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KateTheGreat's avatar

If the internet suddenly disappeared or was destroyed, how would it change your life?

Asked by KateTheGreat (13640points) December 22nd, 2011 from iPhone

What if the internet suddenly disappeared? Would it change your lfe drastically?

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48 Answers

Jude's avatar

I’d be relieved. Addicting, you know?

fordest's avatar

I wouldn’t be able to spell anything. I wouldn’t be able to find my way around town. I would only listen to music from the 80’s. I wouldn’t be able to answer any questions on Fluther. I wouldn’t know what was going on in the world, becuase I have never acutally purchased a newspaper. However, my wife would probably enjoy spending with me that little extra time I would have everyday; and I with her….

Michael_Huntington's avatar

No porn. I think I would be pretty miserable.

marinelife's avatar

It wouldn’t. I would go back to life before the Internet. It existed, you know, and we all functioned just fine.

fordest's avatar

I might stop spelling “you” as “u” and “lol“ing and putting ”:)” in my first draft of work memos.

erichw1504's avatar

Pssht… I would totally be fine with it. Not a care in the world.

Oh dear God, no. I wouldn’t be able to function properly.

Coloma's avatar

I’d exercise more and fluther less. haha
Yep, as @marinelife says, I was a pre-internet human too, so, as much as I love the internet I’d adjust. Somehow I managed to live the first 35 years of my life unplugged. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d live without it and without cell phones, too. TV too for that matter! I’d just go back to talking to myself like I did before I had all that stuff.

erichw1504's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have all that stuff and still talk to myself.

fordest's avatar

@Dutchess_III @erichw1504 I just text myself… or keep trying to figure out how to friend myself on Facebook

erichw1504's avatar

@fordest I bet you “like” all your posts too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you find yourself good company @erichw1504? I do! Myself helps me figure a lot of things out when we talk it over!

@fordest You can friend yourself on Fluther!

erichw1504's avatar

@Dutchess_III amazingly, we agree on pretty much everything.

john65pennington's avatar

I lived 60 years without it and I could do it again.

This country depends entirely too much on computers.

If they all crashed, so would America.

digitalimpression's avatar

I would flourish, reaching ever higher toward the self-actualization I cannot reach due to the fact that I’m on my ass typing all day instead.

erichw1504's avatar

Stuff would get done.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I could live without it, just like I can live without Godiva chocolates and sweet Rieslings. Life would not be as much fun but I’d manage just fine.

talljasperman's avatar

I would save $60/month and I would need to find another hobby.

Coloma's avatar

I’d miss email and all my pictures the most, whatever would we do with boxes full of photo prints and albums these days. It is so weird now, I haven’t put together a photo album in years!

Dutchess_III's avatar


KateTheGreat's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’d miss that sexy goose.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…..yes, it would be such a shame to not have Marwyn showcasing his studly ganderhood for all the world to enjoy. What a tragic loss. :-D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually…it would change my life profoundly. The teaching system I use for work is internet based. O Lawd. Back to paper, pens and hand grading!

Coloma's avatar


Yes, and, OMG! Back to actually having to read my bank statements instead of the one click, yep, it all balances out. lol

erichw1504's avatar

I would have to say LOL outloud.


Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah! And think of all the things we could never have gotten for Christmas presents. Where else but on the internet could I find a copy of an obscure movie like “Savannah Smiles?!”

Blackberry's avatar

I would honestly be relieved. Complete access to all of this information is an addiction. I have some books I’ve been meaning to finish.

YoBob's avatar

OMG!!! I wouldn’t be able to waste time on Fluther!!!!!!! (surly a sign of the apocalypse)

erichw1504's avatar

@YoBob “Oh Em Geeee!”

gailcalled's avatar

MIne did disappear for almost 36 hours due to problem with my physical phone lines in the woods. Not up and running until 11:00 today when the phone repair guy, on his way out, noticed that I had a flat tire.

So I had no car. no phone, no internet and intermittent cell phone service. When I tried to call the phone co. on my cell to report the lack of a land line, the cell kept dropping the call.

It was frustrating only because I am used to the new systems, but It was an interesting day and a half.

At least the snow is holding off until tomorrow.

mazingerz88's avatar

Jellies would have to have their orgies in person. Yikes.

Facade's avatar

I’d be really bummed out =(

fizzbanger's avatar

I would shop less.

john65pennington's avatar

Law enforcement would take 1,000 steps backward in solving crimes. I will admit that computers have increased the profiency of policing threefold.

Before computers, I would ask for an auto registration. The dispatcher would have to roll out big. huge State Registration Books. in order to look up the license plate number. This took about 12 minutes. Onboard computers have limited this to about 12 seconds. This would be missed. Also, a person mug shot and criminal and traffic history would be lost without onboard computers in police vehicles.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A lot of good people who made a stupid mistake in their lives would get a second chance that they won’t get today.

mangeons's avatar

I would probably be a lot less distracted, but less happy too. The internet has been a part of my life for almost as long as I can remember, and I like it that way! :-(

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, you would not be less happy, @mangeons! You might remember it fondly and miss it, but really. You wouldn’t be less happy.

mangeons's avatar

@Dutchess_III I honestly think I would be, I can barely even go a week without internet when we go on vacation! It’s as much a part of my daily life as school, eating, and sleeping. Plus, I’d miss out on getting to talk to a lot of my friends that I wouldn’t be able to talk to otherwise! That’s pretty saddening. :-( Not to mention the fact that I’d be a lot more bored, too.

Bellatrix's avatar

I would be out of work! Don’t kill the internet.

I would also get a lot more stuff done at home.

I would save money (a good thing since I would have been made redundant from my job).

I would miss all of you.

Berserker's avatar

That would suck, especially for losing online friends. Otherwise though, it wouldn’t change much. I’d adapt quickly to the lack of internetting, and get deeper into my hobbies. which is probbaly what should happen, anyways. XD

Ayesha's avatar

I’ve been using the internet for as long as I remember. I haven’t seen time, without the internet. So it would be extremely hard for me to conform.

erichw1504's avatar

I would implode.

…then explode.

HungryGuy's avatar

I’d be lost. My life is my writing, and my writing is my life.

Also, the internet is my only access to female play partners (bars and nightclubs and dating services never once worked for me to that end).

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d not be able to keep up with the changing faces of family and friends who all live out of state/country from me. I’d be back to once a year holiday cards with a few notes written in and maybe a picture. My degree of seeing people would revolve mostly around marriages and funerals and hearsay again.

mattbrowne's avatar

Adapt. A very human trait.

AshlynM's avatar

People survived long before there was internet, email, texting and facebook.

It wouldn’t be any skin off my nose. I’d probably exercise a lot more, take long walks, enjoy being outdoors.

zensky's avatar

If that were to happen, dear, I’d be quoting McDonald’s; i’m lovin it! But I shant be the first to go…

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