Social Question

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

What type of girls do you find intimidating?

Asked by QueenOfNowhere (1871points) June 16th, 2011
48 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I can never be with the guy I want… The guys I like do not respond to me the way I want them to. Often I think it is because they are shy and intimidated.

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tom_g's avatar

Before I was married….the type of girls that were girls (all of them).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Crazy ones scare me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No such girl.

hermit's avatar

Find the right person to love you. I used to think the same way as you do but now I have someone who is close to my level and we are very happy.

Not every man is insecure around smart, successful women. Some even find it very exciting and sexy…you just have to find him at the right place or situation. Beside, smart people know how to make the other person feel secure not the other way around. If he feels intimidated by you, then he is not the one for you. Wait until the right one comes along.

josie's avatar

Intimidated by what?

I’ve never really understood what girls meant when they accused some guy of being intimidated.

But since you asked, I have always been uncomfortable with women who are wound up so tight that they give the impression that one of these days they are going to start screaming and never stop.

Facade's avatar

I’m not intimidated by men or women, but I get what you’re saying.
I’d say forget the guys who are intimidated by you, and go for the ones who aren’t. Also, don’t force anything with a guy.

mazingerz88's avatar

The types of girls I find intimidating are the ones who think I’m intimidated.

Cruiser's avatar

@worriedguy I am with you on that one! Run away…FAST!

rebbel's avatar

Girls who smoke cigars and carry guns.

wundayatta's avatar

It is true, sad to say, that there are a lot of young men who are intimidated by intelligence in a woman. Or power. Or craziness. Intensity. They may not have enough experience or desire to deal with someone who is high maintenance. They just want someone simple who will be their “little woman.”

These guys miss out on a lot, but then, maybe they can’t handle it. So the guys who are intimidated by you may be the ones you would ultimately find uninteresting.

Sometimes men are also intimidated by beauty. They may not feel they deserve to be with a beautiful woman, or that there will be so much competition, they’ll never keep a beautiful woman.

Obviously, judging by comments above, men can be intimidated by craziness. Most people don’t understand it and have no clue where it’s coming from, so they can’t predict you, and they don’t know how to relate to you. Personally, I find craziness attractive, but then, I’m already crazy, so I know what’s going on.

I don’t think it matters what kind of girls men find intimidating. You wouldn’t want any of them, anyway, and I hope you are certainly not thinking you need to change yourself in order to find a guy. You’ll never be happy if you try to be what you think someone wants. It isn’t worth it just for a guy. You want to continue to be yourself. Someone will come along eventually. Who knows? Maybe they have already come along and you just don’t know it?

crackerjacked's avatar

My wife…

zenvelo's avatar

When perusing match dot com, I get intimidated by women from wealthy neighborhoods, mostly because I anticipate they have achieved a certain economic level well above mine.

jonsblond's avatar

The one I see when I look in a mirror. ;)

erichw1504's avatar

Girls that are taller than me.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Girls who hit on me. I mean that in a very specific way, positive way.

Women who aggressively flirt with a guy they want are usually wicked smart and a challenge to keep when you get them.

Facade's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Don’t be scared. Those are some of the best kinds of women =)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Facade They have ruined me for other types of women.

ucme's avatar

There’s no such animal, or I just haven’t met any yet.
Beware the harpie!

erichw1504's avatar

The ones that try to get away from the kitchen.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m with the crazy and/or gun toting group. Other than that not much bothers me.

MissAnthrope's avatar

The attractive ones. (otherwise known as most of them)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I think, @QueenOfNowhere, you can see the problem based on the @ucme response.

You are probably interested in a guy or two, do the best you can to let him know you are receptive, and it doesn’t click. Men are not trained to believe that women initiate. When you do it, it goes right over our heads.

King_Pariah's avatar

The ones that repeatedly kick me in the balls/hit me/super glue my hands to my nipples (gahhhh, that hurt) whenever they can because they’re still not over me tossing a beehive into the girls restroom even though they say they are. Seriously, that was 10 years ago, lay off my balls.

But I’m not intimidated by girls, I may be shy-ish, but I’ll get to the point in due time.

Jude's avatar

I don’t know any woman like that…

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought When I initiate they move back. I mean for one guy, It was so hard to tell if he liked me or not… it had been over 2 months! it was got annoying. So I didn’t want to tell him myself because it would ruin everything… he and I were not “close” in any way but i could tell he was a bit shy too. I told a friend to tell him that I MIGHT like him. Then I had to clear it up because he didnt talk to me the next day… So I asked if we can talk, we talked for about 15 minutes.. it was intense… I told him he was amazing but that I don’t like him… that I respect his personality.. and we talked about how I want him to be a closer friend… then I was hanging out with another guy, just as friends but A LOT. Then I talked to the best friend of this guy I liked… she said that he thought I might be playing hard to get(after saying i dont like him) but HE GUESSES NOT…. (cause he saw me with the other guy)
If he didn’t like me, why would he even say that… I tried not to make it seem like I like him from then on… Sorry Its hard to type properly while watching lord of the rings

well the worst thing was nothing happened and he is off to another country.

King_Pariah's avatar

Little hint here, with a lot of us guys, subtle hints do not work, obvious hints do not work, just be blunt and tell us.

King_Pariah's avatar

@koanhead I thought I was bad, what the hell did you do to piss them off?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


1) Good choice I really like those movies as well.
2) As @King_Pariah said.
3) If that is you in the picture, you are stunning. If a stunning woman hints she likes you romantically, and you have any insecurity at all, you think she is kidding and you pull back to save face.
4) I know if I am friends with an attractive woman, and I find myself out alone with her, drinking somewhere we could possibly have sex, and she is laughing at my jokes and touching me, she might sincerely like me romantically. I suggest you might try this strategy slightly older women use.
It allows plenty of room for you to back out and act like the man was misinterpreting friendly gestures.

flutherother's avatar

It is the ones who are secretly insecure who intimidate me.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought @King_Pariah Well I made that mistake once with another guy, it turned out horrible. he said: I don’t want to lead you in any way but I don’t want it to be awkward between us..
It was horrible. And even with the latest guy, whom dated only one girl-which was his best friend- in his entire life; I was very afraid things would be ruined if I told him how I felt directly… and I’m pretty sure they would. He is hard to understand, its almost like he is acting he is perfect, kind, mature to everyone around him at school.

The place wasn’t right… If it was somewhere else, I am sure it would happen. I’m sure. but school was such a pressuring place and he was just not confident around girls like me.

koanhead's avatar

@King_Pariah I guess they must have been angry at me for not being born yet.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere At your age guys are still figuring things out. Plus as someone else noted, you are very attractive. That’s going to intimidate some younger guys. They’re probably also the nicer guys as well. Hang in there and just be yourself.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

@koanhead that was amazing. I’m going to literally kidnap my man from now on

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe is on the money, I believe. You are actually picking nice guys, which maybe the problem. Tell them you like them. Tell them you like them because ”...”.

They are not going to believe you unless you give them a reason to believe you. If you give them a logical reason, they will suddenly get a huge confidence boost and you will be dodging their calls.

King_Pariah's avatar

I never thought I’d see the stockholm syndrome suggestion here. But if kidnapping gets the job done… well good luck and hope it doesn’t turn out like Misery. lol

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought but.. when it comes to GUY mind… if its the last night that you are probably ever going to see a girl, would you tell her how you feel or just act like you dont like her. He was very cold to me. he half-hugged me and it was just sad.

FutureMemory's avatar

Maybe ones that are too aggressive.

King_Pariah's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere some people think its best to let a parting be absolute, especially if they feel like they’ll never see ya again and will be cold to severe the last remaining strings. They think it’s less painful in the long run.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m not intimidated by women, per se, but there is a certain type of woman that will just make me shut down and want to get away. Women who are loud and aggressive really turn me off.

zenvelo's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere I found out the last week of high school that three different girls wished I had asked them out. I was inexperienced and had no clue. It was quite a boost to my ego, but also a great disappointment about lost opportunities – I had work that summer and off to college in the fall.

So listen to what @Imadethisupwithnoforethought says about telling them honestly why you like them. And next time be brave and don’t wait until you won’t see them again; take a chance at something good and wonderful in your life!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not intimidated but I feel suddenly naked and open (not in a good way) when with a loud, aggressive woman, especially if I think she’s physically sloppy or flashy. I become the cat trying to squirm away from Pepe Le Pew.

dannyc's avatar

Those who want to control my life.

ninjacolin's avatar

Wow, what a great question. hmm.. I’ll make a list. I admit I am intimidated by women who:
-Don’t smile at me
-Don’t make eye contact or who avoid it
-Don’t at least smile, play off, excuse, or laugh with my comedic attempts.
-Don’t attempt to make physical contact like touching my clothes or who avoid physical contact with me (for example, if my leg touches theirs under the table and they pull away shyly)
-Don’t receive my gaze pleasantly and with appropriate subtlety
-Who touch as a means to grope or who feel me up as a sampling of my body rather than touching as a gesture of acceptance or invitation

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Those who are too agressive, mean, ‘popular’.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Snobby pushy looking girls.

And just to throw this one in here as well—> for guys, I’m intimidated by the ones who don’t even care to make conversation when I am attempting. Or too quiet…

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