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josie's avatar

Isn't it about time that somebody passed a law making it illegal to make fun of President Obama?

Asked by josie (30934points) August 14th, 2013
52 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

This story…
has been getting some buzz.

Clearly, some of these clowns do not like the president and made serious mockery of him.

People have been making fun of presidents forever. Some of it in my memory has been pretty foul stuff.

But, apparently, this president is special.

So why not simply make it illegal to make fun of Barack Obama? Or at the very least, why not have the government publish guidelines about what you may or may not do to make fun of him.

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Mamradpivo's avatar


Sunny2's avatar

‘Twas ever thus. If you look at political cartoons of very early elections in he U.S. you find nasty depictions. We have freedom of speech and almost anything goes. We just have developed many more ways of communicating than they had back then. Politicians know; so do most citizens. It mostly points out the character of the attackers. Truth be damned; we have an election to win, by hook or by crook.

Jaxk's avatar

We’ll call it the Obama rule,

KNOWITALL's avatar

I guess I don’t see what it had to do with race though, did I miss that part of the article? “Like a Klan rally”, I’m just wondering how so unless it was because he’s black, so is that a special exception to jokes?

Blondesjon's avatar

You mean in the same way it was illegal to satirize Stalin and Hitler?

tom_g's avatar

I know I shouldn’t bother, but I have to ask…

I know what you’re up to here. But let me ask you to provide the video of this happening at the Missouri State Fair during other administrations. I mean, your point is that there is something particularly different about the way Obama is being treated. There’s something “special” about him. So, where’s the video from 2007’s Missouri State Fair? It might have happened. I would just like to compare the reactions

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Um, ‘cause freedom of speech.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tom_g Nah, we liked old Bush, funny guy.

tom_g's avatar

@KNOWITALL – But that really destroys @josie‘s whole rant question.

@josie: “But, apparently, this president is special.”

He hasn’t demonstrated that. He’s simply shown some people feel that the taxpayer-funded fair shouldn’t be used for political purposes, right?

tinyfaery's avatar

You are the only one talking about a law. If it’s that important to you, write your government reps.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No!!! Because bt extension, we couldn’t make fun of any future presidents. I had a wonderful time making fun of the Bushies and Ronnie Reagan. Making fun of politicians, it’s the American way.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Awww Josie, you know just as well as I do that you can make fun of a white president all day long, but if you make fun of our black president, you’re quite obviously a racist! Because let’s face it, if you hate Obama and mock him, it’s not because he’s a lying, incompetent douchebag, it’s only because of what color he is.~

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tom_g I’m pretty sure the Q was tongue-in-cheek, she must be a ‘publican…lol

tom_g's avatar

@KNOWITALL – Yep. I know what he’s up to. It’s too bad his “white people are victims” shit can’t come in the form of a coherent question or argument though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tom_g I think it’s the opposite actually. Making fun of any President, in a non-racist way, should never be compared to a Klan rally, that’s just ignorant and dminishes those who have suffered at the hands of those kind of racists.

I bet even a few Dems laughed, because a lot of them are not happy with the Patriot Act renewal, etc…

elbanditoroso's avatar

Can anyone give me a hard-and-fast, legally defensible definition, of what “making fun” means?

tom_g's avatar

You’re not understanding where he’s coming from – or me.

I am all for mockery. I am all for people taking someone dressed like Obama and shitting all over his face. I have no problem with that – other than the fact that it’s not a very thoughtful criticism.

I’m specifically referring to him bringing up this state fair thing and using it as the example to show that Obama is different. In order for him to do this, he would have had to at least have provided an example of how the Missouri State Fair did the same thing to Bush – and nobody complained. That didn’t happen, right?

So, what is @josie getting at here? He’s saying that the fair is just another example of some kind of double-standard. If he wants, he could demonstrate that. And he might actually have a case. But the case has not been made – not even a bit.

P.S. It’s no secret that Obama is not a very well-liked president. I am not a fan (or a Democrat). And I do not take any offense to any possible ridicule at all. I do take issue with weak, impotent rants posed as questions.

ucme's avatar

In England in Tudor times, (Henry 8 & all that shite) if anyone was heard criticising the royals they’d have their heads lobbed off in the bloody tower.
Now though, I can stand up & say in a loud & steady voice that the Queen is so old her pussy is haunted, without fear of losing my bonce…which is nice.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tom_g Point taken!

Considering Missouri’s history, which I’m sure may come up, we have traditionally not treated black’s well (Mo Compromise, Spfd Square lynchings), but in this case I don’t think anyone did anything wrong.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, we should pass such a law, because white folks like @josie need guidelines for what’s okay. Since we’re post racism, white folks don’t have to worry when they say or do racist things.

Notice the complaints are coming from the media, not the White House.

Blondesjon's avatar

Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot. – Abraham Simpson

It will be a cold day in hell before I recognize Missour-ah! – Abraham Simpson

matt groening knew it before any of us . . .

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blondesjon Most of us would be happy to accept

WestRiverrat's avatar

@tom_g I know Bush 41 was trampled in effigy at the Pennsylvania State Fair back in 94, so it wasn’t even a new idea. Nobody called for the clown to be fired then.

DominicX's avatar

I think it should be illegal to point out any black person’s faults.

That is what this is all about, right?

Mariah's avatar

I mean….it’s one thing to say it’s offensive and disapprove of it, it’s another thing to trample on freedom of speech. What point are you trying to make?

josie's avatar

In that regard, I envy you. It is slowly getting to the point that US Americans can’t do that.

ucme's avatar

@josie Yeah, it shows, with religion too.
For the record, I think Obama’s pretty cool, for a politician, he’s shit at golf though.

bea2345's avatar

@josie – To your question my reply is, Certainly not; as long as criticism includes material like this.

bea2345's avatar

Sorry. This is what I meant.

snowberry's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate That one says it all, and eloquently, too!

DominicX's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Exactly. People cannot have it both ways. Either both are acceptable or none are acceptable.

bunnyslippers's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate after seeing that I’m a little annoyed, I don’t know the guy, maybe he is the grand wizard himself but seen in context I think it’s absurd that this is such a big deal. With that said I think people jump on bandwagons and too often take things too far without actually having a clue when it comes to making fun of politicians.

And I mean any politician black, white, brown, yellow or red.. I think that covers the spectrum.

Pandora's avatar

Should it be banned, no. But should state funded family events be allowed to give political views. No. I don’t remember a lot of jokes about Bush being a fat white rich bastard honky. Or have his nationality called into question. Nope. Wouldn’t even have been considered funny, even though I really didn’t like him. And even though I didn’t like him, I wouldn’t have gone on the air to ridicule or slander him and the office he sat in. Do I have freedom of expression. Sure. Should I use it to degrade my president to the world. NO! It just makes us look stupid and whiny and just convinces the rest of the world that freedom of speech may be over rated. But most of all it makes us look small because race is often used in these comments and it convinces the world that the United States is hardly united with such deep racism running wild through our country.
My parents taught me one thing. What happens in our home, stays in our home.

If people think us weak, it is an easy to come in and stir up some trouble and have us self destruct.

You can’t start a bonfire in a wooden basement and think nothing bad will ever happen.
Before Obama’s term is over we will have set the basement on fire. And for what. Because of his politics, or because of his skin color. I believe most know the answer to that. If a white president had made the same proposals, people would’ve been upset but most would’ve respected his choices.

Katniss's avatar

Make it illegal to make fun of Obama? lol
That’s funny.
I’m a firm believer in freedom of speech.
I’m surprised that hasn’t been taken away from us.

rojo's avatar

To put it bluntly; Fuck no.

If you cannot make fun of the prez then you can pretty well bet the end of the United States is near.

jerv's avatar

You cannot legislate poor taste.

However, using taxpayer money to turn what is supposed to be a politically neutral event into a soapbox with inflammatory actions is justification for dismissal, so peopel should just accept the difference between “legal” and “acceptable”.

rojo's avatar

@Katniss Yet.

that will happen with the next president regardless of party.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Liked the imagine, but the comments below are just…wow… thought I was on YouTube for a moment there…

Katniss's avatar

@rojo Sadly, you’re probably right.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@uberbatman I know, some people are disgusting racists.

Jaxk's avatar

Let’s see, the rodeo clown has been banned from the rodeo for LIFE. That alone seems way over the top, we don’t do that for convicted felons. In addition the president of the cowboy association has resigned. Now the NAACP is calling for a full Justice Dept. investigation and an investigation by the Secret Service. Are we out of control here? It’s a rodeo clown for god’s sake. That’s what they do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jaxk My feelings exactly, geesh. They going to bust Saturday Night live for doing a skit or impression that isn’t favorable? Wayyyyy over the top.

Jaxk's avatar


It’s a message. The next guy that wants to make fun of Obama will have to think twice. That’s the goal and it apparently is working.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jaxk I’m holding all my jokes for Hillary’s 2016

GoldieAV16's avatar

The clown has not been banned from the rodeo for life. He is free to perform at rodeos all over the country, and is currently fielding at least one offer from a GOP district by express invitation of their elected representative.

He has been banned from the Missouri State Fair. That fair is supposed to represent the best that Missouri has to offer not just to the nation but to the world. They are certainly within their rights to decide what type of performances that should include, and they decided that this was not.

Jaxk's avatar

Let’s see, we’re still paying Major Hisan after killing 13 people, we’re still paying Lois Lerner after pleading the fifth, we’re still paying Bob Filner for groping women in San diego, but we draw the line at a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask. I guess that proves we’ll only go so far but if you cross that line, you’re through. Kinda makes me proud to be an American.

GoldieAV16's avatar

Yes! Why don’t we afford all the same legal rights and process to every contractual seasonal and part time employee that we afford to full time employees.

That will fix things.

rojo's avatar

@Jaxk Are we out of control here? It’s a rodeo clown for god’s sake. That’s what they do.

You and I don’t always see things eye to eye but when you are right, you are right.

Jaxk's avatar


Apparently, miracles are possible :-)

rojo's avatar

Wasn’t there a similar incident with George the First (Senior Bush)? Don’t recall such outrage then but I was a lot younger and spent less time listening to my elders.

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