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cadetjoecool's avatar

How do I fix this GitHub shell typo?

Asked by cadetjoecool (218points) February 16th, 2013

I meant to type:
“git status”

but instead I typed:
“gut status”

now it prints ”+2 ~0 -0 !” next to master.

What does it mean and how do I fix it?

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1 Answer

phaedryx's avatar

It looks like the prompt was like that before you typed “gut status”. I don’t think it did anything other than give you a warning message for an unrecognized command.

I’m guessing that those numbers represent modifications to the code (2 lines added, 0 lines modified, 0 lines removed perhaps?)

What does it show when you type “git status”?

I’ve never used git on windows, I’m making educated guesses.

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