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ETpro's avatar

What country/s do Mitt Romney's neocon foreign-policy advisers NOT want to invade?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) September 17th, 2012
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Romney has surrounded himself with George Bush’s neocon foreign policy advisers. These are the same geniuses that brought us the Afghan 6 month campaign that’s still churning on after 12 years and that failed in its one stated mission of killing or capturing bin Laden and the Taliban leadership. The ones that planned the 3 month, pay-for-itself Iraq preemptive strike to prevent their imminent rowboat invasion force from reaching our shores. The ones that love all wars so much they didn’t dare join the military themselves and thus risk depriving the nation of their vast military experience.

Since Romney signed them up, these neocons have been making a list and checking it twice. There are so many nations to attack and so little time.

The hit list is getting long. Romney today is on a get tough with China jig. He’s stated that Russia (or at times the Soviet Union) is our number one geopolitical foe. He definitely wants to take on North Korea. He thinks it was a big mistake to announce a withdrawal from Afghanistan. His people want back into the Iraq conflict. He definitely wants military action in Syria, Lybia and Iran. Then there’s the Sudan and Somalia and Yemen to fix.

What nations are NOT on the invasion list?

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wundayatta's avatar

I doubt if any are not on the list, except some staunch allies.

I don’t understand their philosophy. It seems like they are saying violence is the answer. It seems they didn’t learn anything from Bush’s misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. Indeed, it seems like they live in an alternate universe compared to us. Which is why they can’t be allowed to take the leadership of this country. Their vision is disastrous. They clearly don’t understand reality.

But that has always been the case for Republicans. They like the vision of the world they hold in their heads, and they don’t let facts dislodge that vision. No matter how much it becomes clear that winning hearts and minds is how you win these wars, they still think violence wins.

They don’t see the role that such short term strategies have in making the world much harder for Americans decades down the pike. We created the modern Iran with our intervention in the 50s. Had we left things alone, Iran would be a friendly democracy today.

We must be patient with the Arab spring. They will go through growing pains. We must be mature and show forebearance. They are like kids, as nations. We are the adult. Proper parenting doesn’t mean giving them a huge whack with the rod. We explain to them what democracy is and how we expect them to hold to it. We let them make mistakes and correct them gently and with love.

We apologize for Iraq and Afghanistan and say we made a mistake and we will treat them like democratic nations from now on. We will offer them respect where they earn respect, and we will correct them where they make mistakes.

But the neocons are all about war and violence. They are the worst this nation has to offer. And Romney, typically, has embraced them. It shows he doesn’t understand foreign policy. It shows, yet again, that he must not be elected.

zenvelo's avatar

Canada and Mexico. He figures we already get Canada’s oil, and it would mess up all the oil shale projects if we went to war.

Mexico, because he doesn’t want to deal with more Mexicans crossing the border into the US if he opens it up to invade. And his dad was born there, so he doesn’t want to mess with his family homeland.

gailcalled's avatar

Andorra, le Pays Basque and Bélize.

wundayatta's avatar

What? Not Costa Rica? They don’t even have an army!

flutherother's avatar

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

zenvelo's avatar

Tonga already has a significant Mormon population, so I doubt them.

ragingloli's avatar

Switzerland. That is where they will hide their money.
China. That is where they will ship all the jobs.
The Vatican. That is where their masters reside.
Israel. They need it intact to bring about the christian armaggeddon.

ETpro's avatar

@wundayatta Kudos for a well thought-out answer. Very prescient.

@zenvelo Those would be two on the short list.

@gailcalled Why not “Andorra, le Pays Basque and Bélize”?

@wundayatta If we invade every country, we won’t have enough army. We’d have to reinstate the draft, and some of the neocon chicken-hawks or their kids might inadvertently fail to get draft exemptions quickly enough. So that’s off the table. Republican neocons favor wars other people fight.

@flutherother Always an apt quote.

@zenvelo Great. That exempts 0.002% of the world population.

@ragingloli Perfect pathos. Great answer.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

According to General Wesley Clark back in 2007, the neo-cons had a plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years:

If you check out, the official website for the neo-con think-tank Project For A New American Century, there are some articles in there that go pretty deep into the multi-war plan that we are going through right now.

We are building an army of drones, which is much more cost-effective than the upkeep of a human army.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Also, why do people ignore that fact that the US, under an Obama administration, has been launching drone strikes, sometimes killing women and children, in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan(and I may be missing a few as it is getting hard to keep up)?

In my opinion, if we are dropping bombs on a country, we are war with that country, which why I believe the attacks on US embassies have been taking place(or the CIA), not because of an internet video.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s not a big deal to have plans to invade a bunch of countries. Any responsible army has plans in place for every contingency. What is a big deal is to seriously consider invading so many countries at once.

gailcalled's avatar

@ETpro: Andorra, Le Pays Basque and Bélize do not have a big enough population to exploit, there are no natural resources worth spending ammunition on and the tourist business is at capacity. (What do I really know? I am guessing here).

rojo's avatar

@gailcalled : “Andorra”?? I thought you said “Pandora” and what with all that Unobtainium laying around ripe for the taking I figured it would be first on the list.
Now it makes sense.

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