Social Question

King_Pariah's avatar

What does my username say to you?

Asked by King_Pariah (11484points) March 7th, 2012
99 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

So a little game here for ya’all.

Basically you look at the previous poster’s username and tell everyone what it says to you. Begin!

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gailcalled's avatar

You like to give orders and you consider yourself a royal outcast.

janbb's avatar

You like puns.

whitecarnations's avatar

@janbb Thinks in a simple manner with content.

The_Idler's avatar

@whitecarnations values love & purity.

King_Pariah's avatar

The Devil’s workshop

thorninmud's avatar

Self-identifies as an outsider, probably relishes being an iconoclastic individualist.

gailcalled's avatar

Has found the answer to what is one hand clapping.

TexasDude's avatar

Gail called. I told her you were busy.

Jude's avatar

^ wants to be my errand boy… oh, wait

Is a whole lotta sexy?

janbb's avatar

takes a sad song and makes it better

picante's avatar

Fashionable, cute and erudite. Not necessarily in that order.

wundayatta's avatar

Spicy sauce for food.

dappled_leaves's avatar

A series of syllables that are sung to the tune of the chorus in this:

LuckyGuy's avatar

The movement, color, and sound of softly fluttering leaves on a warm summer day.

chyna's avatar

A guy that has been very lucky in his life.

Kardamom's avatar


janbb's avatar

one hot mama (heh, heh)

Facade's avatar

“Jan, baby”

MilkyWay's avatar

A headstrong gal :)

thorninmud's avatar

A spiral galaxy with a creamy nougat filling.

janbb's avatar

sharp truth and wisdom from the earth

janbb's avatar

Oh no!

Makes everyone want to eat some Spatzie for supper.

rebbel's avatar

The ingenuity….., two b’s!

King_Pariah's avatar

Without cause

Keep_on_running's avatar

Rules a country we’ve never heard of.

ucme's avatar

What Usain Bolt does with a fire cracker wedged up his speedy arse.

rebbel's avatar

I do indeed see you.

Berserker's avatar

Viking that belongs to the awesome variety.

SpatzieLover's avatar

A Zombie Drama of Romance.

picante's avatar

Flighty but adorable.

gailcalled's avatar

Hot cha cha

rebbel's avatar

Tin opener.

King_Pariah's avatar

“With a rebel yell, she cried more more more….”

KateTheGreat's avatar

A king of humor and jest.

picante's avatar

A rainbow of digital extensions.

Kardamom's avatar

The basis for a fantastic Mexican meal.

Bent's avatar

You’re spicy, and a mother

KateTheGreat's avatar

Lover of centipedes.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Possibly some kind of octopus conqueror. Maybe Cthulhu.

rebbel's avatar

Snail of the Rising Sun.

MilkyWay's avatar

A rebellious person… spelt wrong.

King_Pariah's avatar

Tasty… the milkyway bar in my hand that is

AmWiser's avatar

King (appointed) of the socially outcaste

janbb's avatar

Used to be less smart before

wundayatta's avatar

January beta blocker

Facade's avatar

“One day at a” time (Good advice)

Berserker's avatar

A movable Japanese wall/door with cool pictures on it.

Haleth's avatar

Portmanteaus and literary references. (Awesome!)

KateTheGreat's avatar

Dramatic and artistic.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Friendly and fierce.

dabbler's avatar

Sleek and airborne.

picante's avatar

Jack(ie)? of all trades

Mat74UK's avatar

@picante – Pecan counter

@King_Pariah – You are the almighty ruler of all the outcasts! You offer sanctity to all other displaced people.

picante's avatar

1974 MGB with a cool floormat

TexasDude's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

Someone who probably makes a mean jambalaya and knows who Dewy Balfa (Balfour) is.

SpatzieLover's avatar


picante's avatar

Cupid’s arrow has found a sparrow

SpatzieLover's avatar

Wit & wisdon with a spicy touch!

wundayatta's avatar

Is really, really into noodles.

MilkyWay's avatar

Always under the orange tree…
Sorry. couldn’t help myself :P

Berserker's avatar

Our galaxy. But more than that, it reminds me that I might go to jail. XD

Dutchess_III's avatar

Explores with the Wind. ^^^^

KateTheGreat's avatar

A pleasant diva.

TexasDude's avatar

A superior Kate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A spicy shrimp eater

dabbler's avatar

Where are the other two?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Took me a moment but got it! Well, #1 is on Wisdm. #2 got lost on Minekey. So you’re left with the Third Generation of Social Networking Dutchesses! And you got fingers in the pie @dabbler!

King_Pariah's avatar

Uh huh. I bet ya put dutchess 2 on the chopping block after she hung dutchess 1 you usurper you :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

No! I was not the usurper! See.. The first time I came, I tried to create an account here (3 years ago) with the (misspelled) name “Dutchess” and it was already taken! Now, I hit that a couple of times before in other places (as I was wandering around, lost and confused after died) and I can’t figure out who was stupid enough to misspell it besides me (Mod’s…could you look at that and give me their email address? Please? PRETTY please?!,)) and whomever it was IS the real usurper!

Well. Wait. Maybe I’m the usurper of the usurper…that means…I win! I reign!

And…I see a million fish boiling in the water with razor sharp teeth and…the King of them All is in the middle. :( I’m scared.

Berserker's avatar

It reminds me of that movie, The Duchess. It was good I think, but I forgot most of it. You however, I certainly cannot forget, even if I wanted to. :) And yeah, I know it’s Dutchess, not Duchess, but still, I always seem to make the link.

KateTheGreat's avatar

One badass chick.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Tony the Tiger comes to mind!

Mat74UK's avatar

Third generation Lady Muck sitting in her Ivory Towers!

King_Pariah's avatar

Clone of Mat #74
UK model

wundayatta's avatar

King of all the unwanted and disliked. Not happy about himself. Kind of wishes he weren’t like that. Still, has a good excuse to be annoying. I mean, what do you expect? He’s a pariah, innit he?

picante's avatar

Step-by-step. Put one foot in front of the other. And walk slowly toward the orange tree.

Berserker's avatar

Hot and spicy.

wundayatta's avatar

Girl who clashes cymbals!

Or girl who manipulates many small symbols.

rebbel's avatar


janbb's avatar

“Rebel” without a dictionary.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Jan the lover of a boreal book reader.

janbb's avatar

Spatzie – the lover of spatzies; whatever the fuck they are.

SpatzieLover's avatar

thank you for the chuckle :D

KateTheGreat's avatar

Bird lover.

wundayatta's avatar

Echoes of Catherine the Great, the Empress of Russia. A powerful woman during a time of few powerful women, and about whom many scurrilous rumors were spread. Does our own Kate identify with this personality?

dabbler's avatar

Has crossed my mind before could this be either as in ’ wunda’ful ’ or as in ’ wunda’ing ’ ?
And your answers rang to both.
Yatta seems to be a friendly way to say unpretentious. Yadda yadda blah blah chit chat.
And where your answers have points to share they are unassuming and open to dialogue.
Matching towels.

Berserker's avatar

Necromancy, the black arts…as in, he who dabbles in the forbidden arts!

KateTheGreat's avatar

Lover of Shakespeare.

gailcalled's avatar

^^Lover of Shakespeare.

Kardamom's avatar

Lover of Language and cats.

MilkyWay's avatar

^The coolest food guru ever.

King_Pariah's avatar


Berserker's avatar

A badass with a rapier; he knows how to parry. That’s what it reminds me of, but the word parrier (if that is a word) said with an accent; I am king pariah! En guarde, muffuga!

MilkyWay's avatar

A zombie lovin, Xena datin, carazay knicker thief who I would run away with come the time of the apocalypse…

wundayatta's avatar

A candy bar? A galaxy? A splattering of milk drops in the deep night sky? Someone young, filled with soft cream? A sweety? Or a sleight of hand?

Somehow it seems like Indian food should be involved. Don’t ask me why.

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta Someone young, filled with soft cream? dude, lol.

Well, one day at a time. But that’s so booooring…The mass poster of awesome.

King_Pariah's avatar

That creepy ass monkey with cymbals from that one Stephen King short story out of Skeleton Crew (I think it’s Skeleton Crew).

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