Meta Question

Blueroses's avatar

How about a chat feed?

Asked by Blueroses (18261points) December 13th, 2011

Just under the community feed, on the right hand side of the home page, it would say who is currently in chat. Would that draw more people into the chat room?

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21 Answers

TheIntern55's avatar

Come to the dark side, we have cookies!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

That’d be good – I always forget we have chat.

TheIntern55's avatar

Come now! We’re there!

bobbinhood's avatar

I think it would help remind people that chat is there, and once there were a few inside, more people would likely follow. However, chat isn’t really integral to the site, and there are other updates I would rather see first if the guys decide they want to tinker around here in their free time. It probably doesn’t help that I think chat is intimidating.

janbb's avatar

I think those who are chatters find it and those who aren’t, don’t care. Also, no new development is being done on the site now.

chyna's avatar

I don’t chat because I can’t keep up with the conversations. I have the attention span of a gnat.

Blueroses's avatar

You don’t necessarily have to consider yourself a “chatter”. If you could see who was there and it might be someone you’d like to know better, you could enter that room. Fluther chat is not like most chat rooms. It’s more like a salon, most times. Easy to talk and easy to leave when you want to leave.

XOIIO's avatar

Heres what the chat feed would look like:



There, see?

Seaofclouds's avatar

If not a list of the actual people in the chat, it would be nice if there could be at least a number to show that people are in the room in the community feed or somewhere else close to that. That way it would be more noticeable for everyone.

blueiiznh's avatar

@Blueroses did you mean salon or saloon?

Incoherency_'s avatar

Mmmmm, chat food is yummy. :-)

erichw1504's avatar

You sir, are a genius.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I like this idea!!

Dog's avatar

Missed a chat party… :(

janbb's avatar

@Dog But check out Worried – I mane, LuckyGuy’s party if you want a real hot party!

TheIntern55's avatar

@Dog Yeah, we have icepacks!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I still really like the idea of chat being available as a tab along side general/meta/social, etc. I don’t pay much attention to the feed, so I wonder if I would notice the chat over there any more than I notice it at the top. Hard to say, personally.

Dog's avatar

I do wish we had someone that could do that in coding…..

jrpowell's avatar

I was going to scrape the info with Nokigiri from to put it in a text file every 5 minutes and then use Greasemonkey to insert who is in the chat above the community feed. But you have to be logged in to see who is in the chat so that idea vanished.

If phaedryx wants to help out getting past the login problem I can swing the rest. And I know he has the code for it. He got a bot into the chatroom before using Mechanize (I think) so it can be done.

But it kinda put me where a fun project became not worth my time.

Dog's avatar

Whoo hoo! Phaedryx and johnpowell rocking the monkey script!
That kind-of sounds wrong~

digitalimpression's avatar

I like this idea too. chirp chirp , chirp chirp

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