Social Question

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

Would you like to fill in the blanks?

Asked by CurLyFriiGal (124points) October 21st, 2011 from iPhone

I Love ____ when I’m _____ because________.

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33 Answers

Paul's avatar

I love Science when I’m experimenting because it’s interesting.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I love ice cream when I’m sad because it drowns my feelings in sweet chocolatey goodness.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I love hugging my wife when I’m with her because I adore her! : ))

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

@KateTheGreat Oh my goodness!! I was thinking about ice-cream when I posted this!! Haha :D

rebbel's avatar

I love filling in the blanks in Fluther questions but only for one third.

sydsydrox's avatar

I love Wario when I’m playing Mario Kart because I always win
I love PB+J when I’m hungry because I love it
I love exersizing when my stethoscope is around because my heart sounds nice when it’s fast
I love cleaning up my room when I want to go to bed because it helps me sleep

Want more?

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

@sydsydrox Haha sure!! Go as much as you’d like :)

tom_g's avatar

I love sleeping when I’m sleeping because let me f&#cking sleep, damn kids.

sydsydrox's avatar

I love watching TV when i’m bored because that’s what I do.

I love logging off this website when I’m feeling offended because YOU PEOPLE ARE SO
FRIGGING NOSY. Damn! Why do you always ask questions???

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

Uh.. K answer to you question @sydsydrox: We ask questions because this is a question asking site, if you don’t like it then logging off would work well for you. I am sorry you are feeling offended. One thing I don’t understand is “YOU PEOPLE ARE SO FRIGGING NOSY” because no one here was actually being nosy.

sydsydrox's avatar

I know, I’m just joking. Do that to my favorite websites all the time. One time, I was on deviantArt and I asked “Why are there so many PICTURES???” Hahahaha.

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

@sydsydrox OH!! Haha I feel stupid now :/

sydsydrox's avatar

It’s Ok. Gives a cookie

Blondesjon's avatar

I love beer when I’m drunk because I’m drunk.

for the record i love it before and after as well

King_Pariah's avatar

I love fighting when I’m feeling empty because with pain, I’m feeling something… and maybe content if it was a good one.

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

@King Pariah
ooh! That’s a good one!!

King_Pariah's avatar

@CurLyFriiGal Welcome to fluther btw.

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

Oh, Thanks!! You’re the first to welcome me! :D (other than the pop up message that says “you’ve registered correctly welcome to fluther!” lol)

CurLyFriiGal's avatar

*Thanks everybody who answered my FIRST question on fluther!! It’s the most answers I’m probably ever going to get! Lol :D thanks again,

Coloma's avatar

I love my house when I’m home alone because it is so peaceful.

AshLeigh's avatar

I love my life when I’m running because it makes me forget.

rebbel's avatar

I love to think when I’m in a philosophical mood because therefore I am.

dk6hgsds9axe3's avatar

I love cycling when I’m stressed because it focuses me in the here and now

Mariah's avatar

I love my bed when I’m sleepy because – do I need to explain? G’night Fluther, and welcome @CurLyFriiGal.


I love to wear my Speedos when I’m swimming because it allows me to swim fast like a shark.

Berserker's avatar

I love my bed when I’m in it, because it’s soft.

And I love it even when I’m not in it. Just so it doesn’t start asking questions.

ucme's avatar

I love tossing M&M’s of people’s heads when i’m feeling mischevious, because it’s fun.

AshLeigh's avatar

@ucme… You’re my hero. :)

ucme's avatar

@AshLeigh Just don’t get in my line of sight that’s all ;¬}

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I love life when I’m teaching because I’m interacting with minds that want to be opened.

sydsydrox's avatar

I love hanging out with my friends when I’m feeling lonely because it gives me something to do every once and a while.

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