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tups's avatar

Do you know anybody who doesn't passionately love good food?

Asked by tups (6732points) October 4th, 2013
46 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

We are not talking about people with eating disorders.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh yeah, let me introduce you to my family. They go to a resort town and eat at Olive Garden.

Headhurts's avatar

Me, years ago. I was such a fussy eater. Love food now, I have missed out on so much good food.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Never been a problem for me. When I went to college my family took me to a nice restaurant. I couldn’t decide between two entrees, so I had both of them. Maybe I’m adopted.

Coloma's avatar

I know a few that hate sweets. WTF! lol
I am a hedonist at heart, it takes monumental effort for me to keep a decent figure and I have been failing for awhile now. haha
Last night I made the most delicious BBQ chicken breasts, fresh squash, a great marinated salad and stopped by a local pub and eatery to bring home their fresh baked bread with loads of real butter. OMG..I ate like 5 pieces of bread and butter last night, oh and…are you ready for dessert?

Hot outta the oven fresh blueberry pie. No way am I stepping on the scale this week.

zenvelo's avatar

My kids. They are very picky and reluctant to try anything new.

And I had a boss, great guy, but he wasn’t interetsed in eating all that often, and had to remind himself to eat lunch. When he visited (he was in the home office) we’d try to get him to have a burrito from our favorite place, or some Hunan food from a world famous place in San Francisco. He was polite, but it was definitely not high on his radar.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes, my boyfriend. He sees food purely as something he needs in order to stay alive and, whilst he does have certain foods that he enjoys more than others, he is really not that interested in eating.

ragingloli's avatar

People who eat at Macdumb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Only when I’m really hungry. I don’t care how awesome a meal may be, if I’m not hungry I’m not interested. I won’t eat it just because it’s in front of me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ha ha! And right now I’m really hungry because I skipped breakfast because it’s Have Lunch With Grandparents day at my grandkid’s school! I have a feeling the meal won’t fall under the “Great food” heading, but I’ll eat it ‘cuz I’m starving.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Who dreamed up that one to punish grandparents? Seriously, cafeteria food?

Coloma's avatar

Noticing my stash of Starbursts and spicey asian rice cracker mix in my desk now, hmmm…breakfast of champions. I wonder what starburst flavor paring I should start with. Maybe lemon to compliment the wasabi dried peas. lolol

Dutchess_III's avatar

They punish teachers the same way @Adirondackwannabe! It’s just about being with the kids. The food is secondary.

ragingloli's avatar

they should rename it to “let your grandparents lecture the school cooks on how to make food”

Dutchess_III's avatar

They don’t have any choice @ragingloli. It’s nutritional and that’s all that matters.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe they just do it to test how much they love the grandkids.

downtide's avatar

My father. He only likes ordinary, predictable home cooking. My mother’s creativity in the kitchen is stifled by his tastes, which I think is really sad.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve been waiting for you to find this. :)

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, I know plenty of them. They’re mostly picky eaters who already know they don’t like this, that or the other, or they’re simply foodophobic and are unwilling to try anything that is new to them.

My best friend and I are adventurous vegetarians, but 2 of our other friends will hardly ever venture beyond chicken nuggets and hamburgers. So you can imagine what it’s like to plan an event where we are going to eat at a restaurant. Hence I’ve eaten many iceberg lettuce salads with mealy pink tomatoes and stale croutons, just to keep the harmony.

One time we were all on vacation together, in Las Vegas. The 2 friends agreed that they would go to a vegetarian Indian restaurant with us. So we drove over to this place, which was pretty far off the strip, so it was about 2 miles from our hotel. So we parked, got out of the car, started to walk towards the door, when the 2 of them panicked. There was a deli next door, so one of them comes up and whispers to my best friend, they couldn’t even dare to speak this out loud, that they were going to eat at the deli and meet up with us afterwards. My best friend and I enjoyed some of the best dosas, served with coconut chutney that I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. The other women will never taste such joy.

My sister in law is very picky. She won’t eat mushrooms, onions or tomatoes, or anything that is deemed vegetarian. Her folks, who we had for Thanksgiving a few years back will not eat anything that strays from strict traditional Thanksgiving food. That was a bummer, because my mom and I wanted to try out some new recipes, that got shot down immediately. My father has grown more and more picky and limited in what he will eat since his heart surgery. We rarely eat together, because my Mom and I eat a lot of very healthy and slightly exotic foods that Dad won’t touch with a ten foot pole.

Almost everyone around me, except for my S/O, my best friend and my brother, will not eat spicy food. Sigh…

If anybody is interested these are some of the Thanksgiving recipes that we wanted to try.

Homemade Caramelized Onion Dip

Roasted Chickpeas

Arugula Salad with Candied Pecans Sweet Potato and Feta Cheese with Orange Dressing

Brussels Sprouts Gratin

Fruit and Toasted Almond Stuffing

Parsnip Puree

Cranberry Orange Chutney

Roasted Garlic Potatoes

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Maple Pumpkin Pots de Crème

Sunny2's avatar

The problem that arises is what a person considers to be good food. I have friends who consider plain, mild food as good food and will not ever try something new. They won’t even taste some of the exotic (to them) food I order. They don’t know what they’re missing nor do they care. I’m sorry for them. Of course their choice may be good. I can agree to that, but I want more than an everyday menu..

tups's avatar

@Sunny2 Exactly.

I think by question might have been misunderstood by some. Good food, of course, is subjective and relative. Just because you are a picky eater who only eats simple food, you might consider this good food and feel passionately for this. I think @Leanne1986 got my intention of the question.

But thank you for the answers anyways!

Dutchess_III's avatar

They served large bread sticks with cheese inside. Green beans. Strawberries and mangos covered in some red syrup. Also leaves. Spinach leaves. Just spinach leaves. I felt like a goat, although it was all extremely healthy.

They gave each kid two breadsticks, which was good because they wouldn’t touch the rest of the healthy stuff with a 10 foot pole!

I ate my breadsticks and my green beans. I kept asking my kids if they wanted one of my leaves. They said no. I said, “Just pretend you’re a cow!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here. Have some lunch. And BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!

YARNLADY's avatar

First my father, mow my husband and my son have absolutely no sense of taste what so ever when it comes to food.

AshLeigh's avatar

I plan to be a fatty after I start getting old. I love food, and fat old people are so cute.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh Don’t be a fatty. I can tell you the fatty’s don’t look cute.

livelaughlove21's avatar

At that age, who cares if you’re cute? Be happy for the rest of the time you have!

I love food. I’m a picky eater when it comes to veggies and the texture of certain things bothers me, but there are plenty of foods I love and I can put it away. I can eat all day long if I let myself. That’s why I have to work so hard to stay at a healthy weight.

Over the past 2 days, I’ve eaten an entire bag of Kisses and I lost count of how many cookies I ate. I have a lot to make up for next week but, hey, it’s the weekend! Might as well enjoy it.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah, I’m still gonna become a fatty.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh No lady. I’ve spent a lot of time in orthopeditics and imaging places lately, because I’m a klutz. There’s fat people in there cause they’re fat. You want to pick your poison?

AshLeigh's avatar

Skinny old people look all skeletal and scary. I just want to be a chubby old person. It’ll be fine. XD

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I give you Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Gina Gershon, and Roseanne. Who doesn’t fit?

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Roseanne. Ick! Nothing classy about her fat ass. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

@AshLeigh It’s not an either-or situation. You don’t have to be uber skinny or uber fat when you get older. I’m 55, 5’7”, weigh 145, 15 to 20 pounds more than I did when I was “young.” If I still weighed 130, I don’t think I’d look good anymore because I don’t have the muscle definition I used to have, so I’m happy with my weight.

I’d be really unhappy if I weighed 200 pounds. Nobody, I mean NO body, likes the feeling of body fat jiggling when they walk. NO body looks “cute” when they’re fat.

Nobody wants to look crappy, no matter how old they are.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’d consider 145 lbs at 5’7” to be skinny. I only weigh 5 lbs less than that and I’m 2 inches shorter – at 23 years old. I have to basically starve myself to get under 135 lbs. I’d be psyched to be 145 lbs at 55. Ain’t gonna happen…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t feel skinny! Of course, as I said, I was always between 120 and 130 when I was younger. Hell, when I gave birth to my first baby I weighed 145! Anyway….

Oh yeah! Rick and I stopped at a Golden Corral yesterday in Wichita. MAN they had some good food!!! It’s the kind of place that you want to go to for breakfast, then hang around all day and wait for lunch, then wait for dinner. “YOU EAT! YOU GO HOME NOW!”

snowberry's avatar

I have very little sense of taste. “Really Good Food” is often lost on me. sigh. **

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^That sux.

snowberry's avatar

Yes, it kind of does. It’s also difficult to cook, because I can’t smell if meat has gone bad. Makes turning vegetarian sound like a really good idea…At least I can tell if vegetables aren’t fresh.

AshLeigh's avatar

^ I might cry.

Coloma's avatar

I am lovingly tending to my amazing, not quite ripe, awesome, giant Avocado right now.
I just took it out to sit in the sun with me on the deck rail for an hour at lunch time. Gently turning it so it gets full sun exposure on all sides. I have great plans for this Avocado in another day or two. It shall die a noble death stuffed with shrimp.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um, I’m tending to cottage cheese. Is that considered great food?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III Only if you crunch up some Doritos in there.

…or maybe I’m just a freak. That’s some good shit, either way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ew! Doritoes? Ew. I dislike conflicting textures. Somebody tried to feed me cottage cheese in jello once. Ew. What in the HELL were they thinking?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III Cottage cheese with jello is gross. Adding the chips may sound nasty, and probably would be if you dislike Doritos, but there’s something about the execution of that snack that just works. I can’t eat cottage cheese solo, because of the texture.

I also put chips on sandwiches. Just crunch some ruffles or Doritos and stick it right between the cheese and the bread. Yum!

Those are the only two odd things I do with food. I’m not one of those peanut butter and pickle eaters.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Damn the peanut butter pickle eaters! But the rest of us are ok. :)

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III When I was a little kid my Mom would take my brother and me to this wonderful cafeteria that was near the doctor’s office where my brother had to get allergy shots, every few months. It was always a thrill and a treat to go there. It had those nifty railings where you’d push your tray along until you got up to the cash register. I would always get a parfait glass with cubed green jello, and a tiny bowl of cottage cheese with a maraschino cherry on top of the mound, and a small carton of chocolate milk. Still, to this day, I think that is one of the most wonderful meals I’ve ever had. They also had a baked macaroni and cheese that I have yet to be able to replicate. I’m having a food induced memory/sensory moment right now. The cafeteria always had the wonderful scents of baked ham and mashed potatoes and gravy. I can still smell it right now and it puts me in a wonderful mood.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Kardamom I remember the magic of those criteria rails and all the food! So much food! And you got to pick whatever you wanted!

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