The young mechanic from the blacksmith shop sat behind the wheel.
“This here is the ignition key. Turn this doohickey to the left. That puts her on battery – see where it says BATT? OK, now we ree-tard the spark, cuz if you don’t ree-tard the spark,she’ll probably kick your arm off. So, this lever here on the left of the steering column is the spark. Push her way up. Here that buzz sound? And this lever here on the right is the gas. Push her way down.”
He hopped out of the driver’s seat and walked to the front of the car. “Now, this here’s the crank. And this here stickin’ out of the grill just under the right headlamp is the choke. Now watch carefully. You grab hold of the crank like this and push in – she catches. Now—this part is important – You see how my thumb is turned down, out of the way? That’s cuz if you grab the crank with your thumb wrapped around her, why, she’d probably tear your thumb clear off. Got it? Next, you pull out this choke and turn her around to suck gas in. Then you give the crank a hard spin like this – And she caught! – FIRST TIME! (Tikka-tikka-tikka-tikka…)
He ran around and sat in the driver’s seat, again then reached down onto the steering column. “Increase the spark and ree-tard the gas. Reach over real quick and switch over to MAG – that’s magneto. And there you are, simple as pie!”
~How to start a brand spanking new, state of the art 1917 Ford Model T.