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silky1's avatar

Which retail store do you prefer Wal Mart or Target?

Asked by silky1 (1510points) November 9th, 2011
24 responses
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Just wondering.

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jonsblond's avatar

Walmart. It’s closest to us.

The nearest Target is 60 miles from our home, Walmart is 17 miles from our home. I still shopped Walmart over Target when they were both the same distance from us. Walmart offered more groceries than Target. That’s what I usually shop for. Necessities.

woodcutter's avatar

Never have been to a Target. I hear they are nice. Are they?

jrpowell's avatar

Target has lost my dollars. And I have hated Wal-Mart for years.

I have no need to shop at either of them.

YARNLADY's avatar

Both are equal distance from us, along with K-Mart, and we shop the bargains, where ever we find them. I always try the Charity Thrift Stores first (I don’t go to the For Profit second hand thrift stores), and then go to the discount stores second.

ragingloli's avatar

We have neither in our great nation.

rts486's avatar


jca's avatar

I like Walmart because I find them to be cheaper than Target for kids’ clothes, which is a big thing I shop for there. (I have a pre-schooler). I may check out Target once in a while to see what’s new, but basically I hit up Walmart more often.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Ayesha's avatar

I like Target.

Blackberry's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nobody has lower distribution costs than Walmart, so for price they’re better. I think Target has a little better quality.

rojo's avatar

A couple of years back, after getting frustrated by the walmarteers, I decided not to go into one again. I was able to go for 17 months and 6 days without setting foot inside a Wal-Mart store. I suffered no withdrawls or serious side effects, other than the eye-rolls from my wife and friends, which, you get used to.
Since then I can count on one hand how many times I have been back in one, each time under duress and not of my own choosing.
So, Target I guess.

Ron_C's avatar

We live in a small city but I prefer Target, they have nicer things and better atmosphere.

rojo's avatar

@Ron_C and, from my perspective, more polite clientele

Ron_C's avatar

@rojo you are right about that. If you ever feel down on yourself or inadequate, spend a couple hours in Walmart to see how good you really are.

jca's avatar

I purposefully travel an extra ten minutes to a Walmart in a rural area (as opposed to the closer one that is more crowded, noisier, smaller parking lot, longer lines) because the one I like and am willing to travel to is clean, quiet, usually empty. Same stuff as any other Walmart, nicer experience.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

If forced to chose, Target is much nicer, and more organized.

Yet, Target does not have the entertainment value that The People of Walmart do.

So I guess it depends on if I’m in the mood for shopping, or comedy.

XOIIO's avatar

Yes, WalMart is much cheaper, considering they make almost everything in sweatshops in poor countries using kids as basically slave laour.

Meego's avatar

We do not have a target where I live yet it will be here soon.

I like Walmart because of the Walmartians

tinyfaery's avatar

I love Target. I’m so conflicted.

Berserker's avatar

Dollar store.

woodcutter's avatar

+ 10 on Dollar stores. They’re like mother’s milk out here in the boondocks. Mmmmmm milk.

Haleth's avatar

Ugh, neither. Big box stores like that are so depressing.

Then again, the only thing I really “buy” lately is food. For everything else, it’s that old depression-era standby: “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Haha @Meego… I guess even freaks have to shop from time to time.

Meego's avatar

I plead the fifth, I will admit to nothing!
To my knowledge
I’ve never been caught on a hidden camera show.

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