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ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Who keeps the rings after a divorce?

Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 (11979points) August 14th, 2011
25 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

After a divorce, does each party keep their own rings? Or does the husband keep all of them? Does is vary by state?

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laureth's avatar

I think it varies by couple, more than by state. My husband kept his (he actually had to get it sawed off of his finger), but he assumes his ex kept hers, because he hadn’t seen it for several years, even before they parted ways.

chyna's avatar

I think they are gifts and should be kept by the person wearing them. I’ve seen Judge Judy (I know, not the last word on justice) say that everyone keeps the ring they were given if married. I kept mine.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Usually they are kept by the people who were wearing them. Though my understanding of common etiquette is that you give back a ring that is an heirloom if you are the one ending the marriage (and possibly even if you are not).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Keep it, unless it is a family heirloom. Then show some class by returning it, without even being requested, to the family of origin.

lillycoyote's avatar

I think it depends on the couple and the reason the marriage ended. The engagement ring should be returned if the marriage is called off but not if the marriage takes place. I think people are allowed to keep them but I suspect a certain percentage of soon to be divorced people have gotten the spouse’s wedding ring returned to them when they were thrown at their heads, but I also agree with the people who say the rings should be returned if they are family heirlooms. But I also imagine some people don’t want to keep tokens of a failed marriage.

marinelife's avatar

I agree with @worriedguy!

SuperMouse's avatar

Somehow when my marriage ended I wound up with both of our wedding rings. I—pawned them.—I agree with @laureth, it varies by couple.

filmfann's avatar

I always felt the one who gets dumped keeps the rings. It’s kind of a consolation prize.

FutureMemory's avatar

Are there actually laws on the books for this sort of thing??

SamIAm's avatar

Legally, varies by state (wrote a paper about it for a law class). But my parents each kept their own. I suppose the law only steps in if there’s debate over it.

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john65pennington's avatar

It depends on who can run the fastest.

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Coloma's avatar

There was never a question of that when I divorced, and, I threw mine in a lake!
Take the ring and pitch it, it’s bad juju. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I kept my ring, I gave his back. Actually, I don’t even remember if I gave his back. I might have sold it at a jewelry store, probably because he didn’t want it. I used to wear mine after the divorce on a bracelet and then I was able to fully move on and take it off the bracelet, as well.

sophiesword's avatar

I guess who ever bought the ring in the first place gets to keep it.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Whoever gets to them first, keep ‘em and sell those bitches at a pawn shop.

Bagardbilla's avatar

I asked and got my ring back from my ex, for it is a family heirloom. It will go to my daughters… If they choose to carry on the tradition.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Your ring is your possession. It is yours to keep, sell or pass along.

linguaphile's avatar

I’m selling the ring I wore and don’t want the one he wore. I envision a pawn shop or jeweler’s visit in my near future.

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