General Question

inunsure's avatar

What are some very good comedy series you don't think many people would have seen?

Asked by inunsure (423points) November 15th, 2011

More specifically me. It doesn’t have to be a sit com, if anything I would stay away from them as I’ve seen many.

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29 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Red Dwarf. 4 pathetic losers stuck on a space craft in deep space. Top notch scifi and incredibly funny to boot.

Coloma's avatar

The old “Frasier” series from the 90’s. Niles and Frasier…those two are the funniest guys ever. :-D

‘Seinfeld” never did much for me, except for Kramer…HE made the show IMO.

tom_g's avatar

Did rather poorly when it was on, but everyone has seen Arrested Development by now. My favorite comedy series by far.

When I was a teenager, nothing beat Monty Python’s Flying Circus and the occasional Young Ones. (Haven’t seen these in many years, so I’m not sure how they’d stand up to my old man tastes.)

Oh, and when I was 10 years old, my absolute favorite was Police Squad.

janbb's avatar

Fawlty Towers

inunsure's avatar

Good suggestion, I have seen it but yes this sort of suggestion is good.

inunsure's avatar

I’m from the UK, anything that isn’t on Gold or Dave anymore but was big in the 90’s or 80’s might be good

Jellie's avatar

“Workaholics” is funny as heck.

Blueroses's avatar

@janbb for the win! Best comedy EVER!
The only current major network US comedy I watch is Community. For reruns, I like The New Adventures of Old Christine
All the best shows are on pay cable and BBC America. For guaranteed laughs, I’ll take an episode of Graham Norton over most scripted shows.

rts486's avatar

The Honeymooners!

JLeslie's avatar

Below are my favorite sit-coms, some are not well known, some are very well known. All are American unless otherwise indicated.

The Odd Couple
Designing Women
Absolutely Fabulous (British. Stupid show, but very funny)
Mike and Molly
Big Bang Theory

Also, if you like cars, Top Gear (the British version) is very funny. I just heard recently Top Gear is the most watched show around the world, or something like that.

I could name a bunch more, but they were very popular and you would most likely already be very aware of them.

Coloma's avatar

The old “Beverly Hillbillies” series..OMG! One of the all time funniest!

Jed trying to talk granny into moving to Californi:

Jed: “There’s no snow in Californi and you know how miserable you are goin’ down to the still in winter Granny.”

Granny: I may be a miserable goin’ down, but I feel just fine comin’ back up.” LOL

bongo's avatar

Flight of the conchords! It is truely brilliant.

rebbel's avatar

Ideal (UK)
Arrested Development

Sunny2's avatar

Cheers. Great characters. Good writing.
Golden Girls still makes me laugh and it doesn’t have a line that’s repeated in every episode. That always annoyed me. Clever writing and characters.

silverfly's avatar

The IT Crowd

inunsure's avatar

I just watched Monkey dust

Littlemacchiato's avatar

I’ve heard one called upstairs downstairs is apparently funny :)

MilkyWay's avatar

Some mothers do ‘ave em.

lonelydragon's avatar

So glad to see that someone else suggested Red Dwarf! It’s really funny, especially the early seasons.

Sunny2's avatar

@Littlemacchiato Welcome to Fluther!
FYI Upstairs, Downstairs is not a comedy per se. It’s a serious drama about the upstairs (the family and all its characters) and downstairs (the maids, cook, butler and footmen who care for the family). It’s a truly excellent show and there are funny moments, but mostly it’s about the interactions of all these people in a grand British home. Very much worth watching.

filmfann's avatar

SportsNight was remarkably funny, yet only lasted two seasons. The DVD is a must own.
Police Squad only went a six episodes or so, but was terrific. It eventually became a very successful film series “Naked Gun”.
SCTV was a canadian SNL, and had a lot of young talent you would recognize now.

Kardamom's avatar

Here’s my list:


The Nanny


Any comedy special by Mark Russell


Ren and Stimpy

Dexter’s Laboratory

Who’s Line is it Anyway?



Will and Grace

Keeping Up Appearances

Are You Being Served

Waiting for God

The Drew Carey Show


The Andy Griffith Show

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

News Radio


Just Shoot Me

The Bob Newhart Show

The Mary Tyler Moore Show

The Carol Burnett Show

Night Court

Get Smart

The New Adventures of Old Christine

The Golden Girls

Barney Miller

The Class


Kate and Allie

Murphy Brown

Green Acres

SuperMouse's avatar

Currently airing – Raising Hope and Bob’s Burgers. A classic – Get a Life

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Currently on air:
Happy Endings
Phineas & Ferb
Web Therapy

Off the air:
The Riches
A Bit of Fry & Laurie
The Kids in The Hall
The Larry Sanders Show

dannyc's avatar

Super Dave..Youtube it. Precursor to Jackass series and much funnier.

Roby's avatar

The Andy Griffith Show
so many more to many to mention.

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