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wundayatta's avatar

Women, how much control do you think a man has when he is under the influence of love and lust?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) February 26th, 2013
22 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

The crude version of this question is how much control do you think a man has when he’s under the influence of pussy? I’m not sure we can say “pussy” in a question title.

I feel like there are times when I’ve lost all control of myself because I want a woman. I’ve ridden my bike after midnight along pitch black country roads to serenade a woman. I’ve chased women… well, trust me. Lot’s of places. Things I would never do ordinarily, but I was in love and lust (which are not separable for me).

At the same time, I hold myself fully responsible for what I do. But I’m different by the influence of my feelings for a woman. I might do anything.

Women, what is your experience of men when they are after you? Do they seem unstoppable? Are they crazy? Or do you think it’s an act? What do you think male love/lust is like? How does it change a man?

And how does it affect you?

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KNOWITALL's avatar

To me, the pursued, it means he is completely focused on me. My thoughts, my feelings, my actions, everything.

In my experience, men don’t give up unless you make it very clear you are not interested, often bluntly. They often aren’t thinking clearly and decision-making seems slower.

If the attention is welcome, it makes you feel beautiful and irresistable, loved.
If it’s unwelcome attention, it can make you feel stalked.

Unbroken's avatar

To me I would compare it emotional drunkness.

A person has control over their drunk selves. They just don’t want to. Inhibition is lowered but free will is not taken away.

An excuse an escape from reality a delusion I don’t trust it because once the chase is over so is the obsession.

It is flattering. It can also be annoying or scary. It can be easy to be swept up in it. But the fact that lust is just a temporary emotion makes it worthless after so many rides down that road. I mean how often do you cycle the same fork without being bored or jaded.

The dance might continue, but now out of convenience eventually fondness and comfort rather then something life changing. Compatibility, values things that last and matter are a crap shoot if picked this way.

It can be like waving a bone in front of a dog. Sure the dog is happy and wants the bone but has no partiality to it. If offered another it would take the easier one.

I can be swept away by it or flattered by it but most likely my thoughts and boredom with predictability, will catch up before I am “caught.”

There is an element of mutual enjoyment to be taken from this but only when imbibed in rarely. When instincts timing and male are alligned when headiness is turned into euphoria. Those are the moments worth indulging.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

About as much control as a hungry dog exhibits whilst enjoying the company of a raw tenderloin.

Control… lost.

zenvelo's avatar

Men that are truly smitten act like they have been smitten over the head. Myself, I have done some really stupid things way beyond my best interests. Spent money, missed otherwise fun times, passed up being places I’d otherwise go to, gone places I normally would not have ventured to see.

Is it worth it? When done for the object of my affections, yes.

After we’ve broken up? t’s more like “how the hell could I have done that willingly?”

burntbonez's avatar

I’ve felt some powerful urges when in love. It’s always hard to hold back, but I feel like it is important to hold back because women don’t generally go as fast as men do. Then again, I could be wrong. I mean, maybe I should show my passion. Holding back hasn’t gotten me a long term relationship. But, that’s water over the dam. Not relevant now. It’s ok to be on my own. I have a good life.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@burntbonez See, I’d think the opposite, that women are the ones pushing for more too fast.

burntbonez's avatar

What kind of more, @KNOWITALL? This has not been my experience, but what do I know. I have not been successful in the area.

Shippy's avatar

He has very little control if the pussy is wielded correctly. The pussy should be directly and very intelligently linked to his ID. Where it should go about digging up all those repressed and secret needs. Then start to make them dance the pussy dance. It really is quite magical.

wundayatta's avatar

You are right, dear @Shippy. If my lover’s pussy is wielded properly, I go into an altered state of consciousness in which I have no more conscious control than an ant. It really is kind of sad, on the one hand, and yet also a most wonderful experience on the other hand. One would only allow it to happen, ideally, with a woman one can trust.

On the other hand, I suppose the pussy has such magical power that some men might be willing to resort to force in order to have some under their control. Of course, if you control the pussy, then you really can’t get what you want, so it is self defeating to try to control a woman by force. Pussy magic only happens voluntarily. And men who think there is nothing more to it than pleasure are fools.

Earthgirl's avatar

@Shippy I love it….if he is tempted to do the pussy dance should he try the safety dance instead??

@wundayatta The safety dance looks like fun but I don’t think it can compare to pussy ecstasy.

Mariah's avatar

I expect him to have total control. I’m sure reality doesn’t stand up to that expectation, and that scares me.

rooeytoo's avatar

I don’t quite understand, are you saying that a man has no control when lust strikes? That makes me think of rape but then they say rape is not about sex, it is about power. But if that is the absolute truth why doesn’t he show his power without involving his penis? I think men have to be able to understand NO and to respect it. To say that he has no control when in lust and love seems to me to be a convenient excuse to have it his way. He has a brain, and hopefully a conscience, shouldn’t they come into play somewhere in this equation and override the emotions?

I can relate though to some of what you say. The stupidest things and most ridiculous behaviour I have ever done or exhibited were all because of a man. If I get the chance to come back again, I hope I remember what I have learned this time around and avoid the madness.

rojo's avatar

“The problem is, God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time.” Robin Williams

wundayatta's avatar

Ack, @rooeytoo. You really don’t understand, do you? Could you never have experienced that absolute adoration that a man has for a woman he loves? How when he sees her pussy, it’s like all thought escapes him, and he is helpless. He’ll do anything to please her, just so she’ll let him be near, and hopefully, come inside?

It is an outrageous feeling. Completely out of control. Not rape out of control because the last thing you want is to hurt your beloved. But it is this unreasonable desire to merge with your beloved; a combination of lust and love that makes no sense and demands that you do whatever she wants. And you give into it absolutely willingly because there is nothing better in the world than to please her.

To think that it could possibly have anything to do with force or rape shows you have never experienced this in a man. You would never mistake it for anything other than what @Shippy or (I think) @Earthgirl mentioned (pussy ecstasy).

A woman could harness that energy, if she wanted. Send it in any direction. I think it might make @Mariah uncomfortable, so she tells herself her man is supposed to be in control, but that denies her own power, I think. When you don’t accept your own power, weird things can happen. The man gets away with things he shouldn’t and eventually you find yourself doing things that may not be so good for you.

The dance between the sexes is best when it is properly balanced. But pussy power is one thing that always goes one way. This is not to say the man does not have power. His power, however, is in other areas. Indeed, it could be in his penis, as some women (some, not all) are as enamored of a penis as most men are enamored of a pussy.

There are times when both partners are equally powerless over each other, and are equally empowered with each other. Personally, I like that the best. But I enjoy giving in to that wild and crazy desire for pussy—the smell, the beauty, the incredible desire that wells up in me. It’s totally crazy, and I have done crazy things for women when that desire is in me.

I don’t want to call it lust, although lust is a part of it, because a lot of people think lust is separate from love. The desire, though, for me, is a combination of love and lust and probably a lot of other things. My brain only lets me think about one thing. This woman. And if she is naked, her pussy is overwhelmingly interesting.

People make jokes about men thinking with their penises, and this is true, I think, but it isn’t a bad thing, necessarily. Sometimes, men get caught up in their sexual attraction without widening the focus to take in the whole woman, and mistakes happen. Men and women have sex when they really don’t know each other.

But other times, it is a complete thing, and when you give in to pussy power, it is a mutual thing. Each person is giving in to the power of the other. You give in. You give out. You put in. You put out. You become a miracle of unity through the physical connection of cock and pussy. And this miracle, or the hope of it, is what I think men are feeling when they feel lust, even if they have little conscious clue about what it really takes to make it happen.

Men want connection too. They are just a little more clueless and intuitive about it, and experience it as sexual desire. It is sexual desire, but there is more to it than that. The desire, however, is overwhelming to many of us, and that can be a problem when you don’t learn how to manage it. It can also be something the woman can use to control the man, if she wants.

But I wanted to know how much awareness women have of this. It is apparent that some women are aware and others are not. No judgement here. It’s just interesting.

And just because I see it this way, doesn’t mean it is true for everyone. I’d like it to be true just because I think the way I see things could help bring more understanding between the genders and within men. Men don’t like to see themselves as out of control. It’s unmanly, according to traditional thought. I actually think it is an attractive characteristic to some women. The idea that a man will do anything for them must be heady stuff. The knowledge that the pussy is the central symbol for this desire must be an incredible turnon.

From my side, finding a woman who was comfortable with my desire for her was incredible. A meeting of the minds and bodies. The intensity I always wanted. A gift that has lasted for years.

Shippy's avatar

@wundayatta Ah yes! But of course the owner of the pussy is important. In fact the most important part. A pussy without power is a bit like a wind blown toupee.

Mariah's avatar

The “out of control” argument is just too close to “I couldn’t help raping her” for me. That’s what’s uncomfortable about it. I know you say it’s not like that, and that’s probably because you’re not an asshole, but I feel like that loss of control is probably the first step for a lot of assholes who would rape.

wundayatta's avatar

@Mariah Of course, there has to be trust between the partners. If one thinks the other could rape her, then the feeling is not reciprocated, and I would understand that the excitement the guy feels would be scary to the woman. If the guy didn’t pick up on this, then I’d think he was pretty much the wrong guy for her, and she should tell him to get out of there ASAP.

Rape has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about. It is antithetical to the feeling, which is about connection, not taking something that doesn’t belong to the guy.

bkcunningham's avatar

I’ve got the power. Once you have it, you have it forever. Even as you age; you don’t ever lose it. It just becomes more powerful.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Even in such situations where the little head is doing most of the thinking, a man is still reponsible for what he does. Lust intoxication is no excuse for rape.

Shippy's avatar

@bkcunningham Thumbs up!!

Headhurts's avatar

I don’t think men have much control at all when they are seriously in love. They seem to blinded. if she is out to use them, take their money etc, she can. He’ll give it, because he loves her.
Love is a beautiful thing, but it can so easily be abused.

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