Social Question

Headhurts's avatar

When did you know you first liked your s/o?

Asked by Headhurts (4505points) August 13th, 2013
29 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Was watching Mr and Mrs on Sunday and they were talking about this. I asked my boyfriend when he first knew he liked me and he said ” you just grew in me” whatever that is supposed to mean.

So, thought I would ask people here.

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marinelife's avatar

I think it was one day when we went to a St. Patrick’s Day parade, and we just had an almost perfect day. I knew that I was in love with him.

tedibear's avatar

Liked or loved? I liked him on our first date; he was friendly and interesting. I knew that I loved him about 5 months into our relationship.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

3rd date

Seaofclouds's avatar

We liked each other before we started dating. We flirted for about 3 months, and then finally went on our first date.

ucme's avatar

When she playfully swiped a tenner from my hand at work & practically begged me to chase her, which I gleefully did.

livelaughlove21's avatar

You mean you grew on him? If so, that’s what happened with my husband and me. We “met” online and met up as friends. I thought he was hot and wanted to fool around with him, but I had no plans to date him. He asked me out and I said yes because I couldn’t say no to anyone back then. I liked him, but I didn’t plan on being exclusive with him for any length of time. Eventually, though, he grew on me. We’d been dating for nearly a month when the infamous butterflies began to show up. Six years later, we’re married. It’s funny how things work out.

Seek's avatar

He was playing Fleetwood Mac songs on the guitar.

That was enough to get me to start a conversation that lasted almost eight hours.

Headhurts's avatar

@livelaughlove21 haha, oops, thanks for pointing that out. Yes, thats what I meant.

Headhurts's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I can see how you would be attracted. That must have been amazing.

Headhurts's avatar

@tedibear Liked.
@ucme I didn’t know you worked together, do you still?

ucme's avatar

@Headhurts No we don’t, this was when we both worked as care assistants at an Alzheimer’s ward.

muppetish's avatar

I spent a day on campus with my SO waiting for their last final exam to start. Just before the exam, I gave them a letter as an early Christmas gift (since winter break was about to start and I did not anticipate seeing them during the break). They were so happy that they picked me up and spun me around while autumn leaves fell around us. It was a magical moment. I was elated, and a touch frightened, that I was completely smitten.

Headhurts's avatar

@muppetish Sounds like something from a film, beautiful.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Love at first sight here, we were pretty much inseperable from the first meeting. I REALLY liked his dog. :)

Kairi's avatar

When we first met at college, eating pizza in the cafeteria together.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

On the first date. She conveyed some interest in me so I asked her out and we hit it off fast.

rojo's avatar

Well, we met when she started a club in college.
At the time, she was dating two guys, one who she had dated in high school and who had attended another college a couple of hours away and one on campus who was also a member of the same group.
I did not actively pursue because she was dating the two others and I figured I would be wasting my time and she was not interested for the same reason. But, being part of the same club we participated in many group activities together and I cannot say exactly when or why we gravitated toward each other but we did; it just seemed to occur naturally. She broke up with the guy from the other college after several months but stayed with the one in our club. I dated her suitemate for a while, then moved on and within the year she had broken up with BF #2. We continued seeing each other sometimes dating and sometimes as the opposites on double dates eventually becoming exclusive and still are some 39 years later.
FWIW I didn’t find out until we were already married but she says I intrigued her because I was somewhat aloof but mainly because I did not jump at her beck and call but was my own person and allowed her the same courtesy. She also felt we were intellectually equal while she felt she was smarter than the other guys she dated.

rojo's avatar

I did not really answer your question though.

I liked her from the moment I saw her. She was frantically trying to corrall about 60 people who had shown up for the first club meeting. She had estimated that maybe 10 – 12 might show up and had reserved a room for 20. She was so bubbly, grinning from ear to ear and about to explode from excitement! She was running around trying to find someone in authority who could get us a bigger room and at the same time deputizing other folks who she had met minutes before to help control the herd and get it down the hallway, move supplies and equipment, set up chair, etc. Believe me, this was not an easy task; the type of person that gravitates toward the activity we were here for are a pretty independent bunch who don’t particularly like to take orders or follow directions. But she did it and started a club that is still in existence today.
Even with all that excitement and confusion, she says she also noticed me, sitting on the cabinets on the back wall, leaning back with my friend,watching all the frenetic activity, amused and smiling at the chaotic madness that surrounded and engulfed us.
She also says she was pretty pissed off that I was not trying to help.

Headhurts's avatar

@rojo That is a lovely story, thank you.

Blondesjon's avatar

From the very first. I was playing Golden Axe with my roommate and someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around there was a very attractive blonde handing me a one time.

Been together 22 years and counting from that moment.

ucme's avatar

@Blondesjon Should be up for parole sometime soon then

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

It was pretty much love at first sight for me. Seriously. It exists. :)

Sunny2's avatar

On our first date, he arrived with a brand new car. We spent the whole day together driving up into the next state; dropping in on his sister and family. It could have been a deadly bore, but it was just totally comfortable. Except that we didn’t stop for food at lunch time and I was afraid he didn’t like to eat or something. We finally stopped for dinner at a very nice place and I found he liked to eat the kind of food I did. We married 6 months later. We had our 50th anniversary last year.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Sunny2 Wow, that is too cool. And people say you should know each other for years and years before you marry or it’ll never last. Congrats to you on 50, that’s very cool!

zenvelo's avatar

First date. We were finishing dinner and she said,“how about we walk up the street to the bookstore?”. I fell for her hard, right away.

JLeslie's avatar

First date. I was attracted to him when I first saw him, and giddy when he called me to make a first date, but the first date was when I knew I liked him, knew we could talk and talk, and knew we both ordered coke with no ice. Perfect match.

filmfann's avatar

Our 2nd or 3rd date, she came over to my apartment and watched a movie with me.
At the end of “The Road Warrior”, she was jumping out of her seat, screaming “Yeah! Get’em!” She was really into it.

AshLeigh's avatar

I knew I could like him within the first few days of knowing him, but I had a boyfriend.
I liked him for about six months before I actually broke up with my boyfriend. I still feel kind of bad about how it all happened, but I’m happy with him.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

I had a friend who gave me my future guys number and said I should call him because he thought we were perfect for each other. I never called.

One day I decided to call my friend and all of a sudden my friend says “hold on” & I’m talking to some guy who had the sexiest voice I’d ever heard.

A few days later my phone rang….“hello”? “Hi”..I instantly hear it and think HOLLEE CRAP IT’S THE SEXY VOICE and I hung up the phone because I guess I freaked out. And then I thought ”REALLY! What if that was him and he never calls back now!”

But then the phone rang about 10 minutes later, and when we did start talking we talked a lot when he wasn’t working. He was a paramedic so he worked a lot.

He would tell me that in his younger years he was a high school football player who was given a chance to try out for the Toronto Argonauts, I still have the letter here, but he would turn it down because he decided that the path to injury just wasn’t his path after various injuries of his own from just regular high school football, so he decided to be a healer of sorts and first he was thinking about sports massage therapy but ended up becoming a paramedic after the sound of the Ornge helicopter engine called to him, since he always did have a passion for adventure and flying, he also had taken on the passion for drumming in any spare moment he had thanks to the drilling of cadets.

Funny thing is is that we didn’t even actually meet until about 2 months after we started talking. It was purely a phone relationship and we trusted each other for some reason. Since he was a skilled drummer sometimes he would woo me with his drumming over the phone and I’d always tease him that he wasn’t really playing and that it must of been a recording because it was just too good. Lol. He would tell me “I did win a world drumming championship you know and maybe if you didn’t hang up on me in the beginning you would of known that about 20 minutes before right now and maybe we would have met and be married already too. :P” “OK! I’m sorry I hung up, but now you have to do both” I’d say. And he did.

I still have his snare drum but I sold the expensive electronic Roland drum set to a good friend of his.

When we met the sparks were already there. The sparks lasted from the moment he took my breath away until the moment I had to make the choice to turn off his life support and take his final breathe away. Then the sparks ignited a fire which burned a big gaping wounded hole in my heart and soul and band aids don’t fix that. But the revolution comes when you notice that something you say now produces a smile and a faint laugh where a month ago it would of produced a stream of tears and a slight whimper. We had many years of happiness which seems like a blip on a radar, that part is the saddest part to me.

♡This October would be our 10 year anniversary.♡

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