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PhiNotPi's avatar

Do you ever visit people's profile pages or use your own?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12681points) October 7th, 2012
30 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

The user profile pages are often hidden out of view. You can’t stumble upon one unless you make the active decision to try and find it. I can go weeks without looking at anybody’s profile.

As a moderator, the main reason I visit profile pages is to check for spammers, and that’s about it.

In fact, I edited mine today for the first time in a very, very long time (and I didn’t even change much). I remember that it took me months to even fill it out in the first place.

This question is somewhat open to interpretation, but do you ever visit other user’s profile pages? Do you pay attention to your own?

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gailcalled's avatar

I view others’ profiles often.

I haven’t changed mine in years.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I check up on people’s profiles rather frequently. I change mine every few months.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yes. Like you, I will often check a person’s profile to see if they might possibly be a spammer, if it is a new member and something appears off. If not, then I take it for granted that they should be welcomed and not flagged or flogged (for typos) unless it isn’t clear.

If is a member that hasn’t appeared in awhile, I’ll check it for a “Last Visited” date or to see if they have left a notation as to why they aren’t around. A few members have posted the dates and the reason why they aren’t logging in.

There are times when a member’s name shows up that isn’t familiar, yet they have a high Lurve score. I’ll check their profile.

There is one member that posts quotes of others on his profile, which are hilarious. It’s enjoyable to check them out to see if any have been added.

Coloma's avatar

I like to read new peoples profiles, yes. I enjoy a little bio and getting a feel for another person.
Mine has not changed in 2.5 years, except to update my age. lol

Sunny2's avatar

I frequently look at other user profiles. I check when they joined and last time they visited and any info they may have shared. Mostly, it’s people I’m not familiar with who have answered a question and I was impressed one way or another.
I haven’t changed mine at all. I’ll think about it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I only really look at profile pages if I end up PM’in the person or I’m trying to see what their avatar is a picture of. Otherwise I dont. As per my own I update it every 6 months to a year.

wundayatta's avatar

I look at other people’s on occasion. I haven’t changed mine in a long time. I don’t have much on mine. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. But there’s so much in my answers that if you want to learn about me, you can look up my answers on relevant questions. Not that that is very easy to do.

Berserker's avatar

I look at profiles pretty often, just for fun or out of curiosity. Even if I know the person hasn’t changed theirs for a while, I’ll go read it again. Or to see if they added something, if it’s blank.
As for me, I never know what to put in mine, so I usually just put quotes or other stupid ass shit in it.

glacial's avatar

Sometimes, to get a wider context for a comment – maybe a geographical location, or religious affiliation, or profession, or what have you. I only half expect to see any relevant information there, since I don’t post anything personal on my own profile.

Coloma's avatar

IMO what’s the point of participating if one is not going to share their interests or create a brief little bio. to familiarize others with them?
I hate clicking on a profile and only getting the ” so and so has not added anything to their profile.” I also enjoy seeing actual photos of members in their avatars. I put my face up now and then and I really enjoy seeing others faces too.

glacial's avatar

@Coloma I guess I can understand that; I’m on other social networks where I am more forthcoming in my profile. My general tendency is to decrease the amount of information I put out about myself, the wider my internet footprint becomes. The profile is not the only way to learn about each other, though. If you’ve read all my comments here, in some ways you know me better than most people who have met me in real life, whether or not you know my name, or where I live, or what I do for a living.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, I do look at profile pages quite a bit.

YARNLADY's avatar

I frequently visit profile pages, especially to see what kind of questions/comments the user is posting.

I change mine once a year or so.

cookieman's avatar

Rarely on both counts.

janbb's avatar

If someone is new to me and I find their answers very astute, I will look at their profile to learn something more about them.

I think I have changed mine once or twice since joining but don’t visit it much.

augustlan's avatar

As a mod, I look at profiles frequently, for the same reasons @PhiNotPi mentioned. As a member, I look when I notice a new person who seems interesting, when I’m sending a PM, or checking out a new avatar. Mine hasn’t been updated in a long time.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I’ve probably visited more profiles in the past few weeks than the rest of my Fluther career combined. I don’t really think those “count,” however, because the users are typically named ”@cheapSEOservices” or ”@fghjddhzh”.

AshLeigh's avatar

I like to read other peoples pages.
I don’t change mine often. I wrote a lot on it. Haha.

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, when I see a neat looking avatar and want to see a bigger view of it.

Yes, when I want to PM someone.

Yes, because all of those Lurve Party answers don’t come naturally flowing out of my memory LOL (that’s not exactly true, some of them do). Some times you must do some sleuthing to know what kind of hors’doevres to bring to the party.

And yes, because sometimes I have a partial memory of something that someone said about a particular subject and I need to find the particular Q so I can refer to the actual thing that was said.

hearkat's avatar

It’s rare… and usually I do it to get additional context in order to reply more appropriately, especially to see if they’ve indicated where they live.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh crap. I look at others a lot. But mine is pretty sparse. I guess I need to change that.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I look at other’s and keep mine updated pretty regularly. I even already have added a note about having a beautiful daughter and she’s only 3 weeks old. I look at other’s when I want to send them a PM, liked an answer they gave, and then all the mod stuff we have to do.

Bellatrix's avatar

I look at other people’s profiles (not just as a mod) because I am interested in what the person has to say about themselves, their avatar or to send them a message.

Mine needs an update. It’s been on my mind to do that. I like other people’s quotes too. I can never decide on one to put up there.

Adagio's avatar

I often click on the profile if I want to see the avatar more clearly, I usually read the bio but not always, depends on my mood. I haven’t changed my own profile bio since I originally wrote it, probably because I like it and I would have to write something I liked even better if I were to replace it.… it could happen one day……

JLeslie's avatar

I very rarely look at someone’s profile page.

ucme's avatar

Other people’s…never, my own, very rarely.

rooeytoo's avatar

I often look especially if someone gives a response that I find intriguing and I would like to know more about the person who made it. So many though, have nothing in their profiles. I just checked @Adirondackwannabe since he intimated he was going to elaborate, but alas it is still empty! About the only thing I change about mine is when I move or change my avatar, but it tells my story adequately, at least I think so!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rooeytoo I haven’t got there yet. It’s a holiday, I slept late.Give me a bit.

DaphneT's avatar

I like to read profile pages and am disappointed when I come across one that has not been created.

Paradox25's avatar

I only look at another’s profile if I either had an interesting interaction with that person, if decide to add someone to my fluther or if somebody has added me to their fluther. I usually update my own profile and avatar since I can’t stand to look at the same old same old for too long.

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