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ETpro's avatar

Who is this Jack everyone is always talking about? [See Details].

Asked by ETpro (34605points) September 10th, 2011
43 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

We’ve all heard the trope, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” So who is this Jack everyone talks about but nobody seems to have met? What is Jack’s last name?

Warning. Don’t answer “Off”. I have first dibs on that reply. And if you want to accuse me of being a master of that trade, I will rise to the bait.

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FutureMemory's avatar

If “Off” is taken, can I claim “Shit”?

BeccaBoo's avatar

Oh just pass me the bottle and call me “Daniels” ;-)

FutureMemory's avatar

I see Coloma typing…

Happy Brownies!

Coloma's avatar

Hit the road Jack. lol

Probably the same Jack that had the magic beans….I think “Jack” also has the connotation of being a fool.

I mean really, if my son sold the family cow for a handful of magic beans, I’d be none to happy.

Then again, if brought me the goose that laid the golden eggs, I’d get over it. lol

laureth's avatar

“Jack” and “John” (variations of the same name) are often used as a sort of “everyman” name (John Doe, John Q. Public). This kind of use goes way back, in such places as fairy tales (Jack Sprat, Jack be Nimble) and in vestiges of old folk religion (Jack-o-Lantern). A particularly good example calling them out is the Emerald Rose song Four Jacks.

So basically, I’m guessing that “Jack” serves as a placeholder for “random dude.”

gailcalled's avatar

“I’m all right, Jack.”

snowberry's avatar

It seems Jack is also pretty savy about snakes. “Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, friend of Jack” !!!

everephebe's avatar

@ETpro You mean to say that you don’t know Jack? I thought everyone had at least a single serving of Jack.

Coloma's avatar

Don’t forget the Jackalope. ;-)

zenvelo's avatar

The problem with Jack is he’s always hanging out with Jill.

marinelife's avatar

Jack Adams?

9/10/2011 12:16 PM EDT

janbb's avatar

dang @marinelife You got that one in right before I was gonna!

Coloma's avatar

Jack Daniels. Bad tasting guy he is

zenvelo's avatar

@marinelife 3 minutes late? I have just under 3 hours to get ready on the west coast.

ucme's avatar

The name comes from a middle english word “jakke”
It was basically a generic term for a man, in the lower classes mainly. Over time it developed negative overtones, hence Jack the ripper & so forth.

zenvelo's avatar

In France they speak of a jack egg, as in Jacques Oeuf.

rebbel's avatar

Pssst, it is me, Bauer. Jack Bauer.

john65pennington's avatar

Jack In The Box… spicy chicken sandwiches on the planet.

Coloma's avatar

Jack Shit…lots of that Jack around. lol

mazingerz88's avatar

He’s up there with Bigfoot, The Loch Ness monster…meet Jackalope!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I am Jack’s smirking revenge.

Berserker's avatar

If Jack helped you off a horse, would you help Jack off a horse? XD

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hello as in “Hi – JACK”

gailcalled's avatar

Jack Spratt could eat no fat;
his wife could eat no lean.
And so betwixt them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Before you can say Jack Robinson…..

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…..

mazingerz88's avatar

If you see Jack peeping through a door he just cracked with an ax, run.

King_Pariah's avatar

Jack Ing Off get his name right, sheesh

Tuesdays_Child's avatar

Jack Ass (Chooch, if you’re Italian)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Haha, my husband calls me “chooch.”

woodcutter's avatar

I’m going with the playing card analogy. Maybe a person who is not a boss (king)or the wife (queen) but a knowledgeable utilitarian guy non the less who doesn’t need a last name, sort of like, Bono.

Coloma's avatar

Oooh..Jack-ie Chan…sexy. lol

ETpro's avatar

@FutureMemory Ha! I gladly cede Jack Shit to you. GA!.

@BeccaBoo One Daniels, straight up, on it’s way. Definitely the master of no trade. LOL.

@Coloma I;m glad you jacked in to list some of the trades Jack hasn’t mastered.

@laureth Wikipedia had a wonderful writeup on the trope, and that;s definitely on the right track.

@gailcalled You certainly are.

@snowberry So we just have to look for a fellow who hanges out with red on black snakes.

@everephebe Ha! Great one. but I already confessed to knwoing at least one Jack

@Coloma Who could forget Jack LaLanne? But he was more a master of one rade Jack f no others.

@zenvelo That is indeed the problem with Jack. He;s always looking for trades, leaving Jill geeling Jill Ted.

@marinelife Well I’ll be darned. This wquestion is #1 in Google Search fir the term “Jack Adams; 9/10/2011 12:16 PM EDT

@janbb GA Anyway. It;s the thought that counts.

@ucme Yes, it actually used to be a compliment, not a criticism. It was just “Jack of all trades, meaning the individual was proficient n many areas of work, a polymath.

@zenvelo OK, that’s a novel way to get past my reserved last name. :-)

@rebbel No need to pistol whip me, I believe you.

@john65pennington OIC. In who’s box>

@Coloma I think around is still around for the taking.

@mazingerz88 Wow! Jack the Ripper?

@ANef_is_Enuf Smirking revenge, hey? What did I ever di to Jack>

@Symbeline I dopn;t know about horses, but I’d help him eat that fat.

@Tropical_Willie Ha! Hi Jack’s quite a plane answer.

@gailcalled‘You’ve got more Jacks in there than a Pep Boys Auto Supply Store.

@ZEPHYRA “Before you can say Jack Robinson” Seems you;re right…
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That;s when his brother Oueff needs to drop in.

@mazingerz88 Sounds like sound advice,

@King_Pariah We;re informal when doing that hereabouts. No middle names. :-)

@Tuesdays_Child This question did bring them out, didn’;t it. Jack Ass

@ANef_is_Enuf “Haha, my husband calls me ‘chooch.’” Well there you go!

@woodcutter Jacks or better to open!

mazingerz88's avatar

@ETpro No not Jack the Ripper, it’s Jack Nicholson’s character in the movie The Shining, Jack Torrance. : )

snowberry's avatar

When I was a kid we played jacks. What were we thinking?

Coloma's avatar


Jack La Lane, haha, I have a Jack La Lane juicer, Jacks off apples really well. Oooh, baad, baaad,

snowberry's avatar

Jack o’ lantern is coming soon!

gailcalled's avatar

Anyone remember Jack Armstrong, All-American Boy?

snowberry's avatar

Jumping jacks

The gam of Jacks——> * * ** *

Jumping jack flash, it’s a gas, it’s a gas!,

ETpro's avatar

@mazingerz8Surely you can see how I might confuse the two. :-)

@snowberry Indeed! After reading all these answers, you must be aghast at the thought of playing jacks. :-) And happy Halloween!

@Coloma Say it isn’t so! You’d do that to an apple just because Jack La Lane said to?

@gailcalled I do. But we’re probably the exceptions here in that. :-)

@snowberry They’s a whole lot a jumpin goin on.

snowberry's avatar

And of course, let us not forget Jacques Cousteau!

() <——- It’s supposed to be a fish

gailcalled's avatar

@snowberry: Well. if we going to get all foreign, there’s Jacques Prévert, Jacques Brel, Frére Jacques, Voici the house that Jacques built.

Did anyone mention One-eyed Jacks?

snowberry's avatar

This is so long, I’m not going to check, but Jack Mackerel?

And of course, there’s simply “jack”, a type of northern pike.

If I have a flat tire, my jack had better work!

ETpro's avatar

@snowberry Cousteau is a stretch, but I’m feeling generous. GA.

@gailcalled Wow, that list really Jacques me up>

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