thank-you, R, for sending out one for me. :)

jgrissett's avatar

Alright everyone! I sent mine out this afternoon! I am really excited about it! Let me know when you get it!

So far, I’ve only received a CD from Denver. Has anyone else from my group sent them out yet?

jgrissett's avatar

@Jude I just got a mix CD from you, but I don’t think I sent one to you…if you PM me with the address you want a CD sent to, I’ll get it out to you tomorrow!

Jude's avatar

@jgrissett You don’t have my name. It’s okay.

I had Deni, Miss A, you, and tinyfaery’s name. You and tiny got yours.

I am waiting on Miss A’s and Deni’s.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude Any luck uploading your mix? Me needs more music :( I only gotted 1 :P

MissAnthrope's avatar

Everyone has me, which is a built-in perk of being Captain. But because it feels weird to get mixes for almost nothing, I am breaking tradition* and making a mix, too, which I plan to send to everyone.

However…. Mine is belated. I’m struggling with it.. it is not falling into place like they usually do. I’m close, but mine will be mailed out as an April bonus.


* Original Burn It! tradition, early 00’s style.

RareDenver's avatar

I think everyone that I sent one too has received it by now, did you all enjoy it? I know dance music isn’t to everyone’s taste but I hope it was upbeat and cheery like spring time

tinyfaery's avatar

So who got my CD besides @Jude? Like it?

deni's avatar

@tinyfaery i got yours! dug it!!!!!!!!! i got @Jude s and her ladybirdfriend’s today and am super excited to listen to it by the track listing…@raredenver i didnt get yours yet! but….dance music IS MY THING so i cant wait

Jude's avatar

I have listened to a couple of tiny’s songs (didn’t have time to listen to the whole thing), and I really like it so far. Denver, yours in great for driving!

@deni Lemme know what you think. :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

I got Jude’s and jgrissett’s! The only one I’ve managed to listen to so far was RareDenver’s, which I enjoyed and I agree is good driving music.

I’m frantically trying to wrap up my own mix and I am looking forward to listening to everyone’s offerings once I’m done! I especially like the cover art on jgrissett’s mix—very nice!

RareDenver's avatar

weird I don’t even have a driving licence :-)

Jude's avatar

@MissAnthrope Let me know what you think.

tinyfaery's avatar

Well, I sent out 4 CD’s and only got two in return. Last time I only got 3 in return. This is no fun if all parties do not hold up to the bargain. The summer CD mix will have to do without me.

deni's avatar

No no! I literally just got back from the post office!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@tinyfaery I only got 1 but I dont really care. For me, this was more about me sharing my music with you guys. Though I can see your disappointment since you did actually invest in this. Digital ftw :P

tinyfaery's avatar

@uberbatman Yeah. Yeah. I don’t go for that new fangled-crap. ;)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im always here to help :)

jgrissett's avatar

@tinyfaery i’ve only received 2. Miss A said she’s still working on hers, so that’ll be number 3, and I don’t know who the fourth was supposed to be…

MissAnthrope's avatar


Okay, so @deni is accounted for.. and I think the only lagger left is me, right? Hopefully all will be right in the world soon. I’m close to being done, just working a lot this week to cover someone on vacation.

Love you guys.. please don’t be too mad. :|

RareDenver's avatar

Just got my first CD !!!

It’s from @jgrissett and looking at the track list I already see two of my favourite songs so looking forward to listening to this one, will probably listen to it tomorrow whilst painting the stone steps out front of my house.

RareDenver's avatar

@jgrissett gets a big thumbs up for a great CD

jgrissett's avatar

@RareDenver which two songs did you already know? I tried to pick out and find stuff that I knew of, but most people wouldn’t know. Which song did you like best on the mix?

RareDenver's avatar

@jgrissett the tracks I knew were I Will Follow You Into The Dark (already have instructions in place for that one to be played at my funeral) and Tech Romance (from one of my top ten favourite albums of all time, but I keep losing it, I had the CD and lost it, my girlfriend (now wife) bought it for me again and I somehow lost it one more time, I still have the case, thank god for backups on my pc/mp3/iPhone)

I really liked The Girl by City and Colour (was surprised to see it spelt Colour by what I assume is an american band from the singing accent) I also liked the track called Climb Trees by Sage Francis.

Overall a very good mix tape, mellow in feeling on the whole but with some upbeat fun such as the Eyedea & Abilities track which I also really liked.

It was a blast to hear The Polyphonic Spree, I remember seeing them on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury in a very fucked up state back in 2004

RareDenver's avatar

or maybe 2003? or 2005? It all melts into one

jgrissett's avatar

@RareDenver I love young machines by Her Space Holiday! A friend of mine made me a mix and put one of his songs on it and I downloaded his album that week! That album is remarkable! I’ve been getting in ti underground hip-hop recently, so I had to put some in. Sage Francis and Eyedea & Abilities are two of my favorites! I am really glad you enjoyed it!

I’ve given yours a listen through once in my car. I didn’t know it was all dance music until I was half way through it. Once I knew that, I was no longer waiting for the lyrics and I was able to enjoy it! I need to listen to it more, but I really liked my first listen.

Jude's avatar

How’s everyone doing with the cds? Liking what you have, so far?

RareDenver's avatar

@Jude I’ve only recieved one CD so far and one digital mix but I have enjoyed them both.

Jude's avatar

Got @deni.‘s Actually, my girlfriend got it. I’ll get to listen to it this weekend. My girlfriend really liked it. :)

RareDenver's avatar

Okay so I guess Spring is well and truly upon us and I’ve only received one CD so far. Big thanks to @jgrissett for that one, I also got a digi mix from @uberbatman and it was very well received. I’m pretty sure everyone I posted a disk to has got it by now. Not sure if this is cheating but I decided to just give mine away to the whole fluther community (and anyone else on t’intertubes)

Here it is, RareDenver’s Spring 2011 you can either stream it or download it (the little arrow down icon at the top of the play bar)

Allegedly it is good for driving so I suggest a download and take it out for a spin, I personally like to take it for a walk but that’s cos I don’t have a driving license. The link will also give you a link to the CD case with track list.

Hope you enjoy it.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@RareDenver – Don’t give up hope just yet. Trans-Atlantic post has been ridiculously slow for several months now. Like, taking a month or more to arrive. As for the rest of your group, I’m pretty sure one is late but on its way, and the other person sent their mix out to others (confirmed). Plus mine, which is terribly late, but almost finished.

Now that you mention it, though, I’m missing a mix, as well. I’ve received RareDenver’s, Jude’s, tinyfaery’s, and jgrissett’s. Deni’s is coming, so that leaves zenvelo? Not sure what happened there, since I know at least one of zenvelo’s group definitely received his mix. :(

jgrissett's avatar

I’ve still only received Denver’s and Jude’s…still missing MissA’s (but no fretting there) and someone else’s. I guess I’m lucky though, cause when I receive MissA’s, I’ll have four total cause of Jude’s girlfriend’s mix (which is pretty stellar by the way, props to her!).

deni's avatar

@RareDenver I STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOURS!!! :( I check the mail anxiously every day. Then frown.

@Jude both you and Nikkis were fuckin aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome!!!!!!!!!!

RareDenver's avatar

@deni I posted all my CDs weeks ago, this postal service is very disappointing.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Okie doke.. I just realized that we do have one more straggler besides myself, so if some of you are missing two CDs (myself and one other), they should hopefully be heading your way soon!

Mine is very nearly done, I’ve just been trying to arrange the songs in the best order and the next step will be putting it into my program and tweaking fades, volumes, etc. So, I’m hoping to have it done by tomorrow!

RareDenver's avatar

@deni just got yours today :-)

RareDenver's avatar

Hey @deni had a busy time but finally got yours copied to my phone, really enjoyed the first half but then half way through You Must Have Been A Beautiful Girl it just started making fucked noises, and every track from then on was fucked noises. Gonna try the CD in another player later (it might just be my laptop imported them bad) I’ll try and get it sorted before this weekends stag party in London My wife liked the Jenny & The Summer Day track but I think it’s cos she’s called Jenny (I liked it for real reasons). I really liked the first track Home and the rest reminded me of the time I lived in Kentucky !!!!!

Jude's avatar

MissA, how are you making out with the cd?

MissAnthrope's avatar

What the F…?
This will be my THIRD attempt to reply here. Major weirdness. >:[

I have listened to RareDenver’s, tinyfaery’s, and Jude/Nikki’s. Still have jgrissett’s to listen to! Awesome, awesome job, you guys! I have loved your mixes so far and am really jazzed about having loads of new, great music!

Mine were mailed out a few days ago and should hopefully be arriving aaaaaany second now…

Third time’s a charm, I guess..

jgrissett's avatar

just got @MissAnthrope‘s mix today! i am pumped!!!! today is a good day :)

Jude's avatar

Got your sheedee the other day. Thanks! :)

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, Miss A. You didn’t include Finally. No you dint.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Oh girl, I sure did!

deni's avatar

@RareDenver That is so annoying, I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every once in a while a CD I burn someone will do that, without warning, and I have no idea of telling!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :(

RareDenver's avatar

@deni no worries, can’t be helped I guess.

just got the disc from @MissAnthrope and am importing it now :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

Hoooray! Glad you finally got more to listen to. :)

RareDenver's avatar

@MissAnthrope pressing PLAY> now

MissAnthrope's avatar

Hope you like it. :)

RareDenver's avatar

@MissAnthrope it’s got LCD Soundsystem on it, how can it be anything other than wonderful?

Have you heard the Soulwax Remix of Daft Punk Is Playing At My House?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Nope, but I’ll check it out! Have to go to work now. :\

Jude's avatar

Summer exchange?

El_Cadejo's avatar

im down :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Jude – I’m glad you expressed interest.. I wasn’t sure if people were over it at this point or what.

So… summer? Sound good? I was thinking of waiting until June or July, to spread things out some. :)

RareDenver's avatar

I’m all up in that summer shit !

Jude's avatar

Curious, who’s all in for the Summer exchange?

tinyfaery's avatar

My wife wants to take my place. But I warn you, she has bizarre musical taste.

Jude's avatar

Like what?

El_Cadejo's avatar

bizarre =good

and im in for any music exchanges:)

tinyfaery's avatar

Yoko Ono
Celine Dion
Broadway musicals
Current pop music

You will get all of these on 1 CD.

Jude's avatar

Oy. ;-)

tinyfaery's avatar

She is also great at finding hidden gems.

Jude's avatar

Great! Glad that she’s in (if it’s a a-go)!

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