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josie's avatar

Is Vladimir Putin sort of enjoying that he has the US President by the balls? Is that a good thing?

Asked by josie (30934points) September 12th, 2013
26 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Anybody can say what they want, Obama bent over for Vlad to save face. And Putin knows it. His OP ED in the New York Times, of all places, has gotten some attention. He clearly is relishing this moment of having put a US president on the defensive.

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elbanditoroso's avatar

I am sure that Putin is enjoying it.

But let’s be honest about this – the Republicans in Congress have done everything in their power to weaken and disparage Obama for 5 years, so Putin is taking advantage of a situation that the Republicans created.

In fact, if I were a conspiracy theory buff, I would posit that Putin and the Republicans were in cahoots. Buddies, working together. Sort of takes the polish off the so called patriotic republicans…

josie's avatar

Of course. A great Fluther answer. In fact, here is your Fluther GA.

Pachy's avatar

So much cynicism. Can we not enjoy the very real possibility that diplomacy may avert another U.S. cowboy war in the Middle East—no matter whose idea it is and how difficult and risk-laden it will be?

ETpro's avatar

@augustlan You beat me to it. It’s 2012. The problem is obviously Obama. He won’t use military force in Syria. Oh wait, now it’s 2013. The problem is obviously Obama. He wants to use military force in Syria. Now it’s 2013 and after the G20 meeting. The problem is obviously Obama. We may not need to use the military force the Republicans wanted to use till Obama agreed, then didn’t want to use because Obama was for it. @josie How the heck do you figure out what to hate this week?

glacial's avatar

Sorry, @josie. @elbanditoroso is right on the money. And yes, Putin is enjoying it.

woodcutter's avatar

Its only being mentioned because of his “line in the sand” remark. Whether if it’s his line or the world at large, he brought it up. and as a leader of a superpower he should have put that comment in with the other things he probably shouldn’t have said. he still owns it. Now he has to look like back peddler. Bush did shit like this.

ETpro's avatar

@woodcutter And nobody would ever criticize a president for refusing to say anything of substance in reply to a question like, “What might push you to use military force in Syria?” That is the question, during the 2012 election debates, that drew the “red line” response.

ucme's avatar

It’s alleged that Putin has an Obama lookalikey dressed in full gimp suit in a cellar beneath the Kremlin, “playtime” will feel so much better for the next few nights.

gondwanalon's avatar

Obama doesn’t have any balls for Putin to enjoy. HA!

ragingloli's avatar

Of course it is a good thing. The Great Satan must be put in its place.

The situation surrounding it is also quite typical.
Assad has agreed to join the chemical weapons convention. You would think the Great Satan would be happy with that.
But you would be forgetting that the Great Satan craves war.
So they are not happy with that, and say, “no, you must start with the destruction of your chemical weapons now, and not within the 30 day time frame afforded to you by international law.” You know why they say that? Because they want to pressure Assad into giving a big fuck you to the Great Satan, to have an excuse for war.
Of course the rebels are not happy about that either, because their little false flag gas attack failed to get the result they wanted.

woodcutter's avatar

@ETpro With the known oratory skills this man has don’t you think he could have done the line in the sand thing in a way that would have prevented him from eating crow down the road? If you are running for the position of “community organizer in chief” you have some slack to prattle. Gunning for the most powerful position on the planet…not so much.

ragingloli's avatar

Still better than deliberatly lying about Iraqs nonexistant WMDs.

woodcutter's avatar

@ragingloliStill better than deliberatly lying about Iraqs nonexistant WMDs.


Jaxk's avatar

I’ll start by saying, No it is not a good thing. Let’s look how we got here. Obama draws a Redline saying that Syria can’t use chemical weapons without consequences. Syria uses Chemical weapons and Obama says he needs more proof. Then the pictures come out showing people foaming at the mouth. Obama trys for a UN sanction which Russia and China Block. No surprise there, they block everything we propose. Obama says he’ll attack anyway and trys to get international support. Complete failure as no one will go with us (France may send a few crousants). Meanwhile public opinion turns overwhelmingly against him. In a panic he decides to go to congress to get some support. Bipartisan opposition makes this route unlikely. At this point his ass is hanging out a mile and he is facing the very real possibility that his only response will be to unfriend Assad on facebook. Kerry goes off script and says Syria could avoid this by giving up their Chemical weapons. The state dept. immediately says this was not a serious proposal. Putin decides that he can get mileage out this by poking Obama in the eye and making russia the good guys while making the USA the bad guys. Of course he does that. Obama now is humiliated and still trying to find some semblance of self respect so Putin takes another shot in the NY Times. Unfortunately Obama is dragging us all down this stinkhole with him.

The part I find most amusing is the liberals once again trying to blame this on Republicans. After a crushing defeat, a truly humiliating blunder, I suppose it’s only natural to look for some else to blame. Anything is better than admiting incompetence.

ragingloli's avatar

Why do you think no one wants to play war with the Great Satan anymore?
Because we still remember Iraq, and the lies that the Great Satan told to get people riled up to join.

woodcutter's avatar

We all are eating crow right now, not just Obama. He clearly wasn’t thinking ahead when he went down that road. Just because Bush did dumb things does not excuse this. He’s supposed to better…right?

Personally at this point in his presidency I really think he’s wanting a “wag the dog” situation for the wonderful distraction they provide. We’ve all seen this before…yawn.

Jaxk's avatar


If that’s what you believe, doesn’t it make sense that Obama should have known that. Maybe given it a little consideration before blustering about war with Syria. There is no scenario where Obama doesn’t come across as incompetent nor a scenario where Putin doesn’t come across as the Puppet Master.

ragingloli's avatar

At this point Obama has more than demonstrated that he is nothing more than a continuation of the Bush regime in all its facets.

gondwanalon's avatar

Putin may not enjoy playing too much with Obama’s gonads. After all Obama is like a monkey with a hand grenade.

gondwanalon's avatar

@woodcutter HA! That is fantastic! I love it!

mattbrowne's avatar

Mid-term Putin is a fool. The free civilized world is more and more disgusted by Putins arrogance. He will have to pay for this.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@mattbrowne – that sounds a lot more like spin, and wishful thinking, than reality.

ETpro's avatar

@elbanditoroso I think @mattbrowne is exactly right. Look back through recent history. How many corrupt, egomaniacal tyrants have enjoyed a long and peaceful reign, dying as heroes of their people?

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