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tedd's avatar

How do you confront people who are just plain stupid about politics?

Asked by tedd (14078points) August 21st, 2012
17 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

A couple buddies of mine have a mom who is very conservative, and very vocal about it on facebook. In days past I just ignored her stuff, or with other people I blocked their updates from my feed. Not sure why I haven’t done that with her yet, but anyways…

Lately she’s been posting a lot of pretty incendiary anti-Obama pictures and posts on facebook, which of course I am too weak willed to just ignore. But the problem isn’t so much a difference of opinion, as it is that she just blatantly believes lies and fervently uses them.

For example, today she made a post. Among the things in it, she first claimed that Obamacare raided Medicare for 742 billion dollars. Now I know this was money saved, not money pulled out of the program itself, but at least this is an argument I could see someone confusing (heck that’s what the Republicans were hoping for when they came up with that lie).. Where it starts to get crazy is how she worded it… “Obama pulled 742 billion dollars out of medicare already to pay for his socialist Obamacare!” Maybe it’s just me, but wouldn’t Medicare, basically the epitome of socialized healthcare just for old people, be more socialist than a program that expanded the heck out of private insurance companies?

Or she said that it was a lie that Dems came up with saying Ryan wanted to dissolve medicare. What else would she call privatizing it?

Or she said that Romney wants to bring medicare back into solvency, apparently not knowing that until he comes up with his own plan all he’s proposed is repealing Obamacare, which would actually make medicare insolvent much sooner.

My favorite part was this… She went on to rant about how we should bring home the troops and use the billions of dollars we’re wasting in overseas wars (an admittedly not-conservative standpoint).. and invest it “in Education, building roads and parks, new technologies, etc..” .... This being the same lady who barely two days ago went on a rant about what a waste the stimulus package was!!

How do you deal with people who are this incredibly stupid or blind to facts?

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gailcalled's avatar

If you have the energy, and it may not be worth it, you ask several questions. People respond very differently to queries than they do to statements.

“Are you sure about your facts?”

“Would you consider reading some accurate data?”

“Have you considered that what you are saying is not accurate?”

syz's avatar

It’s hopeless.

I have family on FB that will post incorrect, inflammatory information, which I will rebut (complete with independent references). They ignore it.

They will post things like “My boss says Obama’s gonna drive him out of business with this health care crap” and when I respond (and show verified references) that companies with fewer than 50 employees are exempt, he ignores it.

You either have to learn to ignore it, or block their posts for your own mental health. Some people seem to revel in intentional ignorance.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (5points)
tom_g's avatar

To be honest, I don’t anymore. There was a time not long ago that I would get involved in arguments until my ears were bleeding and I wanted to take a life-long nap.

These days, I just avoid. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?” (Note: The tom_g of 5 years ago would have wanted to punch the “nice weather” tom_g of today in the throat.) I’m not sure if it’s just giving up because I honestly believe that people cannot change. It could be that I’m just tired and too busy.

YARNLADY's avatar

You will never change the mind of someone like that. What value would there be in confronting them? Just say “I’m not worried” and leave it at that.

marinelife's avatar

She sounds quie rabid. I would just unfriend her or block all of her posts. You could easily break your head on the rock of her beliefs. Don’t bother.

wundayatta's avatar

You want to confront people? You could bring a weapon. That seems pretty confrontational.

If a weapon is a bit over the top, then you could scream and yell at them from one inch in front of their faces.

Of course, if you only want virtual confrontation on Facebook, I’m sorry, but I have to laugh. I just can’t take Facebook seriously. I mean, you’ve got billions of people playing games with virtual farm animals, and you want to take them seriously enough to confront them?

Oy veh!

CWOTUS's avatar

I have a lot of politically liberal (since that’s what we’re calling it) friends on Facebook who do essentially the same thing by posting every single foible committed by every single Republican since the beginning of time, as if the collection of ad hominem attacks somehow invalidates policy positions which, while I may not agree with them myself, are worth debating on their own merits. I generally ignore them.

Or wait, maybe that’s Fluther. I get them so confused sometimes.

I also have a lot of politically conservative (for want of a better term) friends on Facebook who post the same nonsense that you’ve alluded to and more. I’ve gotten just as good at ignoring their nonsense, too.

wilma's avatar

I’m with @CWOTUS , I see it from both sides. I ignore it all. It’s not worth my time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If it’s your friend’s mom, I’d just let it go, too. Someone will eventually tell her she’s wrong or make her look like a total idiot, you just don’t have to be that person unless you really want to.

Blackberry's avatar

I just smile and nod. I have to hear all kinds of stuff from two conservatives in my class.

Today was a lesson about how Obama’s dad was a marxist. There was no point to it, they just wanted to insinuate that Obama was a Marxist, I guess…..I’m not even sure he knows the point he’s making.

Then, we have these guys complaining about Obama spending too much money, yet they literally said they want a republican in office to give more money to the military…....LOL!

There’s no point arguing with these guys.

Trillian's avatar

Confrontation is pointless. One cannot reason with a barking dog. Hollering at a dog to stop barking generally just makes it bark more. Then soon all the other dogs start barking. What have you accomplished? A street full of barking dogs. Well done!

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, it’s Facebook so just poke them. In the eye. : )

Sunny2's avatar

I’d tell her that you disagree with her political point of view, so you are going to block her posts until after the election. Then do it.

ucme's avatar

High-fives & a bag full of cashews?

augustlan's avatar

If it’s someone (I have an aunt like this) and something I really care about, I respond very, very calmly with the facts (with reference links.) Sometimes, it’s not about changing her mind so much as it about countering untruths with truths, for the benefit of other people reading her posts.

ucme's avatar

“What…you’re voting for Romney!?!”

RandomMrAdam's avatar

I actually responded to this post on Facebook that basically countered every point she had and referenced credible links (i.e.,, etc) and the response was “Blah blah blah, you liberals make me yawn…”

When you have a person who believe’s in a Facebook re-post over a credible Government website and sites who’s primary job is to prove or disprove political attacks (i.e. Politifact, Factcheck) then you can’t change that person’s mind. They are going to believe what they want no matter how much factual knowledge you fight them with.

There are far too many people anymore who live in their own reality fueled by political hate no matter how untruthful it is. Haters gunna hate.

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