Social Question

Will you help me find a new tv series to watch?
I remember @posionantidote did this for movies according to taste. I was really impressed by all the wonderful suggestions and watched a few that I had not seen.
So I was hoping ya’ll might be able similar for me. I am looking for something more light hearted, comedic though my favorites fall generally under sci fi or drama.
Here’s a list of my favorites and why I liked them so much.
Pretty much any thing Joss Whedon though diehard Firefly fan. His dialogue and character work borders on cheesy or campy but somehow he makes it work.
Justified, True Blood, and Deadwood. They have brillaint mythic almost lyrical dialogue while dealing with darker side of humanity.
House, sons of anarchy, breaking bad, true blood, bones, Mad Men (admittedly haven’t seen all seasons of these but what I did see was enjoyable and compelling) I like the character building very complex characters and the shows were about character development rather then episodic redundancy. Also many of these shows were so nuanced and informed great shooting and soundtracks actors that truly owned their roles.
Battlestar galaxy I watched all the way through and had me on the edge of my seat. Love that it was sci fi and great characters, one thing I donmt like about sci fi is that it is so consuming. With so many offshoots and its hard to commit to that upfront, of course they did add offshoots to that and I may have seen a few episodes of this that or the other it was no longer convenient to continue. Like star trek or Star gate and sg 1 though I did see quite a few of these they were often out of order and found they were more formulaic.
Scrubs I thought was funny and apparently I have a penchant for musical numbers, the singing in angel, the musical in buffy and the dramatized dream of cutty’s from house were some of the most memorable moments.
Ok if you are still reading I thank you and appreciate any suggestions.