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KateTheGreat's avatar

What is the most demented movie you've ever seen?

Asked by KateTheGreat (13640points) April 24th, 2011
56 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I just watched a movie called “A Serbian Film”. It has some pretty horrifying and controversial things in it. By far, it’s one of the more demented movies I’ve seen.

Which movies have made you sick to your stomach and made you never want to watch them again?

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Blueroses's avatar

Well, I knew you were going to say A Serbian Film when I saw your question.
Sick was one I’m glad I saw but I won’t see again.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Tempting… I can’t decide if I want to watch that now, or not.
I’ve never seen a movie so disturbing that I’ve never wanted to see it again. Unless you include short ‘films,’ because 2 girls 1 cup fits that description for me. heh.

Otherwise, a lot of John Waters’ stuff is pretty demented. I haven’t seen them in years, but a toss up between Desperate Living and Pink Flamingos. He was pretty progressive in testing the audience.

Gummo, maybe. I never did watch that again. I’m pretty sure it was the cat killing in that movie that really bugged the hell out of me. Maybe that’s my official answer, because even thinking of it now, I don’t have a desire to see it again and that must have been 15 years ago already that I saw it.

Blueroses's avatar

oh, man. I don’t know how I forgot Gummo and Pink Flamingos

linguaphile's avatar

Clockwork Orange and Lawnmower Man. I still don’t get the point or the allure.

ddude1116's avatar

Ichi the Killer’s the one that sticks in my head currently. It’s insanely violent, but what makes it demented is that it is essentially a romance movie about a sadomasochist trying to find somebody who will hurt him the way he was hurt before.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think Freeway 2 is the weirdest movie I’ve ever seen. The Vincent Gallo character will give you nightmares, for reals =/.

LosingAtLove's avatar

Hostel 1 & 2 and Babysitter Wanted

Jellie's avatar

Pretty much all Japanese/Korean horror is… disturbing. Some movies which freaked me out were Audition, the infection, and one about eating foetuses the name of which I’ve forgotten. Out of the western stuff: Eraserhead and Hellraiser.

Hibernate's avatar

@SavoirFaire that movie has a lot of things to teach you if you know where / how to look and what to take as lessons for life.

@ANef_is_Enuf that movie is not sick [ it’s just good to teach you to control yourself ^^ ]

Anyway movies aren’t that disturbing if you want to learn something [ if there’s something to be learn ]

I saw a while ago a movie about the Holocaust ... i wouldn’t want to see it again anytime soon because it was repulsing [ and i have a strong stomach ] .. oh and there’s always the movies about Africa and the poor people living there… these are really bad ones [ most of my friends cried and weren’t able to watch them till the end ]

gmander's avatar

The Human Centipede was rather strange and slightly disturbing.

Vunessuh's avatar

Sweet Movie deserves an honorable mention.
There’s a scene near the end when the people at the dinner party are vomiting all over the place, only it isn’t fake – the actors are actually vomiting. That was awful. And the filmmakers say that one of the actresses was traumatized during the scene. She isn’t acting. They filmed her shock and distress and threw it in the movie. I think the same actress was exiled from her own country for partaking in the film.

ucme's avatar

Mary Poppins. I mean, come on! She’s a steroid induced virgin from hell that woman…...or maybe she’s from Surrey…I dunno.

MacBean's avatar

Honestly, out of all the movies I’ve seen (which includes several that have been mentioned here already) Jesus Camp is probably the one that disturbs me the most.

iCalvin's avatar

1991’s ‘The Dark Backward’ starring Judd Nelson, Lara Flynn Boyle, Bill Paxton, and Wayne Newton. Judd stars as a struggling standup comedian with tremendous self-esteem problems. Paxton is his best friend who continues to blow smoke up Judd’s ass telling him how great he is even though he sucks. Lara is the loyal girlfriend…until Judd grows a 3rd arm out of his back and is encouraged, by Paxton, to sign up with a sleazy agent, Wayne Newton, for a shot a Hollywood.

This film is so bizarrely demented it demanded to be watched until the end. Do yourself a favor, check out the trailer and when you have 90 minutes to throw away, do it with this one.

filmfann's avatar

The Human Centipede, Pink Flamingos, and Clockwork Orange could claim ownership to the title.
Personally, I would watch them back to back if I could avoid watching Red Asphalt again.

tedd's avatar

Its a bit dated, but Blood Sucking Freaks was pretty messed up.

Blueroses's avatar

OK, now I’ve seen A Serbian Film
It’s aggressively demented. I’m going to have to have a serious talk with @symbeline for recommending it.

blueiiznh's avatar

Clockwork Orange

beckk's avatar

Eraserhead was one messed up movie.

ragingloli's avatar

Star Trek 2009.

but, arguably, the star wars prequels were worse

downtide's avatar

Ghost Ship. Not only the worst horror film I’ve ever seen but the worst horror of it all was the acting.

Facade's avatar

An American Crime with Ellen Page. It was a few days before I felt normal about life again. The fact that it’s based on a true story really gets me.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Not “disturbing” but slightly “demented”, I firmly believe that Jim Henson and Frank Oz were on crack when they made Dark Crystal. I love the Fraggles and the Muppets, and The Labyrinth, but I never want to see Dark Crystal again. <shudder>

Michael_Huntington's avatar

The Traces of Death movies

Jude's avatar

Eraserhead was odd.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Blue Velvet comes to mind (good ol’ David Lynch).
American Psycho
Jacob’s Ladder

JustJessica's avatar

“Faces of Death” I watched it once and had nightmares for a long time accompanied with a horrible feeling that people would actually watch something like that for entertainment purposes.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@MacBean oh man, good call. That movie seriously upset me.

Judi's avatar

When I first saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show I was totally freaked out. It was in the late ‘70’s or early “80’s.
I know I am older than most jellies, and that the world has changed a lot, but up until then, there was nothing that embraced all of societies taboos like that. It shook me to the core.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Hibernate That doesn’t make the film any less “demented” in the sense given by the question. I’m already quite clear about the lessons in it anyway, though.

seazen_'s avatar

Close tie between the rape scene in Strange Days and a number of scenes in any of the Hannibal films, from SotL to Hannibal.

And I didn’t like A Clockwork Orange when I saw it in the cinema. I was too young for that violence.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@MacBean : I read the IMDB for that movie, and I don’t see what’s so bad about it. But I never saw it, either.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I just saw “A Serbian Film”. Holy shit. Pure brutal, gritty and nihilistic art (although it does not have the beauty and eloquence of films like Salo or Nekromantik. Not that it’s a bad thing). Totally blows mainstream trash such as “Saw” or “Hostel” out of the water. I would be surprised if there’s a film that can top this one. Not recommended for the squeamish or people who can’t appreciate depraved films.

seazen_'s avatar

Saw was bad. The first time round anyway.

flutherother's avatar

Anything with Timothy Carey in it or near it. A brief example

Berserker's avatar

Haha somehow I knew you were gonna pick that.


@Blueroses…sorry, too.

Well then you guys, don’t say I didn’t warn you about Cannibal Holocaust, if you decide to check that.

Which would go on my list, for the fact that real animals were killed during the making of this. Not comfortable with that. The rest of the movie is pretty ridiculous, especially the human deaths. But it does have this neat point, about so called civilization. Reminds me of the Conan the barbarian comics, and how Conan is a lot more civilized than everyone else haha. Not that this has anything to do with Cannibal, which falls flat with its point due to real animal slaughtering. I hope I’m wrong and am misinformed about that, but I highly doubt it.
One of the animal deaths is fucking demented, and I can’t believe this was done for real, ugh. At least in A Serbian Film nobody was actually raped, or hurt.

But to answer this more precisely;
I’d have to say Antichrist was pretty disturbing, especially the second half. Even without all that stuff in the end, somehow it’s just totally demented. A complete brain fuck. COMPLETE.

@Michael_Huntington Too right. Mainstream horror is totally MacDonald’s when it comes to stuff like A Serbian Film.

@JustJessica Aye, it’s more of a ’‘documentary’’ than anything else, but I didn’t know that at the time. I was in for quite a surprise. It was interesting seeing the take on death by different cultures, even if most of it was just people getting killed, but they did show some interesting stuff about different types of burial.
(like storing corpses in mountain passes as opposed to burying or burning them)
Not entirely sure we needed to see some dude get wasted by a bear though…although he sure asked for it. I’m actually pretty wussy when it comes to real footage lol

@Jude So, so, what did you think? I also put that on my list of demented films, but I’m madly in love with it lol.

@tedd Haha aye indeed, that was fucked. I won’t ever forget it. Street Trash is also quite fucking demented, but it’s also so damn funny at the same time.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@troubleinharlem I’d recommend it. I found it shocking and upsetting to watch. I suspect even those that agree with many of their core beliefs would find the documentary shocking.

Jude's avatar

@Symbeline I felt bad for the Mom. Made me cry like a baby.

The movie is unbelievably good, though.

Ladymia69's avatar

Any movie that includes actual animal cruelty or animal sadism or animal torture or anything having to do with hurting animals. I’ve started watching some European films that I had to stop for that reason…they don’t have animal rights groups protecting creatures from being exploited in film as readily as we do.

JustJessica's avatar

“Train Spotters” Was quite disturbing, if you’ve seen it I’m sure you know the part I’m talking about.

Seelix's avatar

Meet the Feebles. I get the willies just thinking about it.

Coloma's avatar

The Hostel series, and I loved American Psycho.

‘May’ was very creepy and ‘Candy’...was that it? The one where the girl goes after the pedophile photographer?

My daughter is 23, she is always giving me creepy movies to watch. Sometimes, I dunno. lol
I REFUSE to ever watch ’ 2 girls, one cup’, trust me, shes tried! haha

Coloma's avatar

A great campy horror flick is ‘Otis’ very funny!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Coloma Try watching 1 guy 1 jar, it’s a little less hardcore. ;)

cockswain's avatar

I’m also going with Human Centipede. Also an Italian film called Salo. Any shit eating is always disgusting. “Senseless” had some twisted stuff in it too. Some of those Saw movies had scenes that burned into my memory. Also “Anti-Christ”, with Willem Dafoe has some pretty messed up scenes. The castration scene in Hard Candy made me cringe. The cop getting his ear cut off in Reservoir Dogs was memorable. And of course, Two Girls One Cup, even though it isn’t a movie.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I couldn’t get through Eraserhead. I guess it wasn’t actually demented. It was just weird, and not in the way I normally like. Just bad weird.

cockswain's avatar

Try watching Zardoz. We skipped through it the other night. Hilarious how bad it is.

seazen_'s avatar

Brokeback Mountain.

Hibernate's avatar

@SavoirFaire okay :P sorry

Back on topic ” disaster movie

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Movie that gave me nightmares was Fire in the Sky
Video content that horrified me like a bad train wreck “Two Girls And a Cup” do not watch on a full stomach…or empty for that matter
Most demented? Weekend at Bernie’s

A Clockwork Orange was fantastic

AshlynM's avatar

Otis was a great movie.

Midnight Meat Train and Meat Grinder are a couple of other demented movies.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@gmander Er, thanks for mentioning The Human Centipede. After your post, it was on tv one night, and I watched it. I’m now considering flagging my answer and ask that it be removed.

cockswain's avatar

How did it make you feel?

Berserker's avatar

Maybe not demented in the sense of something like A Serbian Film

But I saw Gummo, Vunessuh told me about it.


The premise is this, a small town gets hit by a tornado, and the movie shows us the lives of a few people dealing with this. You don’t see anything about the tornado, not even its aftermath. (well you do just in the beginning) This movie takes place a little while after.
But all these people are fucking messed up, and it’s disturbing. You’d have to see it. Nothing shock value, this is a very artsy movie, showing us different people getting drunk, fist fighting in the kitchen, selling dead cats to a grocer and whatnot. It’s cool because it’s just…their fucked up lives, although I really wonder how much the tornado has to do with anything.
It’s worth watching though, if you want something different, and something disturbing, but without it being about raping babies or getting stitched to someone’s rectum. A really engaging and haunting movie.

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