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flip86's avatar

Would you say the microwave oven is the greatest modern invention?

Asked by flip86 (6213points) August 17th, 2013
49 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

All modern technology could disappear tomorrow and the thing I’d miss most is the microwave.

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marinelife's avatar

No, I would not. I don’t like it at all.

It makes meat tough.

It is bad for breads.

bob_'s avatar

No, the internet is. Try to download girl-on-girl porn from the microwave.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I respectfully disagree. I think toilet paper and internet porn are the greatest

janbb's avatar

Air conditioning is pretty high on my list.

ucme's avatar

Mobile/cell phone.

ragingloli's avatar

No. There are many inventions that are far greater than the microwave oven.
The computer, the Internet, electricity, Radio, Television.

Kropotkin's avatar

Never owned a microwave oven and will never. Good healthy food is cooked properly from fresh ingredients. Microwave ovens have only facilitated the proliferation of unhealthy processed convenience foods. I’d argue that it’s one of the worst modern inventions.

gailcalled's avatar

Eye glasses
Anti-tick meds for cats and dogs
Hearing aids
Joint replacement
Google translations

flip86's avatar

Ok, so maybe it isn’t the greatest invention. Of course it isn’t. I still say it’s better than the cell phone.

zenvelo's avatar

I haven’t had a microwave in 8 years. The only time I have missed it was when the kids wanted popcorn. And microwave popcorn is bad for you, so I really haven’t missed it at all.

Not only have I not missed it, I am glad I don’t have one. It’s a modern way of ruining perfectly good food.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

But you can’t take your microwave to the bathroom with you

livelaughlove21's avatar

No, because you really don’t need a microwave to cook anything. You could cook the same food in the oven or on the stove; it would just take longer.

I think A/C, the Internet, and cell phones all beat the microwave.

This reminds me of an Ellen Degeneres joke. “I blame the microwave for most of our problems. Anything that gets that hot without fire, that’s from the devil. You don’t believe me? Put a hot pocket in there for three or four minutes, pop that thing in your mouth – if that’s not hell, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know what is.”

Coloma's avatar

I’d say the internet.
Saw ” Jobs” yesterday….thanks Steve for kicking off the greatest wave of technology ever!

filmfann's avatar

The microwave is not the greatest invention ever. It’s glory is built on the Hot Pocket.
The Internet is a much greater invention. It essentially gives an endless library, a movie theater, and a social hall in every home. Plus, the porn.

Headhurts's avatar

No. I hate microwaves. They are pointless.

ragingloli's avatar

I have not used mine in years.

Sunny2's avatar

The microwave oven is way down the list of great modern inventions. I suspect there are inventions in the works, that the public doesn’t even know about yet. that will knock our socks off.

jonsblond's avatar

Another vote for air conditioning. I’m miserable if the temperature reaches above 80 F in my house.

Silence04's avatar

Sure is a lot of mircrowave hate, but it sounds like its due to not understanding how a microwave should be used.

It’s main function is to first heat up water molecules. Which is why it tends to be terrible at reheating regular food, and that’s probably where the misconception comes from. However it is far superior at things like thawing meat, making caramel, simplified sugar, clarified butter, steaming food or anything else that contains a lot of ice/water.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@jonsblond Ha! I’m miserable above 73. 70 at night.

filmfann's avatar

@ragingloli Haven’t been able to catch any of the neighbors cats since then?

jonsblond's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I grew up in Las Vegas, you would think I could handle the heat. It’s the humidity that kills me. It makes me so tired and sluggish!

ragingloli's avatar

I do not eat cats. I only have sex with them.

Pachy's avatar

The TV remote ranks pretty high on my list.

cazzie's avatar

I use the microwave to thaw out frozen things for cooking. Also, it warms up my coffee.

Not the greatest invention. I could do without it, but I couldn’t do without the computer and internet.

YARNLADY's avatar

I use my microwave for the majority of my cooking. I do not believe it is the greatest invention, but when used properly, it is certainly a time saver.

bunnyslippers's avatar

Yes without a doubt it is the greatest invention ever,

I do wish it could make juice though…

jca's avatar

I don’t have a microwave. I try not to use them unless absolutely necessary (like maybe at work). Someone gave me one about two Christmases ago and I gave it back.

For me, the most necessary invention, other then the auto, is eye glasses. Gail made a good point with anesthesia, also.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Rarebear's avatar

No. Saran Wrap.

and now that I write that I wonder if anybody else is old enough to get that joke

filmfann's avatar

A friend of mine’s father invented the chemical that makes clothes not require ironing.
That was pretty cool.

johnpowell's avatar

Keeping food cool is way more important than getting it hot.

gailcalled's avatar

I have lived, happily, in the NE with all its seasons for 27 years with no A/C.

filmfann's avatar

@gailcalled I think @johnpowell is referring to refrigerators and freezers.

filmfann's avatar

That said, indoor plumbing is pretty cool.

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled That’s crazy talk. I think the heat is getting to you. :)

gailcalled's avatar

@filmfann: I wasn’t referring to him specifically (I would have used the @ to indicate that) but to the others who mentioned it as one of the top contenders.

I should point out that I have a basement family room that is below ground in part (house is built on a hill); the temp. is always delightfully cool down there no matter how steamy elsewhere.

At night I use a large standing fan that blows a nice cool breeze over me. Milo, who is used to having his way, finds that really annoying and ends up spending the night on the floor.

OneBadApple's avatar

Interesting (and no big surprise) that a question like this would even be asked.

A few years ago we met a dozen other family members in the Bahamas for a week of drinking, gambling, and lying on one of those incredible beaches. The first night there, we’re at a restaurant, and before our orders are even served the conversation turns to “Where are we going to eat tomorrow night ?”

Recently on Fluther, someone asked “Why does everything always have to be about sex ?”

It doesn’t. So let me ask:

Why does everything always have to be about food…??

Paradox25's avatar

No, in fact I’ve never owned a microwave. I love cooking decent food on a range, grill, rotissary oven and pressure cooker. The air conditioner would be the one thing that I would miss the most if it were to go. I like videos games too so I’d probably be bummed out without them as well.

jca's avatar

When I’m home, I can live without an AC, but I find that AC is almost a necessity in the car. Being in a hot metal box in the hot sun would be no fun and would be unbearable without AC. I remember when I was little, the car had the little fly windows in the front, which did nothing but blow hot air into the car.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flutherother's avatar

1. Internet
2. Microwave
3. Toaster
4. Sliced bread

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

How about:

—Analgesics and other painkillers
—Anesthesia, either local or general, for modern surgery and dentistry
—Indoor plumbing
—Potable water
—Sanitation and sewage systems
—All modern forms of transportation, including food shipments
—Toilet paper (it may sound mandane, but can you imagine life without it?)

gailcalled's avatar

Replacing toilet paper with leaves, washable fabric, or the local cat tails would not be so onerous, or using water and the correct hand, as is the case in many countries still.

bob_'s avatar


gailcalled's avatar

No rural hygiene still in the outlying areas in your homeland?@bob_

gailcalled's avatar

^^Check out the history of feminine hygiene products before the introduction of sanitary napkins, if you want to see creativity. Don’t start with Venezuala, I guess.

bob_'s avatar

Yeah, I think I’m gonna pass on that one.

filmfann's avatar

What about the three seashells ?

I have a friend who redid her bathroom, and has three seashells in tile as a decoration.

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