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OneBadApple's avatar

What is your opinion regarding ghosts and 'shadow people'?

Asked by OneBadApple (5065points) May 24th, 2013
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

My wife and I have been traveling the country for a month and last week spent a great day with my daughter-in-law’s family in Northern California. Great conversation and many laughs.

When the subject turned to ‘ghost sightings’, every one of about six family members (ages 12 through 85) told stories about seeing or hearing ghosts or ‘shadow people’ wandering around their house or outside property.

They were all sincere, nobody was drunk, and I’m quite sure they were not just putting us on for fun.

Your thoughts ?

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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

If it truly exists, (the ghosts and demons), then I propose it is nothing remotely similar to what people actually believe it is. I suggest, if it truly exists, it is more in line with some type of information anomaly. Similar to a computer or biological anomaly, but instead, in the realm of thought. An anomaly riding on the back of a nasty social meme virus.

I don’t believe in the supernatural. If it happens, in any manner, then it is perfectly natural for it to happen. Not knowing why it happens is no excuse to claim supernatural attributes.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think they provide a fascinating insight into how easily intelligent adults can fool themselves into believing in things that don’t exist (like tricke-down economics, and technical analysis).

ragingloli's avatar

They are all aliens with cloaking devices scouting out new test subjects for their sex experiments in their spaceships.

cheebdragon's avatar

Shadow people are usually what people see when they are high (typically crack or speed) and haven’t slept for a few days. It can also happen if you’re dehydrated though.

gailcalled's avatar

Observations often related to outdated bifocal prescription and peripheral vision coinciding.

ucme's avatar

These tales are much like what ghosts are supposed to look like, transparent…I see right through them.

picante's avatar

While I’m not a believer, I have a “ghost story;” which, as gailcalled describes, is likely the result of optical malfunction, odd lighting, one drink too many and the convergence of those factors.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It is understandable why some people believe in ghosts and/or shadow people. It is also understandable why others don’t. I have no belief one way or the other. Call it an agnostic approach.

It seems fairly easy to take one side. I doubt that most people have done any formal research on the subject…enough to form a proper opinion. Until we do, why sway to one side of this debate?

augustlan's avatar

I’m not a believer, but there are many unknowns in the world. Perhaps such things exist, but will prove to be an entirely natural phenomena at some point.

Inspired_2write's avatar

An old gentleman told me that wherever a person spends a lot of time around ( homes etc)
that when they pass on there vibes or memories of the time that they spent here on earth is
still recorded.
Also that some sensitive people can pick up on these sensations which are usually felt as
a sudden chill.
Archelogists get this sometimes.

TinyChi's avatar

I think it’s pretty wicked.
I like don’t know if they’re real or not. I did have this one freaky experience in St.Augustine when we were renting a beach house for the week. I was like 10 though so I don’t know if it was real or maybe just my imagination gone wild. It seemed real though. I remember waking up and going downstairs to use the bathroom then I heard someone coming so I ran back up the stairs and watched. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but I couldn’t see anything then it stopped in front of me and I looked up to see like a apparition of some chick’s face looking back down at me. Then she just turned around and walked back down the stairs and just disappeared. It was pretty wicked but I still wonder if it was real or not because, you know, your imagination can do some wiggy things.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@Inspired_2write _—“some sensitive people can pick up on these sensations which are usually felt as
a sudden chill.”—_

I get the same sensation when accidentally walking into the ladies restroom… Or suddenly discovering my fly has been open all day. Really spooky shit man.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Not that kind of chills. Those are natural.
These are goose bumps kind of chills that come on suddenly and without explanation.

cheebdragon's avatar

When I was a teenager I had a few really bizarre experiences in the house we lived in at the time. It was around 115–120 years old and there had been at least 2 people who died in the house, I know this for a fact because the home had been owned by my grandparents for 2 generations, my great grandparents didnt buy the house brand new but they were the 2nd owners and my grandparents are the current owners, my grandpa wasnt born yet when they bought it so its possible the original owners died in it also I guess. Anyways, in the front bedroom there was a piano and we usually kept the door shut to keep the cats off of the piano, one night it was really late and I started hearing the piano, it wasnt a song, mostly just repetitive lower keys being pushed down pretty hard, thinking it was the cats I went to go shoo them from the room and when I got about 10–15 ft from the door I noticed one of my cats was watching the door to the piano room, I didn’t think anything of it at first until my other cat came out from under the table in the dining room. This made me stop in my tracks because I only have 2 cats and both of them were now staring at the closed door to the piano room. Piano keys were still being hit the entire time this was going on, so I walked up and opened the door to see what the fuck it was and there was no one in the room, both windows were shut and locked.
I was so freaked out I slammed the door and ran to the back of the house. Lmfao, the same thing happened a few times over the years we lived there, a friend who lived with me for a few months even witnessed it, never figured out what it was though. In the 7 years we lived in that house I we never saw a single mouse or rat at all. It was just fucking weird.

cheebdragon's avatar

The creepiest thing that ever happed in that house was the day my friend Larry and I were watching TV (ironically enough we were watching a show about haunted houses in the United States), it was kind of a warm day so we had the front door and the back door both open, all of the sudden both doors slam shut (these doors are facing the opposite direction and none of the windows in the house were open). Larry and I looked at each other and bolted out the front door, he jumped over my coffee table, it was fucking hilarious how fast we got out of that house, he was so freaked out he wouldn’t go back inside the house for over 2 weeks. When I finally went back inside to open the back door it was fucking locked, I don’t mean the handle was locked, no it was deadbolt locked, I ran back outside and waited for my mom to get home before going back in again.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Modal realism is the view, notably propounded by David Kellogg Lewis, that all possible worlds are as real as the actual world. It is based on the following tenets: possible worlds exist; possible worlds are not different in kind from the actual world; possible worlds are irreducible entities; the term actual in actual world is indexical, i.e. any subject can declare their world to be the actual one, much as they label the place they are “here” and the time they are “now”.
And on Parallel Universe
Very intersting .
Could explain ghosts etc

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