I just read the article linked and I have a few questions which I hope can be answered.
1) Evidently this is one of those so called “drive-by” situations where it installs itself upon simply visiting the site. How can one identify/avoid the types of sites where it is likely to be lurking?
2) it sounds as if just doing a search on the term “Mac Defender” will yield results in which some of those sites could contain the very infection one is seeking to avoid. If so, how do you get any accurate info since Apple Supprt reps are being instructed not to give specific help.
3) why on earth would Aple be crazy enough to take this approach. It is self-defeating and provides no benefit to either the company or end user?
4) Would using Firefox or Chrome instead of Safari prevent this automatic installation? I’ve been using FF rather than Safari for years now already and Firefox always pops up a dialogue box for specific authorization of any downloads. (the only exception to this hapened several years ago and it was a Windows Media File evidently containing background music to play automatically. But I stopped it as soon as I noticed it.)
5) would ClamAV, a free virus protection program which I recently read about (possibly here on Fluther) be an effective protection measure?
5). The article stated that if Apple continues to take 2–3 weeks to respond to each variant, the bad guys will make tons of money. How do they make money by screwing up people computers rendering them unusable?
I always thought most virus writers did it for bragging rights or something. I mean, it’s not as if these virus writers are in the computer repair business like the Geek Squad or something so how do they benefit from messing up peoples computers?
I realize that’s a lot of Qs but I know there are a lot of really tech savvy people on Fluther. Hopefull you’ll be willing to help out those of us who are technotards.
I’m at the head of the technotard line but I do read a lot :)