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illusionslies's avatar

Why would a Harvard graduate, M.D. pursue a 18 year old girl?

Asked by illusionslies (586points) November 6th, 2013
37 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

A well known M.D., 50 something, why would he want a 18 year old female around him, and would try to convince her to be ‘his girl’?

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AshlynM's avatar

Not sure but maybe being with younger girls makes this guy feel younger himself, like he still has it. Other than that I honestly don’t know why there would be such an age gap.

gailcalled's avatar

@illusionslies: Is this a fantasy question or do you have a specific man in mind? If so, you need to provide data.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Manther alert.

Because he’s a creeper. His education has nothing to do with it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is there a citation to a fact here? Or is this just a purely hypothetical question. Facts matter. We obviously don’t have the facts that you do.

gorillapaws's avatar

Men are genetically hard wired to respond to young women who can bear and raise many children for us. Women are genetically hard wired to be attracted to the “alpha male” of the tribe who can provide security and resources for their offspring. Most of us grow past our “programming” and realize that being > 2x a girlfriend’s age is pathetic, and when she’s within a few months of being in the statutory rape territory, this is especially creepy.

The short answer, is that this M.D. lacks the maturity to rationalize past his sexual hardwiring. He may also mark his territory by peeing on trees, and prefers his steaks rare.

JLeslie's avatar

Because he is disgusting? 18 is so incredibly young to a 50 year old. Not only how the 18 year old looks, but life experience is so vastly different. I guess if it is just a sex thing, or a control thing I can see it happening, but I find it disappointing if it did actually happen.

gailcalled's avatar

We are still dealing in speculation here. Who’s the guy? What’s the story? If he is well-known, shouldn’t this information be in the public arena, given how fast news travels?


ragingloli's avatar

Is she hot?
No, seriously dude, how hot is she?
A man’s instinctive physical criteria for a suitable mate do not change with age.
It is completely normal.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli And ego, don’t forget ego. Also, fear of mortality.

Seek's avatar

As a very well respected 90 year old man in my former church said when I caught him with his eyes on a scantily-clad, large-bosomed 19 year old:

“I’m old. I’m not dead”.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Given that the original poster has offered no facts, only argumentative blame to some nameless people, I have to conclude that this “episode” if indeed it really exists, is some perceived personal vendetta, and not based on anything else.

The bottom line to me is that two people of different ages can connect. Often not, but maybe so. Who am I to say? What’s worrisome to me (and remember we are not encumbered by any facts here) is that we have a dozen people saying how horrible this is, when we know absolutely NOTHING about any of the details. The answers so far are more about sanctimonious holier-than-thou-ism than anything concrete.

Finally, to restate the obvious, the young lady in question is 18 years old, which makes her old enough to make decisions for herself. If she doesn’t like the situation, she doesn’t participate. If she feels coerced, there are any number of paths that she can take.

We would all have been better served with facts instead of trolling innuendos.

Cupcake's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I saw a guy at work oogling a young lady from behind. A coworker started teasing him, “Hey So-And-So, I saw that. Ummm hmmm.” He replied, “Hey, there are blind men in the world. I’m just getting a look on their behalf.”

I don’t understand what having an MD from Harvard has to do with the question. Do you actually assume that an intelligent doctor doesn’t have any faults or fetishes?

It would bother me more if he were a pediatrician than if he went to Harvard (not that they are mutually exclusive).

Seek's avatar

^ Didn’t you know that smart people don’t have sex? They reproduce by mitosis.

Smitha's avatar

He is practically a child molester!! Gross!

Bill1939's avatar

We are every age we have ever been. Infantile, adolescent and other ages coexist in the centenarian. Assuming that the fifty-something-year-old is not afflicted with a psychological disorder and that the eighteen-year-old is not being coerced into a relationship, may their love bring them happiness; when she is fifty-something (or sooner, given his life expectancy) she will be free to find a new love (and it could be with an eighteen-year-old ).

ragingloli's avatar

The real problem would be, if the 18-year-old had the hots for that 50 year old, because then she would exhibit a massive disturbance in her ability to select mates by pursuing an individual that is no longer viable reproductive material.

Coloma's avatar

Intelligent people can still behave stupidly. That’s the simple truth of it all.
The world is full of educated people that cave to their obsessions, compulsions and fail to employ good decision making. It’s a myth that intelligent people cannot make stupid choices and mistakes.

Bill1939's avatar

Since when is a male over fifty no longer viable reproductive material? Furthermore, I posit that a male over fifty is more likely to be a better father than a man in his early twenties.

deni's avatar

Just cause he’s a Harvard grad, or a doctor, doesn’t mean he isn’t a weirdo or has some mental issue.

Perhaps she is very mature, and he’s a little kooky, and he just really likes her. I agree the age gap is a little crazy but it happens.

Eggie's avatar

Why would she be disturbed for liking a 50 year old. If she is 18 she is supposed to be legally of age. Also you guys dont like to be judged for who you are so why judge him for his age? If the girl was 15,16,17 ok he has a problem, but she is 18! He is successful I assume so he is trying his luck like any other man. Give the guy a break!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why is there this assumption that the 50 year old is a letch? Or that he’s acting stupidly? Talk about leaping to conclusions!!

Are you so closed minded that you dismiss the possibility of true affection?

The one thing that we have not heard – from anyone – is the reaction of the 18 year old. I think that’s a pretty important factor here.

Coloma's avatar

@elbanditoroso I think “true lust” would be a better statement. lol

Seriously, the age gap on an emotional and mental level is just too huge to breach IMO. Sorry, but, reproductive imperative aside, a 50 yr. old guy that would really entertain the idea of a relationship with an 18 yr. old is not in his right mind. He is in his right gonad.

livelaughlove21's avatar

“I posit that a male over fifty is more likely to be a better father than a man in his early twenties.”

Probably because he is a father, and perhaps even a grandfather. And he could easily be her father. I’m 23 an my dad hasn’t even hit 50 yet. Being with a 50-year-old man at 18 isn’t about love, it’s about that $$$. And, in return, he gets to tap that sweet young ass.

Bill1939's avatar

After my divorce ended twelve years of childless marriage when I was forty, my mother, bless her departed soul, encouraged me to find a woman half my age so her desire to be a grandmother might be fulfilled. Had an attractive and intelligent young lady came into my life, I likely would have made both women happy.

Granting that someone three times as old as his heart’s desire might be worse than being twice her age, it would not necessarily mean such a union was a bad thing. Lastly, @Coloma, most relationships begin at the instigation of libidos and, hopefully, grow into something of deeper significance.

Bill1939's avatar

@livelaughlove21, I agree that the motivations of our hypothetical eighteen-year-old and fifty-something are likely to arise from character and/or psychological defects. Still, unless I am that man (twenty-five years ago) who am I to judge either of them? ;-)

illusionslies's avatar

@gailcalled Hi gailcalled, how’re you?

I don’t think it matters to know who it is. But yeah, I heard this happen more than once, and one of the guys was a Harvard boy. I don’t know the details myself.

“blaming nameless people”, really? Why do you need names to answer, you probably don’t even know the guy or heard of him anyway, just because you are a curious human being doesn’t mean you need every single detail about a very broad subject: rich, old and well educated men pursuing much younger women and trying to impress them by all they have.

illusionslies's avatar

@Coloma I love your answer. One question though, is this a stupid choice?

Coloma's avatar

@Bill1939 True, however…the odds of an 18 year still wanting to be with the 50 yr. old when she is 35 and he is 67 or when she is a still, very young 45 and he is pushing 80…well, the odds are astronomically small. My ex sister-in-law married a guy 15 years older than her and by the time she was 45 and he was 60 with health issues, impotence issues, and she was in her prime, well….she opted out. The closer in age two people are the better the odds for a good match on all fronts.

@illusionslies Maybe not stupid, but certainly not very realistic.
By the time the 18 yr. old is 40 she is most likely not going to want to be soaking some old dudes dentures and having little more than soup and viagra on her menu. lol

illusionslies's avatar

@Coloma Lol. But why does it have to last that long? Isn’t life about moments, and good times?

Coloma's avatar

@illusionslies It doesn’t and it probably won’t anyway. lol

SecondHandStoke's avatar


The 18 year old is more likely to bear a healthy child that a 50 year old.

It’s a biological imperative.

Valerie111's avatar

Mid life crisis? Wants to feel younger.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^It won’t end up having that effect.

I dated an 19 year old in my late thirties.

It didn’t cause me to feel old but I certainly didn’t feel young.

Coloma's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Is correct, however….in this world now, with 9 billion humans, the biological imperative needs to be traded in for the birth control and evolving mind imperative. lol

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Evolving minds, agreed.

On that subject: The cliched male stereotypes in this thread,

Holy SHIT.

Neodarwinian's avatar

” Is she hot?
No, seriously dude, how hot is she?
A man’s instinctive physical criteria for a suitable mate do not change with age.
It is completely normal. ” (ragingloli )

The ultimate evolutionary driver is mate choice. As above, with both proximate and ultimate triggers included.

A few other have hit on this. Still, this being natural does not necessarily make it right. It may be common, or even love, but we do have enormous faculties at are disposal to control such behavior.

Coloma's avatar

@SecondHandStoke True. The daddy issues, gold digging young femme fatale and the pervey old grandpa…then again, like everything, there is a grain of truth to many stereotypes. Sometimes more than a grain, at least a few kilos. lol

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