@gailcalled Ha! Wish I’d caught that in time. I’ve flagged myself and hopefully will get a chance to fix it.
@bookish1 Got ya. Even without all those compelling reasons, I crave no piercings. I avoid pain except in sex, and avoid bloodletting in sex. So no way am I having needles rammed through my body parts.
@livelaughlove21 Yeah, mine either—well my nipples. I don’t exactly have a clit.
@ragingloli I’m in complete agreement—even with the ambiguous list of body parts I don’t want to pierce.
@janbb & @fundevogel In sexual identity, ambiguity is très excitant.
@Symbeline Roger that. I’m really asking you about you here. I would hope we’d all be able to grant others the right to make decisions about their own bodies for themselves.
@Plucky Thankfully I never even got holes poked in my earlobe. I did, however, wear an extremely tight pair of clip-on earrings to a Halloween party, and I ended up with a little tumor. Fortunately, it never got any bigger than a half the diameter of a BB. It’s been benign and free from growth since the day it former, about 45 years ago.
@SadieMartinPaul Thanks/
@trailsillustrated Again, this is about you, not your desires for other people. Given the interest in that topic, perhaps that should be next.