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YoKoolAid's avatar

Pertaining to relationships, have you ever Only been the one to break it off or Only been the one dumped?

Asked by YoKoolAid (2424points) February 7th, 2012
17 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’ve broken off relationships, and more often I am the one dumped. I’m curious if anyone has only seen one side of this. I wonder if anyone has zero experience breaking up with someone, or has zero experience being broken up with.

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thorninmud's avatar

I have zero experience with either. I’ve been married for 30 years and this has been my only relationship.

Coloma's avatar

Why should this matter?
Regardless of who does the dumping, “dumping” means the relationship is no longer meeting the needs or wants of at least one member of the union. In my case, I was the one that initiated my divorce. All other relationships have been a gradual fade, no drama, and mutual.
I am still good friends with 2 ex lovers.

Sometimes things just run their course and, a hard concept for many is that breakups need not be taken “personally.” People hate the ” It’s not you it’s ME” line…but that is ALWAYS true, short of abuse or betrayal, and even then, it is still about the dumpers choice to not remain in a relationship that is no longer working or unhealthy more so than a “rejection” of another person.

wundayatta's avatar

Nope. I’ve been on both sides. I used to think I’d only ever been dumped, but as the fog of memory has lifted, I’ve realized that I have ended a couple of major relationships, too. But most of the minor ones and my first serious relationship ever were all ended against my preferences.

partyrock's avatar

Both sides

tedd's avatar

I wasn’t dumped until I was halfway through 21, and since then I’ve been dumped one additional time. I’ve dumped probably 6 or 7 girls from actual relationships.

zenvelo's avatar

I’ve been the dumper and the dumpee….

“I’ve looked at love from both sides now,
From give and take, and still somehow,
It’s love’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know love at all.
~ Joni Mitchell

Coloma's avatar

@zenvelo Oh man, flashback…great tune! :-)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

On both sides, both hurt in different ways!

Judi's avatar

My sister in law got dumped by her 4th husband when she was in her 60’s and it was the first time she had EVER been dumped! She acted like I did when my heart was broken in HS. It was strange to watch this adult woman who is usually so in control act so irrationally.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Never. All of my relationships ended mutually and amicably. I don’t have to hide from anyone.

cookieman's avatar

I have zero experience with either. I’ve been married for 15 years and this has been my only relationship.

Apologies to @thorninmud. :^)

linguaphile's avatar

Yikes… that’s something I have never looked at, really. When I was younger, I dumped more often than I was dumped, but most of my breakups were “fade-outs,” not clean break ups. However, the last two likes (not relationships, just likes) ended with me being the one bawling. Oh pooh!

deni's avatar

I have never been dumped! Oh god.

TexasDude's avatar

I’ve always been dumped except for once, when I was the dump-er.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve had two relationships in the past, and I was the one who broke both of them off.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

In my serious live-in relationships, it’s been me to break it off. In dating though, it was about 50/50 who wanted the break up.

pearls's avatar

I have been on both sides and neither one is pleasant. Someone will be hurt.

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