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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Would you fancy moving your private parts somewhere else in your body and where?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29389points) July 22nd, 2011

LOL. Aw, cmon, it’s just a silly question so thanks if you could play along. : )

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40 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Putting the sex organs on the chest area would make slow dancing more interesting, but I would miss being between a woman’s legs and driving her crazy. The thighs make such nice ear warmers.

Jude's avatar

waiting for Lucy’s. :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It would be delightful to have my breasts on my kneecaps!
It would make scrubbing the floor so much more comfortable.
Many years from now,my dream might come true! Many. Ya hear?? ;)

Jude's avatar


Jude's avatar

My girl said that she wants to have her “clitoris on the roof of her mouth. Ahhhhh :)”.

redfeather's avatar

I want my clit INside my vagina.

ucme's avatar

When the wife was a teenager she was very flat chested, no boobs at all.
I’ve seen photos & basically her shoulder blades were on the wrong way round.
As for myself, i’d quite like a cock nose…just because.

Jude's avatar

“I want my clit INside my vagina.”

Smart girl. :)

Hibernate's avatar

I’d really fancy testicles inside my body or behind some bones. Just so I won’t get hurt that easy. God made a mistake here when he let them outside.

ragingloli's avatar

My genitals to my hand. It would make self pleasuring easier, and would stop people from wanting to shake my hand.
Talk to the hand!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ragingloli But think about how much worse it would make it to hit your thumb with a hammer.

ragingloli's avatar

I would be holding the hammer with the enhanced hand.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Jude your g/f is a genius. I want one, too, now!

Cruiser's avatar

Yes in my body for safe keeping would be nice….like whales or a porpoise have. Would have avoided a couple excruciating events in my life! Ouch! I bet I could run or ride a bike faster too!

Jude's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf She said that she would have two. One on the roof of her mouth, and one below for me. :)

Zaku's avatar

Um no.

wundayatta's avatar

Three cocks. You figure out where!

linguaphile's avatar

Laughing! I’ll take the one on the roof of my mouth too… that one is impossible to beat.

pashley_108's avatar

If i was a guy, i would have mine on my head…which there for makes me a d*ckhead. XD

woodcutter's avatar

Just up a little more like they used to be. I really hate sitting on them or dropping them in the water when I poop.

Berserker's avatar

It would be cool if my vagina was right on my face.

woodcutter's avatar

without the teeth?

Berserker's avatar

Just a normal snatch, but on my face. So far, I can only do that if I play Vampire Masquerade and choose the fleshcraft proficiency.

woodcutter's avatar

Ha. Seems back in the 70’s there was a porn flick where the girly parts were in her mouth. Linda Lovelace?

Berserker's avatar

No idea man, but sounds interesting…


On my shoulders. “Two heads are better than one”, and I can use both at the same time! Woo-wee!


Lol-lol. @woodcutter But mine’s a lot bigger and nicer looking. Though yes, it is still a beast. ;)

Berserker's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I’d love to have a second head. I could totally frenchkiss myself constantly.

woodcutter's avatar

Then what is a real dick head anyway? And if it were uncircumcised would it qualify as a turtleneck?

Berserker's avatar

@ragingloli Damn man, I wish my cable TV had stuff like that…maybe then I’d watch it.


@woodcutter Hey leave my turtleneck alone! ;)

woodcutter's avatar

LOL @ragingloli I wish I could have heard it in English, except for the sneeze, that part I understood.

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Not touching that. It’s your deal to take care of that, smegma and all.

ragingloli's avatar

it is sooooo hard to clean your dick


@woodcutter Don’t worry, I’m smegma-free. I’m circumcised. lol—you dirty little prick! ;)

woodcutter's avatar

Soooo glad to know that


@woodcutter Of course! For yer appreciation as I always say.

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