General Question

jca's avatar

Have you ever used something called Liquid Glass epoxy for craft projects?

Asked by jca (36062points) July 19th, 2012

I recently went to an Adirondack furniture store (custom made furniture). The items had an incredible glassy sheen and as someone who does decoupage, I was curious how the artisan gets such an incredibly smooth finish from what I assumed was polyurethane. I asked him and he told me it’s something called Liquid Glass which is an epoxy. He told me not to confuse it with Liquid Glass for autos.

I’ve googled it and learned more about it, and I would like to try using it for my decoupage (which is just a hobby, nothing that I sell) but wanted to hear from anybody who may have used it, and what it’s like to use.

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11 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Google “Bar top” resin and you will find a ton of info on using these epoxy coatings. The key is to be thorough in your measuring and mixing of the components. Measure and mix in one pail and pour that mixture into another pail and stir for another minute and pour onto your surface. This avoids pouring any unmixed resin onto the surface which would screw it up big time.

Also avoid mechanical mixing with drills as that would whip more air into the resin than you want. Before pouring tap the pail onto a hard surface to encourage burping of the air from your mixture. Once poured out and it is level to your satisfaction, you can use a heat gun, hair dryer or a rose bud on a propane torch to heat the epoxies surface which can facilitate the bubble in the mix to pop. Be mindful of the open time of the mixture as you want to stop before the mixture begins to set to avoid ripples in the surface.

A IMO very crucial part of this is to not let the surface get wet for at least 7 days.

gailcalled's avatar

I have done decoupage in the past and have used several coats of a high-gloss polyurethane because I like the slightly yellowish cast.

jca's avatar

@gailcalled: I usually use a whole lot of coats of water-based poly. I have used the regular oil-based poly in the past (which is slightly yellow) and have had mixed results due to the oil base going over the paper images. I did like it, it spread well although it takes a whole lot longer to dry and it smells a lot. The water based doesn’t spread as well, but it dries in about an hour and doesn’t smell.

I was curious about the Liquid Glass product because if it goes on well and one coat is equivalent to about 10 coats of poly, it would be a great time saver. I am curious how the epoxy product works over paper.

Cruiser's avatar

@jca Paper is porous and you may want to seal the paper first with a thing coat of epoxy before you lay on the thick top coat and this will help avoid a pesky air bubble from popping up at the last minute.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Cruiser – great answers and thanks for the lessons! This is right up your alley isn’t it.

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Cruiser's avatar

@rooeytoo Truth be told I manufacture that exact kind of product.

jca's avatar

@Cruiser: Two questions: Does it smell? Is it flammable?

Cruiser's avatar

@jca It should not contain solvents and have a low odor if any at all. The Part B hardener more than likely will be a corrosive liquid and can cause skin irritations if you get it on your skin. Nothing immediate like a pure acid but if you have a cut or scrape it might sting a little. If you do get it on you do use cold water and soap and try not to scrub. Should wash off pretty easily. Pretty safe to use. Just follow the instructions. Do wear rubber gloves and eye protection. Do use a respirator if you are sensitive to chemicals.

jca's avatar

@Cruiser: It sounds like it would be perfect for decoupage. Is it expensive?

peachesandolivia's avatar

I just saw this sort of product on Pinterest. The woman used it on paper, but it apparently can be used on all sorts of surfaces. It is called dimensional glaze glue, and several companies make it. She did not mention brand, but Mod Podge makes one, and there are a few others.

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